bipolar là gì - Nghĩa của từ bipolar

bipolar có nghĩa là

Describes one who has bipolar disorder. This disorder causes the person to have mood swings frequently, usually triggered by something small. Mood swings can also occur for no apparent reason, and not to the person's control.


Being bipolar doesn't mean you're always depressed you fucktards.

bipolar có nghĩa là

A condition that can wreak havoc on the life of the person that has it, and the lives those around the person. People with bipolar feel depression worse than death. Feelings of extreme loss, guilt, and utter helplessness can only begin to describe the misery these people experience. It is due to this unexplainable misery that many people with bipolar, sadly, end up committing suicide.

The other side of bipolar [the suffix "bi" indicating two things] is mania. Mania includes feelings of superhuman powers and extreme joy... to the point of being hyper. The person's mind goes a million miles an hour and he or she can keep going for days with little or no sleep.

Having cyclothymia myself, I can only begin to understand how these people feel.

Because people with bipolar cannot control the way they feel, and might be close to suicide at times, it is of utmost importance that everyone around them be as supportive as possible rather than deject them as a "psycho." if the person actually has any control over their actions with such out of control emotions.


I have friends with bipolar. I wish I could take on part of the pain they experience.

bipolar có nghĩa là

Does and Don'ts of biplar


Do's and Don'ts for bipolar friends

When someone is depressed, it is difficult for them, but also difficult for family and friends to know what to say and do. Below is a list of suggestions that I hope you will find helpful.

Do learn everything you can about this disorder. The more you know the better equipped you will be to know what to expect.

Do realize I am angry and frustrated with the disorder, NOT with you.
Do let me know you are available to help me when I ask. I'll be grateful.

Do understand why I cancel plans, sometimes at the last minute.

Do continue to invite me to all the activities. I never know from day to day or minute to minute how I will feel and just because I am not able to participate one day does not mean I won't be able to today.

Do feel that you have the right to ask about my doctor or therapist appointments...but DON'T ask me if I'm taking my medications if I'm legitimately upset about something.

Do continue to call me, even when I only seem to want a brief conversation.

Do send cards, notes, and other reminders of our friendship or relationship.

Do offer me lots of hugs, encouragement, and love, even when I seem to withdraw.

Don't tell me I look too good to be depressed. I may be really fighting here to stay above water.

Don't tell me you know how I feel. Each of us is different and two people with this disorder can feel totally different. Pain is a relative thing, this includes emotional pain. Do let me know that you understand or that you can relate to what I am saying.

Don't tell me about your Aunt Margie or the friend of a friend who is managing in spite of this disorder. We are not all the same and I am doing my best.

Don't tell me to "pull myself up by the boot straps", "snap out of it", "what have you got to be depressed about, you have so much to be grateful for", "there are a lot of people worse off than you", "happiness is a choice" or the likes. Believe me if I could "snap" my fingers and have this depression be gone, don't you think I would have done that a long time ago? Don't you think I would "choose to be happy"?

Don't tell me not to worry, that everything will be alright or that this is just a passing phase...this is happening to me right NOW and things ARE NOT ALRIGHT!

Don't ask me how I feel, unless you really want to know.

Don't tell me about the latest fad cure. I want to be cured more than anything and if there is a legitimate cure out there, my personal doctor will let me know. Also don't call my doctor a quack and encourage me to throw out my medications.

Don't count me out. This could be the day that I'm ready to accept an invitation.

Don't give up on me...

author is unknown

bipolar có nghĩa là

a term for someone with bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness, a mood disorder characterized by periods of depression including:

-persistent sadness
-low energy
-suicidal thoughts

as well as periods of mania in bipolar I disorder, or hypomania [a less extreme form] in bipolar II disorder. Symptoms of hypomania include:

-grandiose ideas
-racing thoughts
-reckless overindulgence
-high energy/decreased need for sleep

When hypomania escalates into mania, symptoms include:

-incomprehensibly fast thoughts/speech
-dangerously impulsive behavior
-possible psychosis

Contrary to popular belief, most people with bipolar disorder are not constantly fluctuating between extremes. They may experience normal moods for extended periods of time, and a single mood episode tends to last for a few weeks, though mania can quickly become depression and vice versa.

Another common misconception is that bipolar disorder is like depression, but with the bonus of hypomania. Depressive symptoms are equally severe in bipolar I and II disorders, but for people with bipolar I disorder, mania is at least as dangerous and frightening as depression.

Even for those people who experience relatively harmless highs, depression tends to immediately follow hypomania. Whereas major depression can be treated with therapy [as well as medication] and possibly never recur, there is no cure for bipolar disorder and therapy is of limited use. Bipolar disorder has a strong genetic basis and is usually found in families.

People with bipolar disorder are often stereotyped as screw-ups, drug addicts, etc. There is a strong link between bipolar disorder and substance abuse, but many people either recover from or avoid these problems altogether and lead relatively normal, responsible lives.

