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TypeNameSyntaxDescriptionDateDATEDATE[year, month, day]Converts a provided year, month, and day into a date. Learn moreDateDATEDIFDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. Learn moreDateDATEVALUEDATEVALUE[date_string]Converts a provided date string in a known format to a date value. Learn moreDateDAYDAY[date]Returns the day of the month that a specific date falls on, in numeric format. Learn moreDateDAYSDAYS[end_date, start_date]Returns the number of days between two dates. Learn more. DateDAYS360DAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]Returns the difference between two days based on the 360 day year used in some financial interest calculations. Learn moreDateEDATEEDATE[start_date, months]Returns a date a specified number of months before or after another date. Learn moreDateEOMONTHEOMONTH[start_date, months]Returns a date representing the last day of a month which falls a specified number of months before or after another date. Learn moreDateHOURHOUR[time]Returns the hour component of a specific time, in numeric format. Learn moreDateISOWEEKNUMISOWEEKNUM[date]Returns the number of the ISO week of the year where the provided date falls. Learn moreDateMINUTEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]0Returns the minute component of a specific time, in numeric format. Learn moreDateMONTHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]1Returns the month of the year a specific date falls in, in numeric format. Learn moreDateNETWORKDAYSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]2Returns the number of net working days between two provided days. Learn moreDateNETWORKDAYS.INTLDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]3 Returns the number of net working days between two provided days excluding specified weekend days and holidays. Learn moreDateNOWDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]4Returns the current date and time as a date value. Learn moreDateSECONDDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]5Returns the second component of a specific time, in numeric format. Learn moreDateTIMEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]6Converts a provided hour, minute, and second into a time. Learn moreDateTIMEVALUEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]7Returns the fraction of a 24-hour day the time represents. Learn moreDateTODAYDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]8Returns the current date as a date value. Learn moreDateWEEKDAYDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]9Returns a number representing the day of the week of the date provided. Learn moreDateWEEKNUMDATEVALUE[date_string]0Returns a number representing the week of the year where the provided date falls. Learn moreDateWORKDAYDATEVALUE[date_string]1Calculates the end date after a specified number of working days. Learn moreDateWORKDAY.INTLDATEVALUE[date_string]2Calculates the date after a specified number of workdays excluding specified weekend days and holidays. Learn moreDateYEARDATEVALUE[date_string]3Returns the year specified by a given date. Learn moreDateYEARFRACDATEVALUE[date_string]4Returns the number of years, including fractional years, between two dates using a specified day count convention. Learn moreEngineeringBIN2DECDATEVALUE[date_string]5Converts a signed binary number to decimal format. Learn moreEngineeringBIN2HEXDATEVALUE[date_string]6Converts a signed binary number to signed hexadecimal format. Learn moreEngineeringBIN2OCTDATEVALUE[date_string]7Converts a signed binary number to signed octal format. Learn moreEngineeringBITANDDATEVALUE[date_string]8Bitwise boolean AND of two numbers. Learn more. EngineeringBITLSHIFTDATEVALUE[date_string]9Shifts the bits of the input a certain number of places to the left. Learn more. EngineeringBITORDAY[date]0Bitwise boolean OR of 2 numbers. Learn more. EngineeringBITRSHIFTDAY[date]1Shifts the bits of the input a certain number of places to the right. Learn more. EngineeringBITXORDAY[date]2Bitwise XOR [exclusive OR] of 2 numbers. Learn more. EngineeringCOMPLEXDAY[date]3Creates a complex number given real and imaginary coefficients. Learn moreEngineeringDEC2BINDAY[date]4Converts a decimal number to signed binary format. Learn moreEngineeringDEC2HEXDAY[date]5Converts a decimal number to signed hexadecimal format. Learn moreEngineeringDEC2OCTDAY[date]6Converts a decimal number to signed octal format. Learn moreEngineeringDELTADAY[date]7Compare two numeric values, returning 1 if they're equal. Learn moreEngineeringERFDAY[date]8The ERF function returns the integral of the Gauss error function over an interval of values. Learn more.EngineeringERF.PRECISEDAY[date]9See ERFEngineeringGESTEPDAYS[end_date, start_date]0Returns 1 if the rate is strictly greater than or equal to the provided step value or 0 otherwise. If no step value is provided then the default value of 0 will be used. Learn more. EngineeringHEX2BINDAYS[end_date, start_date]1Converts a signed hexadecimal number to signed binary format. Learn moreEngineeringHEX2DECDAYS[end_date, start_date]2Converts a signed hexadecimal number to decimal format. Learn moreEngineeringHEX2OCTDAYS[end_date, start_date]3Converts a signed hexadecimal number to signed octal format. Learn