Ace attorney justice for all walkthrough turnabout big top

Moe the Clown is called to the stand. He makes a couple of jokes [that no one laughs at] before testifying about what he saw.

Moe's Testimony: What You Witnessed[edit | edit source]


Moe's Testimony

- What You Witnessed -

  1. I know... I know... I'm not the greatest comedian in the world...
  2. I haven't been able to make people laugh for 10 years!
  3. No matter what I say, all I get in return is a vacant stare and polite applause.
  4. Since no one ever laughs at my jokes, I've taken to laughing at them myself.
  5. It's a bad habit, but hey, at least I'm trying!!
  6. Imagine my predicament! I'm a clown who can't make people laugh!! I'm almost useless!
  7. But I keep trying... I even tried to come up with jokes just for today!!
  8. But this atmosphere is very nerve-racking! I decided to try making everyone laugh!
  9. Seriously... Everyone... What do you think of me? How am I doing?

What's this?! Did Moe just talk about his own problem? Let's try this again. Unfortunately for Gumshoe, Von Karma made a deal that the detective will listen to all of Moe's jokes after the court proceedings!

Moe's Testimony: What You Witnessed [for real this time][edit | edit source]


Moe's Testimony

- What You Witnessed -

  1. The night of the murder, after practice was over, I went straight back to my room.
  2. You have no idea how tired I was that night. I was pooped.
  3. I thought I'd go straight to sleep, but before I did, I glanced out the window.
  4. That's when I saw two silhouettes! They were a bit far away though!
  5. It was the Ringmaster, and he was with Max, who was wearing his cloak!
  6. I kept watching them, and all of a sudden, Max clonked the Ringmaster over the head!

The Judge warns you if you press Moe the wrong way [yes, press!] you will get penalized! Quite unfair, don't you think?

To help newcomers which statements to avoid: Don't agree to first statement on his eight o'clock joke and don't press statement 2. Pressing statement 6 should also be avoided, at least until you get more information. Especially choosing Of course I don't that involves a penalty.

What You Witnessed: Cross-examination[edit | edit source]

Press on Moe's third statement. Then, Keep pressing. Yesterday, Moe told you he heard a large "THUMP" outside. Moe says he forgot to mention it and revises his testimony.

  • I heard a huge noise outside the window, and that's what made me take a look outside.

Press on that statement. Moe says it sounded like someone getting hit... hard.

Press statement six. Moe says he didn't see a murder weapon. Then what did he see? You ask him if he really did see the crime at all. Von Karma tells you if you can't answer, you will get an even larger penalty than usual - half of your health bar! When asked to accept the challenge, say "Of course I do!" Moe says he saw the crime scene AFTER Max "clonked" Russell dead, so he did not see the crime occurring!

Moe admits von Karma made him lie. However, he says he did see the silhouette. The Judge has Moe testify about the silhouette.

Moe's Testimony: The Silhouette[edit | edit source]


Moe's Testimony

- The Silhouette -

  1. It was a bit far away, but that shadow could only have belonged to Max.
  2. There's no doubting it. Especially since I saw his uppity symbols.
  3. His silk hat. That black cloak. They were all there!
  4. His face was silhouetted, but there was no doubt that it was him.
  5. His cloak was fluttering in the wind, so I couldn't really see what he was carrying.

The Silhouette: Cross-examination[edit | edit source]

Present the Max G. Promo Poster on the second or third statement. Silk hat and a black cloak? What about the white roses? Moe says there weren't any roses there! Von Karma says it was too dark, but you say the roses were white. Von Karma then states that the roses fell off, but you say the police would've found them.

Recall Trilo's testimony. He said he saw all three symbols, but Moe now says he only saw two.

The Judge decides to hear another testimony from Moe.

Moe's Testimony: The Silhouette, Part 2[edit | edit source]


Moe's Testimony

- The Silhouette, Part 2 -

  1. There's no doubt in my mind! There were no white roses that night!
  2. However, all of the other symbols were there... I'm equally sure of that.
  3. Especially the silk hat! There is no way I could forget seeing the decorations on it!
  4. He was wearing it the entire time that he was on the scene!

The judge warns you that if you make even one mistake, he will end the trial and declare his verdict!

For newcomers, it will be ideal not to press any statements! The reason is simply Franziska whips you and half your health bar drops! So don't bother with it because all statements act the same way.

The Silhouette, Part 2: Cross-examination[edit | edit source]

Present the Silk Hat on the fourth statement. The silk hat was found at the crime scene, but Moe says Max was wearing it the whole time. Moe insists that he saw Max wearing it the whole time.

Phoenix asks Moe how the murderer left the crime scene. Moe says he just turned and walked away. The Judge wants you to show evidence to counter this claim. Present the Crime Photo. You can see the victim's footprints, but where are the murderer's?

Moe decides to testify once more and promises to tell the truth this time. Von Karma made him hide the truth, but no more lies this time. She tells the Judge that he will have the same opinion as her: "It's not funny".

Moe's Testimony: The Truth[edit | edit source]


Moe's Testimony

- The Truth -

  1. Now it's time for our next segment, "Moe knows..."!!
  2. Everything I've said up until now has been the truth!
  3. When I looked out the window, the Ringmaster was down and Max was standing above him!
  4. He wasn't wearing his white roses, but he was wearing the silk hat!
  5. That's when I saw... He...
  6. This is the truth now, get ready for it!
  7. He flew! He jumped up and flew through the air!!
  8. He flew right off and disappeared into the darkness!
  9. That's why there were no footprints! Flying people don't leave footprints!

The murderer flew!? The Judge asks what you think of the testimony. Say whatever you want, as Franziska will call you a fool anyway.

The Judge wants to know how Max flew. He decides to adjourn court for today.

Trial ends[edit | edit source]

Max says he can't really fly; he just uses invisible strings that carry him through the air. You'll just have to find the real flying criminal and shoot him down [not literally, of course].

What is the longest case in the Ace Attorney series?

Rise From The Ashes is the longest case to date and contains the most evidence in any Ace Attorney case ever.

What is the easiest Ace Attorney game?

My opinion about difficulty in order of easiest to hardest:.

Investigations 1..

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney..

Spirit of Justice..

Investigations 2..

Apollo Justice..

Trials and Tribulations..

Justice for All..

Layton vs Wright [courtroom only].

How long to beat Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection?

6½ Hours.

How do you get the bad ending in Ace Attorney justice for all?

If he presents any combination other than Shelly de Killer's profile and the Video Tape [or presents the Video Tape first], or answers the witness's follow-up question with anything other than "[Engarde] wanted blackmail on you", this "bad" ending is achieved.

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