Zygisk là gì

Máy mình root bằng Magisk, đã dùng Magisk hide nhưng không dùng được VCB OTP app.

Máy mình root bằng Magisk, đã dùng Magisk hide nhưng không dùng được VCB OTP app.

Có bác nào biết cách pass nó không chỉ mình với. Mình cám ơn.


Hide magisk manager chưa bạn? Dùng magisk hide thì tích vào show system apps hide luôn mấy cái dính đến google đi.

M dùng magisk hide cho viettelpay, vinapay, viettinkbank ipay vẫn đc. Chắc b làm sai bước nào đó.

@Mark Thế chắc vcb nó code app tốt rồi ạ. Nó vẫn detect được.

@Mark Em flash rồi bác ạ. Không được.

Trước mình cũng bị vậy với Agribank app. Mình khắc phục bằng cách sử dụng phiên bản Magisk 18.1 và Magisk manager 7.3. Nhớ phải vào phần cài đặt ứng dụng, xoá bộ nhớ đệm [không xoá dữ liệu] của App ngân hàng đi. Bạn thử xem nhé.

Magisk v25.2

Maintenance release fixing various issues.

  • [MagiskInit] Fix a potential issue when stub cpio is used
  • [MagiskInit] Fix reboot to recovery when stub cpio is used
  • [MagiskInit] Fix sepolicy.rules symlink for rootfs devices
  • [General] Better data encryption detection
  • [General] Move the whole logging infrastructure into Rust

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v25.1

v25.1 fixes some minor bugs over v25.0. The following are the same as v25.0 release notes.

Another major release! A lot of the changes aren't visible at the surface, but v25 is actually a really substantial upgrade!

MagiskInit Rewrite

A significant portion of magiskinit [the critical software that runs before your device boots up] is completely rewritten from scratch. Ever since Android introduced Project Treble in Android 8.0, Magisk has been constantly fighting against the increasingly complex partitioning and early mount setups of all kinds of devices, sometimes with weird OEM specific implementations. It got to a point that magiskinit had become so complicated that few people [including myself!] were aware of every detail, and maintaining this piece of software like this was clearly not sustainable. After many months of planning [yes, this whole re-architecture has been in my head for a long time] and some help from external contributors, a whole new sepolicy injection mechanism is introduced into Magisk, solving the "SELinux Problem" once and for all.

Since this is a full paradigm shift on how Magisk hot-patch the device at boot, several behaviors that many developers implicitly relied on might not exist. For example, Magisk no longer patches fstabs in most scenarios, which means AVB will remain intact; some custom kernels rely on AVB being stripped out for them by Magisk.

MagiskSU Security Enhancements

The superuser functionality of Magisk has not seen much changes ever since its introduction. v25 focuses on making root permission management more accurate and secure:

  • Add a whole new package tracking system to ensure malicious UID reuse attack cannot be performed
  • Properly support and implement the UX in the Magisk app for packages using sharedUserId
  • Enforce root manager APK signature verification to combat the rampant unofficial Magisk app "mods"

Many might not realize, but using a trusted, unmodified Magisk app is really important. Magisk's root daemon treats the Magisk app differently and gives it blanket root access without any restrictions. A modded Magisk app can potentially backdoor your device.

And in case some of you are about to put on your tin foil hats, this is not designed to "vendor lock-in"; the goal is to make sure your root management app comes from the same developer of the underlying root implementation. Magisk's build system allows custom distributors to use its own signing keys, and in addition, I am also providing official debug builds which skips any signature verification for development.

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v25.0

Another major release! A lot of the changes aren't visible at the surface, but v25 is actually a really substantial upgrade!

MagiskInit Rewrite

A significant portion of magiskinit [the critical software that runs before your device boots up] is completely rewritten from scratch. Ever since Android introduced Project Treble in Android 8.0, Magisk has been constantly fighting against the increasingly complex partitioning and early mount setups of all kinds of devices, sometimes with weird OEM specific implementations. It got to a point that magiskinit had become so complicated that few people [including myself!] were aware of every detail, and maintaining this piece of software like this was clearly not sustainable. After many months of planning [yes, this whole re-architecture has been in my head for a long time] and some help from external contributors, a whole new sepolicy injection mechanism is introduced into Magisk, solving the "SELinux Problem" once and for all.