moreEngineeringIMABSDAYS[end_date, start_date]4Returns absolute value of a complex number. Learn moreEngineeringIMAGINARYDAYS[end_date, start_date]5Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number. Learn moreEngineeringIMARGUMENTDAYS[end_date, start_date]6The IMARGUMENT function returns the angle [also known as the argument or \theta] of the given complex number in radians. Learn more.EngineeringIMCONJUGATEDAYS[end_date, start_date]7Returns the complex conjugate of a number. Learn moreEngineeringIMCOSDAYS[end_date, start_date]8The IMCOS function returns the cosine of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMCOSHDAYS[end_date, start_date]9Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "cosh[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringIMCOTDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]0Returns the cotangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "cot[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringIMCOTHDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]1Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "coth[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringIMCSCDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]2Returns the cosecant of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMCSCHDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]3Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "csch[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringIMDIVDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]4Returns one complex number divided by another. Learn moreEngineeringIMEXPDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]5Returns Euler's number, e [~2.718] raised to a complex power. Learn more.EngineeringIMLOGDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]6Returns the logarithm of a complex number for a specified base. Learn more.EngineeringIMLOG10DAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]7Returns the logarithm of a complex number with base 10. Learn more.EngineeringIMLOG2DAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]8Returns the logarithm of a complex number with base 2. Learn more.EngineeringIMPRODUCTDAYS360[start_date, end_date, [method]]9Returns the result of multiplying a series of complex numbers together. Learn moreEngineeringIMREALEDATE[start_date, months]0Returns the real coefficient of a complex number. Learn moreEngineeringIMSECEDATE[start_date, months]1Returns the secant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "sec[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringIMSECHEDATE[start_date, months]2Returns the hyperbolic secant of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "sech[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringIMSINEDATE[start_date, months]3Returns the sine of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMSINHEDATE[start_date, months]4Returns the hyperbolic sine of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "sinh[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringIMSUBEDATE[start_date, months]5Returns the difference between two complex numbers. Learn moreEngineeringIMSUMEDATE[start_date, months]6Returns the sum of a series of complex numbers. Learn moreEngineeringIMTANEDATE[start_date, months]7Returns the tangent of the given complex number. Learn more.EngineeringIMTANHEDATE[start_date, months]8Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "tanh[x+yi]." Learn more.EngineeringOCT2BINEDATE[start_date, months]9Converts a signed octal number to signed binary format. Learn moreEngineeringOCT2DECEOMONTH[start_date, months]0Converts a signed octal number to decimal format. Learn moreEngineeringOCT2HEXEOMONTH[start_date, months]1Converts a signed octal number to signed hexadecimal format. Learn moreFilterFILTEREOMONTH[start_date, months]2Returns a filtered version of the source range, returning only rows or columns which meet the specified conditions. Learn moreFilterSORTEOMONTH[start_date, months]3Sorts the rows of a given array or range by the values in one or more columns. Learn moreFilterSORTNEOMONTH[start_date, months]4Returns the first n items in a data set after performing a sort. Learn moreFilterUNIQUEEOMONTH[start_date, months]5Returns unique rows in the provided source range, discarding duplicates. Rows are returned in the order in which they first appear in the source range. Learn moreFinancialACCRINTEOMONTH[start_date, months]6Calculates the accrued interest of a security that has periodic payments. Learn moreFinancialACCRINTMEOMONTH[start_date, months]7Calculates the accrued interest of a security that pays interest at maturity. Learn moreFinancialAMORLINCEOMONTH[start_date, months]8Returns the depreciation for an accounting period, or the prorated depreciation if the asset was purchased in the middle of a period. Learn more. FinancialCOUPDAYBSEOMONTH[start_date, months]9Calculates the number of days from the first coupon, or interest payment, until settlement. Learn moreFinancialCOUPDAYSHOUR[time]0Calculates the number of days in the coupon, or interest payment, period that contains the specified settlement date. Learn moreFinancialCOUPDAYSNCHOUR[time]1 Calculates the number of days from the settlement date until the next coupon, or interest payment. Learn moreFinancialCOUPNCDHOUR[time]2Calculates