Excel drop down list not wide enough



  • Sep 5, 2008
  • #1
I have made drop down boxes for several columns in a workbook. The problem
is that the drop down box is too wide. For example, for a simple "Yes,No"
selection the drop down box is +/- 7 inches wide. Can I size the driop down
box to simply be the width of the column it is referring to? I have looked
everywhere, and in the process learned many things but have not found an
answer to my delemma. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Roger Govier

  • Sep 5, 2008
  • #2

How did you create the dropdowns, with Data Validation or Combobox?
If ComboBox, then you can adjust the width of that when in Design mode.

If Data Validation, then take a look at Debra Dalgleish's site.
She has code there for making the box wider, but just change the values to
get the size of columns you wish.


  • Sep 5, 2008
  • #3
Roger Govier said:

How did you create the dropdowns, with Data Validation or Combobox?
If ComboBox, then you can adjust the width of that when in Design mode.

If Data Validation, then take a look at Debra Dalgleish's site.
She has code there for making the box wider, but just change the values to
get the size of columns you wish.

Roger Govier

The drop downs were created with Data Validation. I have four columns with drop down boxes that all have the same problem, i.e., the drop down box is +/- 7 inches wide and the column may be 1" wide. I have done many spreadsheets with drop down boxes but have never had this problem. I am using OfficePro 2003. If I use your solution I assume I would have to insert this code for each column?
Click to expand...

Debra Dalgleish

  • Sep 6, 2008
  • #4
Extra wide dropdown lists appear occasionally, usually if cells on the
worksheet have been merged [not necessarily the cell with the data

To get rid of them, you may have to delete the row or column and
recreate the data validation.

There's a bit more information here:



  • Sep 6, 2008
  • #5
Debra Dalgleish said:
Extra wide dropdown lists appear occasionally, usually if cells on the
worksheet have been merged [not necessarily the cell with the data

To get rid of them, you may have to delete the row or column and
recreate the data validation.

There's a bit more information here:


Debra Dalgleish
Blog: //blog.contextures.com

Thank all who responded. There were two merged cells but unmerging them did not work. Deleting the drop down validations and then reinserting new validation drop down boxes did not work. Nothing worked but Debra's response got me thinking, I inserted another worksheet, deleted all validations from the columns, copied the entire worksheet and pasted to the new worksheet, and then added back my validation drop down lists. All in the world is good again!!!!! Thank you.
Click to expand...

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