Since this is a full paradigm shift on how Magisk hot-patch the device at boot, several behaviors that many developers implicitly relied on might not exist. For example, Magisk no longer patches fstabs in most scenarios, which means AVB will remain intact; some custom kernels rely on AVB being stripped out for them by Magisk.

MagiskSU Security Enhancements

The superuser functionality of Magisk has not seen much changes ever since its introduction. v25 focuses on making root permission management more accurate and secure:

  • Add a whole new package tracking system to ensure malicious UID reuse attack cannot be performed
  • Properly support and implement the UX in the Magisk app for packages using sharedUserId
  • Enforce root manager APK signature verification to combat the rampant unofficial Magisk app "mods"

Many might not realize, but using a trusted, unmodified Magisk app is really important. Magisk's root daemon treats the Magisk app differently and gives it blanket root access without any restrictions. A modded Magisk app can potentially backdoor your device.

And in case some of you are about to put on your tin foil hats, this is not designed to "vendor lock-in"; the goal is to make sure your root management app comes from the same developer of the underlying root implementation. Magisk's build system allows custom distributors to use its own signing keys, and in addition, I am also providing official debug builds which skips any signature verification for development.

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v24.3

For those coming from v24.1, check the full changelog for changes introduced in v24.2.

  • [General] Stop using getrandom syscall
  • [Zygisk] Update API to v3, adding new fields to AppSpecializeArgs
  • [App] Improve app repackaging installation workflow

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v24.2

Maintenance release fixing various issues.

  • [MagiskSU] Fix buffer overflow
  • [MagiskSU] Fix owner managed multiuser superuser settings
  • [MagiskSU] Fix command logging when using su -c
  • [MagiskSU] Prevent su request indefinite blocking
  • [MagiskBoot] Support lz4_legacy archive with multiple magic
  • [MagiskBoot] Fix lz4_lg compression
  • [DenyList] Allow targeting processes running as system UID
  • [Zygisk] Workaround Samsung's "early zygote"
  • [Zygisk] Improved Zygisk loading mechanism
  • [Zygisk] Fix application UID tracking
  • [Zygisk] Fix improper umask being set in zygote
  • [App] Fix BusyBox execution test
  • [App] Improve stub loading mechanism
  • [App] Major app upgrade flow improvements
  • [General] Improve commandline error handling and messaging

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v24.1

For those coming from v24.0, v24.1 only has some minor app improvements. The following are copied from v24.0 release notes.

It has been a while since the last public release, long time no see! A personal update for those unaware: I am now working at Google on the Android Platform Security team. Without further ado, let's jump right into it!

MagiskHide Removal

I have lost interest in fighting this battle for quite a while; plus, the existing MagiskHide implementation is flawed in so many ways. Decoupling Magisk from root hiding is, in my opinion, beneficial to the community. Ever since my announcement on Twitter months ago, highly effective "root hiding" modules [much MUCH better than MagiskHide] has been flourishing, which again shows that people are way more capable than I am on this subject. So why not give those determined their time to shine, and let me focus on improving Magisk instead of drowning in the everlasting cat-and-mouse game 😉.

Sunsetting Magisk-Modules-Repo

Due to lack of time and maintenance, the centralized Magisk-Modules-Repo was frozen, and the functionality to download modules from the repo is removed in v24.0. As a supplement, module developers can now specify an updateJson URL in their modules. The Magisk app will use that to check, download, and install module updates.

Introducing Zygisk

Zygisk is Magisk in Zygote, the next big thing for Magisk! When this feature is enabled, a part of Magisk will run in the Zygote daemon process, allowing module developers to run code directly in every Android apps' processes. If you've heard of Riru, then Zygisk is inspired by that project and is functionally similar, though the implementation is quite different internally. I cannot wait to see what module developers can achieve using Zygisk!


For developers, details about updateJson and building Zygisk modules can all be found in the updated documentation.

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v24.0

It has been a while since the last public release, long time no see! A personal update for those unaware: I am now working at Google on the Android Platform Security team. Without further ado, let's jump right into it!

MagiskHide Removal

I have lost interest in fighting this battle for quite a while; plus, the existing MagiskHide implementation is flawed in so many ways. Decoupling Magisk from root hiding is, in my opinion, beneficial to the community. Ever since my announcement on Twitter months ago, highly effective "root hiding" modules [much MUCH better than MagiskHide] has been flourishing, which again shows that people are way more capable than I am on this subject. So why not give those determined their time to shine, and let me focus on improving Magisk instead of drowning in the everlasting cat-and-mouse game 😉.