next coupon, or interest payment, date after the settlement date. Learn moreFinancialCOUPNUMHOUR[time]3Calculates the number of coupons, or interest payments, between the settlement date and the maturity date of the investment. Learn moreFinancialCOUPPCDHOUR[time]4Calculates last coupon, or interest payment, date before the settlement date. Learn moreFinancialCUMIPMTHOUR[time]5Calculates the cumulative interest over a range of payment periods for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialCUMPRINCHOUR[time]6Calculates the cumulative principal paid over a range of payment periods for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialDBHOUR[time]7Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the arithmetic declining balance method. Learn moreFinancialDDBHOUR[time]8Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the double-declining balance method. Learn moreFinancialDISCHOUR[time]9Calculates the discount rate of a security based on price. Learn moreFinancialDOLLARDEISOWEEKNUM[date]0Converts a price quotation given as a decimal fraction into a decimal value. Learn moreFinancialDOLLARFRISOWEEKNUM[date]1Converts a price quotation given as a decimal value into a decimal fraction. Learn moreFinancialDURATIONISOWEEKNUM[date]2 .Calculates the number of compounding periods required for an investment of a specified present value appreciating at a given rate to reach a target value. Learn moreFinancialEFFECTISOWEEKNUM[date]3Calculates the annual effective interest rate given the nominal rate and number of compounding periods per year. Learn moreFinancialFVISOWEEKNUM[date]4Calculates the future value of an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialFVSCHEDULEISOWEEKNUM[date]5Calculates the future value of some principal based on a specified series of potentially varying interest rates. Learn moreFinancialINTRATEISOWEEKNUM[date]6 Calculates the effective interest rate generated when an investment is purchased at one price and sold at another with no interest or dividends generated by the investment itself. Learn moreFinancialIPMTISOWEEKNUM[date]7Calculates the payment on interest for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialIRRISOWEEKNUM[date]8Calculates the internal rate of return on an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows. Learn moreFinancialISPMTISOWEEKNUM[date]9The ISPMT function calculates the interest paid during a particular period of an investment. Learn more.FinancialMDURATIONDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]00Calculates the modified Macaulay duration of a security paying periodic interest, such as a US Treasury Bond, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialMIRRDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]01Calculates the modified internal rate of return on an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and the difference between the interest rate paid on financing versus the return received on reinvested income. Learn moreFinancialNOMINALDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]02Calculates the annual nominal interest rate given the effective rate and number of compounding periods per year. Learn moreFinancialNPERDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]03 Calculates the number of payment periods for an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialNPVDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]04Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate. Learn moreFinancialPDURATIONDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]05Returns the number of periods for an investment to reach a specific value at a given rate. Learn more.FinancialPMTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]06Calculates the periodic payment for an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialPPMTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]07Calculates the payment on the principal of an investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialPRICEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]08Calculates the price of a security paying periodic interest, such as a US Treasury Bond, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialPRICEDISCDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]09Calculates the price of a discount [non-interest-bearing] security, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialPRICEMATDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]10 Calculates the price of a security paying interest at maturity, based on expected yield. Learn moreFinancialPVDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]11Calculates the present value of an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialRATEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]12Calculates the interest rate of an annuity investment based on constant-amount periodic payments and the assumption of a constant interest rate. Learn moreFinancialRECEIVEDDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]13 Calculates the amount received at maturity for an investment in fixed-income securities purchased on a given date. Learn moreFinancialRRIDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]14Returns the interest rate needed for an investment to reach a specific value within a given number of periods. Learn