Convert string to base32 php

I have to pass username as an unique string to a webservice, and the API is asking for the following.

  1. Unique string has to be converted to BASE16
  2. It is the BASE16 value I have to pass.

I cannot find a way to convert the value to BASE16. PHP does not seem to have a BASE16_ENCODE like it does for BASE64.


$value = ;
$base16username = base16_encode['$value']; [< Since Base16_encode does not exist, this is my problem]

Google searches are leading me nowhere, nor is the PHP online manual so I suspect I might be overlooking something obvious. Any suggestions?


Base32 Encoder/Decoder for PHP according to RFC 4648.


Use composer:

composer require christian-riesen/base32


simon at simonster dot com

18 years ago

Here are some functions for converting integers to and from base 256. Converting to base 64 is simple given these.

Yes, I know that this would be more efficient if it used mod instead of base_convert, but it needs to work with integers > 32 bits.

fiftytoo at buckeyeexpress dot com

18 years ago

I needed a function to invert a hex value, which i used for setting font colors when they were on a colored background, that way i will get a contrasting color.

Im sure there are other reasons to use this, you decide!!

output: string[3] "314"

bryan at bryanruiz dot com

11 years ago

A RFC 4648 Compliant Base32 encode.  Send me an email if you end up making this thing more efficient with bitwise operations and whatever else.

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