Sunsetting Magisk-Modules-Repo

Due to lack of time and maintenance, the centralized Magisk-Modules-Repo was frozen, and the functionality to download modules from the repo is removed in v24.0. As a supplement, module developers can now specify an updateJson URL in their modules. The Magisk app will use that to check, download, and install module updates.

Introducing Zygisk

Zygisk is Magisk in Zygote, the next big thing for Magisk! When this feature is enabled, a part of Magisk will run in the Zygote daemon process, allowing module developers to run code directly in every Android apps' processes. If you've heard of Riru, then Zygisk is inspired by that project and is functionally similar, though the implementation is quite different internally. I cannot wait to see what module developers can achieve using Zygisk!


For developers, details about updateJson and building Zygisk modules can all be found in the updated documentation.

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v23.0

This release is focused on fixing regressions and bugs.

Note: Magisk v22 is the last major version to support Jellybean and Kitkat. Magisk v23 only supports Android 5.0 and higher.

Bug Fixes

  • [App] Update snet extension. This fixes SafetyNet API errors.
  • [App] Fix a bug in the stub app that causes APK installation to fail
  • [App] Hide annoying errors in logs when hidden as stub
  • [App] Fix issues when patching ODIN tar files when the app is hidden
  • [General] Remove all pre Android 5.0 support
  • [General] Update BusyBox to use proper libc
  • [General] Fix C++ undefined behaviors
  • [General] Several sepolicy.rule copy/installation fixes
  • [MagiskPolicy] Remove unnecessary sepolicy rules
  • [MagiskHide] Update package and process name validation logic
  • [MagiskHide] Some changes that prevents zygote deadlock

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v22.1

This release is focused on fixing regressions and bugs. Check the v22.0 release notes if coming from older releases.

Note: Magisk v22 is the last major version to support Jellybean and Kitkat. Magisk v23 will only support Android 5.0 and higher.

Bug Fixes

  • [App] Prevent multiple installation sessions running in parallel
  • [App] Prevent OutOfMemory crashes when checking boot signature on PXA boot images
  • [General] Proper cgroup migration implementation
  • [General] Rewrite log writer from scratch, should resolve any crashes and deadlocks
  • [General] Many scripts updates fixing regressions
  • [MagiskHide] Prevent possible deadlock when signal arrives
  • [MagiskHide] Partial match process names if necessary
  • [MagiskBoot] Preserve and patch AVB 2.0 structures/headers in boot images
  • [MagiskBoot] Properly strip out data encryption flags
  • [MagiskBoot] Prevent possible integer overflow
  • [MagiskInit] Fix sepolicy.rule mounting strategy
  • [resetprop] Always delete existing ro. props before updating. This will fix bootloops that could be caused by modifying device fingerprint properties.

Full Changelog: here

Magisk v22.0


Another major Magisk release! This time our focus is not the core Magisk implementation, but rather on improving the whole Magisk user experience.

Magisk Manager is dead.
Long live the Magisk app!

Ever since the first Magisk release, Magisk [the core components] and Magisk Manager [the companion app] are released separately and isn't necessarily always in sync. This leads to some confusion and a lot of complexity when downloading/installing Magisk through the app. Starting from v22.0, the Magisk app [renamed from Magisk Manager] includes everything it needs within the APK itself, making installation a 100% offline process.

Custom recovery lovers, no worries! The Magisk app APK itself is a custom recovery flashable zip, just like MAGIC™🌈. Check out the updated installation guide for more info.

App Hiding

Another major breakthrough in this release is that devices lower than Android 9.0 can now also use the advanced app hiding technique to hide the Magisk app. Due to this incompatible change, RESTORE THE EXISTING MAGISK MANAGER BACK TO NORMAL BEFORE UPGRADING IF HIDDEN!

Bug Fixes

  • [MagiskHide] Fix a bug when stopping MagiskHide does not take effect
  • [MagiskBoot] Fix bug when unpacking lz4_lg compressed boot images
  • [MagiskInit] Support Galaxy S21 series
  • [MagiskSU] Fix incorrect APEX paths that caused libsqlite.so fail to load

Full Changelog: here

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