more.FinancialSLNDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]15Calculates the depreciation of an asset for one period using the straight-line method. Learn moreFinancialSYDDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]16Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the sum of years digits method. Learn moreFinancialTBILLEQDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]17Calculates the equivalent annualized rate of return of a US Treasury Bill based on discount rate. Learn moreFinancialTBILLPRICEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]18Calculates the price of a US Treasury Bill based on discount rate. Learn moreFinancialTBILLYIELDDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]19Calculates the yield of a US Treasury Bill based on price. Learn moreFinancialVDBDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]20Returns the depreciation of an asset for a particular period [or partial period]. Learn more.FinancialXIRRDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]21Calculates the internal rate of return of an investment based on a specified series of potentially irregularly spaced cash flows. Learn moreFinancialXNPVDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]22Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a specified series of potentially irregularly spaced cash flows and a discount rate. Learn moreFinancialYIELDDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]23Calculates the annual yield of a security paying periodic interest, such as a US Treasury Bond, based on price. Learn moreFinancialYIELDDISCDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]24 Calculates the annual yield of a discount [non-interest-bearing] security, based on price. Learn moreFinancialYIELDMATDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]25Calculates the annual yield of a security paying interest at maturity, based on price. Learn moreGoogleARRAYFORMULADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]26Enables the display of values returned from an array formula into multiple rows and/or columns and the use of non-array functions with arrays. Learn moreGoogleDETECTLANGUAGEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]27Identifies the language used in text within the specified range. Learn moreGoogleGOOGLEFINANCEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]28Fetches current or historical securities information from Google Finance. Learn moreGoogleGOOGLETRANSLATEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]29Translates text from one language into another Learn moreGoogleIMAGEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]30Inserts an image into a cell. Learn moreGoogleQUERYDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]31Runs a Google Visualization API Query Language query across data. Learn moreGoogleSPARKLINEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]32Creates a miniature chart contained within a single cell. Learn moreInfoERROR.TYPEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]33Returns a number corresponding to the error value in a different cell. Learn moreInfoISBLANKDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]34Checks whether the referenced cell is empty. Learn moreInfoISDATEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]35Returns whether a value is a date. Learn more. InfoISEMAILDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]36Checks whether a value is a valid email address. Learn moreInfoISERRDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]37Checks whether a value is an error other than `#N/A`. Learn moreInfoISERRORDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]38Checks whether a value is an error. Learn moreInfoISFORMULADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]39Checks whether a formula is in the referenced cell. Learn moreInfoISLOGICALDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]40Checks whether a value is `TRUE` or `FALSE`. Learn moreInfoISNADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]41Checks whether a value is the error `#N/A`. Learn moreInfoISNONTEXTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]42Checks whether a value is non-textual. Learn moreInfoISNUMBERDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]43Checks whether a value is a number. Learn moreInfoISREFDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]44Checks whether a value is a valid cell reference. Learn moreInfoISTEXTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]45Checks whether a value is text. Learn moreInfoNDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]46Returns the argument provided as a number. Learn moreInfoNADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]47Returns the "value not available" error, `#N/A`. Learn moreInfoTYPEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]48Returns a number associated with the type of data passed into the function. Learn moreInfoCELLDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]49Returns the requested information about the specified cell. Learn moreLogicalANDDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]50Returns true if all of the provided arguments are logically true, and false if any of the provided arguments are logically