Your girlfriend when she is mad at you = not bipolar

Anyone bitchy or randomly moody = probably not bipolar


The Rilo Kiley song "A Better Son/Daughter" is often thought to be about bipolar disorder:

And sometimes when you're on, you're really fucking on
And your friends, they sing along and they love you
But the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap
And it teases you for weeks in its absence

bipolar có nghĩa là

Don't get it twisted; its a bear that goes both ways


Donnie: I heard she's bipolar.
Huggy Lowdown: what's that, a bear that goes both ways?

bipolar có nghĩa là

Bipolar is when a person feels mood swings constantly. They have no control over it even when they take medication. Most medication Bipolar People take is Lithium, Lithium makes kids/adults with bipolar not vary mood swingy at all. It makes them think normal, but that doesent mean that it will make them alright when they take it.

Basically i have bipolar and its not the lite kind. Kids who deal with bipolar often get angry and sad. When barely anyone talks to them they become vary depressed and suicidal. It can even be bigger than that, if a kid you know has bipolar and his family is a rough family[abusive,mean, not understanding of how he is]. It's best to give him support and let that kid know your for him to talk to before he thinks suicide is that kids only way out to happyness.

Usually Bipolar kids run on there emotions alot, the usual emotions that a kid feels once he is hit or hurt emotiomally he will feel some of these emotions or most depending on what level your kid was diogonised with Bipolar.

2.Thinking he is alone
3.Everything is his fault
4.That people will leave him

There is nothing to cure bipolar at all yet, but if anyone asks what bipolar is, really its when you feel happy one moment and then sad the next. Usually some kids with bipolar will also have Anxiety and Paranoia. But you can tell sometimes if they have that.


Parent: Your just pathetic.
Bipolar kid doesent say anything but feels like hes worthless.

bipolar có nghĩa là

a polar bear that likes girls and boys.


look at that polar bear he is so bipolar

bipolar có nghĩa là

a term for someone with bipolar disorder or manic-depressive illness, a mood disorder characterized by periods of depression including:

-persistent sadness
-low energy
-suicidal thoughts

as well as periods of mania in bipolar I disorder, or hypomania [a less extreme form] in bipolar II disorder. Symptoms of hypomania include:

-grandiose ideas
-racing thoughts
-reckless overindulgence
-high energy/decreased need for sleep

When hypomania escalates into mania, symptoms include:

-incomprehensibly fast thoughts/speech
-dangerously impulsive behavior
-possible psychosis

Contrary to popular belief, most people with bipolar disorder are not constantly fluctuating between extremes. They may experience normal moods for extended periods of time, and a single mood episode tends to last for a few weeks, though mania can quickly become depression and vice versa.

Another common misconception is that bipolar disorder is like depression, but with the bonus of hypomania. Depressive symptoms are equally severe in bipolar I and II disorders, but for people with bipolar I disorder, mania is at least as dangerous and frightening as depression.

Even for those people who experience relatively harmless highs, depression tends to immediately follow hypomania. Whereas major depression can be treated with therapy [as well as medication] and possibly never recur, there is no cure for bipolar disorder and therapy is of limited use. Bipolar disorder has a strong genetic basis and is usually found in families.

People with bipolar disorder are often stereotyped as screw-ups, drug addicts, etc. There is a strong link between bipolar disorder and substance abuse, but many people either recover from or avoid these problems altogether and lead relatively normal, responsible lives.

Your girlfriend when she is mad at you = not bipolar

Anyone bitchy or randomly moody = probably not bipolar


The Rilo Kiley song "A Better Son/Daughter" is often thought to be about bipolar disorder:

And sometimes when you're on, you're really fucking on
And your friends, they sing along and they love you
But the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap
And it teases you for weeks in its absence

bipolar có nghĩa là

One minute you're riding an emotional rainbow generated by the laughter of unicorns that fart skittles and the next minute you fall straight into the pitch-black pits of depression where dementors feast on your soul only to be rescued a half hour later by Old Saint Nicholas brandishing a chimney bazooka that shoots confetti.


Normal Reaction: I JUST WON THE LOTTERY! I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!! Bipolar Reaction: I JUST WON THE LOTTERY! Now I'm going to go cry myself to sleep in a corner until death takes me...

bipolar có nghĩa là

Bipolar doesn't mean frequently changing your superficial moods [happy/sad] or having split personalities, it's a serious mental disorder in which you have periods of mania [an excited state] and depression [a low state]. I'd know because my friend has it and almost committed suicide twice, so don't throw the word around like you know what it means. And no, people don't change from mania and depression in a blink of an eye. If you think you do, then you're just an emotional fuck.


Person 1: Omg, yesterday I was so happy and now I'm so depressed because my boyfriend broke up with me! I'm so bipolar! Person 2: Kill yourself.

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