false. Learn moreLogicalFALSEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]51Returns the logical value `FALSE`. Learn moreLogicalIFDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]52Returns one value if a logical expression is `TRUE` and another if it is `FALSE`. Learn moreLogicalIFERRORDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]53Returns the first argument if it is not an error value, otherwise returns the second argument if present, or a blank if the second argument is absent. Learn moreLogicalIFNADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]54Evaluates a value. If the value is an #N/A error, returns the specified value. Learn more.LogicalIFSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]55Evaluates multiple conditions and returns a value that corresponds to the first true condition. Learn more.LogicalLAMBDADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]56Creates and returns a custom function with a set of names and a formula_expression that uses them. To calculate the formula_expression, you can call the returned function with as many values as the name declares. Learn moreLogicalNOTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]57Returns the opposite of a logical value - `NOT[TRUE]` returns `FALSE`; `NOT[FALSE]` returns `TRUE`. Learn moreLogicalORDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]58Returns true if any of the provided arguments are logically true, and false if all of the provided arguments are logically false. Learn moreLogicalSWITCHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]59Tests an expression against a list of cases and returns the corresponding value of the first matching case, with an optional default value if nothing else is met. Learn moreLogicalTRUEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]60Returns the logical value `TRUE`. Learn moreLogicalXORDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]61The XOR function performs an exclusive or of 2 numbers that returns a 1 if the numbers are different, and a 0 otherwise. Learn more.LookupADDRESSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]62Returns a cell reference as a string. Learn moreLookupCHOOSEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]63Returns an element from a list of choices based on index. Learn moreLookupCOLUMNDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]64Returns the column number of a specified cell, with `A=1`. Learn moreLookupCOLUMNSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]65Returns the number of columns in a specified array or range. Learn moreLookupFORMULATEXTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]66Returns the formula as a string. Learn more.LookupGETPIVOTDATADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]67Extracts an aggregated value from a pivot table that corresponds to the specified row and column headings. Learn moreLookupHLOOKUPDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]68Horizontal lookup. Searches across the first row of a range for a key and returns the value of a specified cell in the column found. Learn moreLookupINDEXDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]69Returns the content of a cell, specified by row and column offset. Learn moreLookupINDIRECTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]70Returns a cell reference specified by a string. Learn moreLookupLOOKUPDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]71Looks through a row or column for a key and returns the value of the cell in a result range located in the same position as the search row or column. Learn moreLookupMATCHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]72Returns the relative position of an item in a range that matches a specified value. Learn moreLookupOFFSETDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]73Returns a range reference shifted a specified number of rows and columns from a starting cell reference. Learn moreLookupROWDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]74Returns the row number of a specified cell. Learn moreLookupROWSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]75Returns the number of rows in a specified array or range. Learn moreLookupVLOOKUPDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]76Vertical lookup. Searches down the first column of a range for a key and returns the value of a specified cell in the row found. Learn moreLookupXLOOKUPDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]77Returns the values in the result range based on the position where a match was found in the lookup range. If no match is found, it returns the closest match. Learn moreMathABSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]78Returns the absolute value of a number. Learn moreMathACOSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]79Returns the inverse cosine of a value, in radians. Learn moreMathACOSHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]80Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. Learn moreMathACOTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]81Returns the inverse cotangent of a value, in radians. Learn more.MathACOTHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]82Returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a value, in radians. Must not be between -1 and 1, inclusive. Learn more.MathASINDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]83Returns the inverse sine of a value, in radians. Learn moreMathASINHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]84Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. Learn moreMathATANDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]85Returns the inverse tangent of a value, in radians. Learn moreMathATAN2DATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]86Returns the angle between the x-axis and a line segment from the origin [0,0] to specified coordinate pair [`x`,`y`], in radians. Learn moreMathATANHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]87Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. Learn moreMathBASEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]88Converts a number into a text representation in another base, for example, base 2 for binary. Learn more.MathCEILINGDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]89Rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance. Learn moreMathCEILING.MATHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]90Rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance, with negative numbers rounding toward or away from 0 depending on the mode. Learn more. MathCEILING.PRECISEDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]91Rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance. If the number is positive or negative, it is rounded up. Learn more. MathCOMBINDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]92Returns the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects. Learn moreMathCOMBINADATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]93Returns the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects, including ways that choose the same object multiple times. Learn more.MathCOSDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]94Returns the cosine of an angle provided in radians. Learn moreMathCOSHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]95Returns the hyperbolic cosine of any real number. Learn moreMathCOTDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]96Cotangent of an angle provided in radians. Learn more.MathCOTHDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]97Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of any real number. Learn more.MathCOUNTBLANKDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]98Returns the number of empty cells in a given range. Learn moreMathCOUNTIFDATEDIF[start_date, end_date, unit]99Returns a conditional count across a range. Learn moreMathCOUNTIFSDATEVALUE[date_string]00Returns the count of a range depending on multiple criteria. Learn moreMathCOUNTUNIQUEDATEVALUE[date_string]01Counts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges. Learn moreMathCSCDATEVALUE[date_string]02Returns the cosecant of an angle provided in radians. Learn more.MathCSCHDATEVALUE[date_string]03The CSCH function returns the hyperbolic cosecant of any real number. Learn more.MathDECIMALDATEVALUE[date_string]04The DECIMAL function converts the text representation of a number in another base, to base 10 [decimal]. Learn more.MathDEGREESDATEVALUE[date_string]05Converts an angle value in radians to degrees. Learn moreMathERFCDATEVALUE[date_string]06Returns the complementary Gauss error function of a value. Learn moreMathERFC.PRECISEDATEVALUE[date_string]07See ERFCMathEVENDATEVALUE[date_string]08Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer. Learn moreMathEXPDATEVALUE[date_string]09Returns Euler's number, e [~2.718] raised to a power. Learn moreMathFACTDATEVALUE[date_string]10Returns the factorial of a number. Learn moreMathFACTDOUBLEDATEVALUE[date_string]11Returns the "double factorial" of a number. Learn moreMathFLOORDATEVALUE[date_string]12Rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance. Learn moreMathFLOOR.MATHDATEVALUE[date_string]13Rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of specified significance, with negative numbers rounding toward or away from 0 depending on the mode. Learn more. MathFLOOR.PRECISEDATEVALUE[date_string]14The FLOOR.PRECISE function rounds a number down to the nearest integer or multiple of specified significance. Learn more.MathGAMMALNDATEVALUE[date_string]15Returns the the logarithm of a specified Gamma function, base e [Euler's number]. Learn moreMathGAMMALN.PRECISEDATEVALUE[date_string]16See GAMMALNMathGCDDATEVALUE[date_string]17Returns the greatest common divisor of one or more integers. Learn moreMathIMLNDATEVALUE[date_string]18Returns the logarithm of a complex number, base e [Euler's number]. Learn moreMathIMPOWERDATEVALUE[date_string]19Returns a complex number raised to a power. Learn moreMathIMSQRTDATEVALUE[date_string]20Computes the square root of a complex number. Learn moreMathINTDATEVALUE[date_string]21Rounds a number down to the nearest integer that is less than or equal to it. Learn moreMathISEVENDATEVALUE[date_string]22Checks whether the provided value is even. Learn moreMathISO.CEILINGDATEVALUE[date_string]23See CEILING.PRECISEMathISODDDATEVALUE[date_string]24Checks whether the provided value is odd. Learn moreMathLCMDATEVALUE[date_string]25Returns the least common multiple of one or more integers. Learn moreMathLNDATEVALUE[date_string]26Returns the the logarithm of a number, base e [Euler's number]. Learn moreMathLOGDATEVALUE[date_string]27Returns the the logarithm of a number given a base. Learn moreMathLOG10DATEVALUE[date_string]28Returns the the logarithm of a number, base 10. Learn moreMathMODDATEVALUE[date_string]29Returns the result of the modulo operator, the remainder after a division operation. Learn moreMathMROUNDDATEVALUE[date_string]30Rounds one number to the nearest integer multiple of another. Learn moreMathMULTINOMIALDATEVALUE[date_string]31Returns the factorial of the sum of values divided by the product of the values' factorials. Learn moreMathMUNITDATEVALUE[date_string]32Returns a unit matrix of size dimension x dimension. Learn more.MathODDDATEVALUE[date_string]33Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer. Learn moreMathPIDATEVALUE[date_string]34Returns the value of Pi to 14 decimal places. Learn moreMathPOWERDATEVALUE[date_string]35Returns a number raised to a power. Learn moreMathPRODUCTDATEVALUE[date_string]36Returns the result of multiplying a series of numbers together. Learn moreMathQUOTIENTDATEVALUE[date_string]37Returns one number divided by another. Learn moreMathRADIANSDATEVALUE[date_string]38Converts an angle value in degrees to radians. Learn moreMathRANDDATEVALUE[date_string]39Returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive. Learn moreMathRANDARRAYDATEVALUE[date_string]40Generates an array of random numbers between 0 and 1. Learn more.MathRANDBETWEENDATEVALUE[date_string]41Returns a uniformly random integer between two values, inclusive. Learn moreMathROUNDDATEVALUE[date_string]42Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places according to standard rules. Learn moreMathROUNDDOWNDATEVALUE[date_string]43Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding down to the next valid increment. Learn moreMathROUNDUPDATEVALUE[date_string]44Rounds a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding up to the next valid increment. Learn moreMathSECDATEVALUE[date_string]45The SEC function returns the secant of an angle, measured in radians. Learn more.MathSECHDATEVALUE[date_string]46The SECH function returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle. Learn moreMathSEQUENCEDATEVALUE[date_string]47Returns an array of sequential numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4. Learn more.MathSERIESSUMDATEVALUE[date_string]48Given parameters DATEVALUE[date_string]49, DATEVALUE[date_string]50, DATEVALUE[date_string]51, and DATEVALUE[date_string]52, returns the power series sum a1xn + a2x[n+m] + .. + aix[n+[i-1]m], where i is the number of entries in range `a`. Learn moreMathSIGNDATEVALUE[date_string]53Given an input number, returns `-1` if it is negative, `1` if positive, and `0` if it is zero. Learn moreMathSINDATEVALUE[date_string]54Returns the sine of an angle provided in radians. Learn moreMathSINHDATEVALUE[date_string]55Returns the hyperbolic sine of any real number. Learn moreMathSQRTDATEVALUE[date_string]56Returns the positive square root of a positive number. Learn moreMathSQRTPIDATEVALUE[date_string]57Returns the positive square root of the product of Pi and the given positive number. Learn moreMathSUBTOTALDATEVALUE[date_string]58Returns a subtotal for a vertical range of cells using a specified aggregation function. Learn moreMathSUMDATEVALUE[date_string]59Returns the sum of a series of numbers and/or cells. Learn moreMathSUMIFDATEVALUE[date_string]60Returns a conditional sum across a range. Learn moreMathSUMIFSDATEVALUE[date_string]61Returns the sum of a range depending on multiple criteria. Learn moreMathSUMSQDATEVALUE[date_string]62Returns the sum of the squares of a series of numbers and/or cells. Learn moreMathTANDATEVALUE[date_string]63Returns the tangent of an angle provided in radians. Learn moreMathTANHDATEVALUE[date_string]64Returns the hyperbolic tangent of any real number. Learn moreMathTRUNCDATEVALUE[date_string]65Truncates a number to a certain number of significant digits by omitting less significant digits. Learn moreOperatorADDDATEVALUE[date_string]66Returns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the `+` operator. Learn moreOperatorCONCATDATEVALUE[date_string]67Returns the concatenation of two values. Equivalent to the `&` operator. Learn moreOperatorDIVIDEDATEVALUE[date_string]68Returns one number divided by another. Equivalent to the `/` operator. Learn moreOperatorEQDATEVALUE[date_string]69Returns `TRUE` if two specified values are equal and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `=` operator. Learn moreOperatorGTDATEVALUE[date_string]70Returns `TRUE` if the first argument is strictly greater than the second, and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `>` operator. Learn moreOperatorGTEDATEVALUE[date_string]71Returns `TRUE` if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second, and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `>=` operator. Learn moreOperatorISBETWEENDATEVALUE[date_string]72Checks whether a provided number is between two other numbers either inclusively or exclusively. Learn moreOperatorLTDATEVALUE[date_string]73Returns `TRUE` if the first argument is strictly less than the second, and `FALSE` otherwise. Equivalent to the `

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