How do i add null values in mysql workbench?

Re: How to insert NULL values directly?

Posted by: Mike Lischke
Date: June 13, 2005 12:15AM

Hi Xavier,

Setting a field to NULL can be done by using the context menu. There is an entry Clear Field Content that can be used. However your result set has to set once into edit mode before this menu point becomes available. For instance press F2 once [or click the edit button at the bottom of the result set gird] and then you can clear fields as you like.


Mike Lischke, MySQL Developer Tools
Oracle Corporation

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Edited 2 time[s]. Last edit at 06/13/2005 12:28AM by Mike Lischke.


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Re: How to insert NULL values directly?

June 13, 2005 12:15AM

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B.3.4.3 Problems with NULL Values

The concept of the NULL value is a common source of confusion for newcomers to SQL, who often think that NULL is the same thing as an empty string ''. This is not the case. For example, the following statements are completely different:

mysql> INSERT INTO my_table [phone] VALUES [NULL];
mysql> INSERT INTO my_table [phone] VALUES [''];

Both statements insert a value into the phone column, but the first inserts a NULL value and the second inserts an empty string. The meaning of the first can be regarded as phone number is not known and the meaning of the second can be regarded as the person is known to have no phone, and thus no phone number.

To help with NULL handling, you can use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators and the IFNULL[] function.

In SQL, the NULL value is never true in comparison to any other value, even NULL. An expression that contains NULL always produces a NULL value unless otherwise indicated in the documentation for the operators and functions involved in the expression. All columns in the following example return NULL:

mysql> SELECT NULL, 1+NULL, CONCAT['Invisible',NULL];

To search for column values that are NULL, you cannot use an expr = NULL test. The following statement returns no rows, because expr = NULL is never true for any expression:

mysql> SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE phone = NULL;

To look for NULL values, you must use the IS NULL test. The following statements show how to find the NULL phone number and the empty phone number:

mysql> SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE phone IS NULL;
mysql> SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE phone = '';

See Section, “Working with NULL Values”, for additional information and examples.

You can add an index on a column that can have NULL values if you are using the MyISAM, InnoDB, or MEMORY storage engine. Otherwise, you must declare an indexed column NOT NULL, and you cannot insert NULL into the column.

When reading data with LOAD DATA, empty or missing columns are updated with ''. To load a NULL value into a column, use \N in the data file. The literal word NULL may also be used under some circumstances. See Section 13.2.7, “LOAD DATA Statement”.

When using DISTINCT, GROUP BY, or ORDER BY, all NULL values are regarded as equal.

When using ORDER BY, NULL values are presented first, or last if you specify DESC to sort in descending order.

Aggregate [group] functions such as COUNT[], MIN[], and SUM[] ignore NULL values. The exception to this is COUNT[*], which counts rows and not individual column values. For example, the following statement produces two counts. The first is a count of the number of rows in the table, and the second is a count of the number of non-NULL values in the age column:

mysql> SELECT COUNT[*], COUNT[age] FROM person;

For some data types, MySQL handles NULL values in special ways. For example, if you insert NULL into an integer or floating-point column that has the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, the next number in the sequence is inserted. Under certain conditions, if you insert NULL into a TIMESTAMP column, the current date and time is inserted; this behavior depends in part on the server SQL mode [see Section 5.1.11, “Server SQL Modes”] as well as the value of the explicit_defaults_for_timestamp system variable.

How do I set NULL values in workbench?

In MySQL Workbench, right click on the cell and select 'Set Field to NULL'. In MySQL Workbench this setting is now called Set Field[s] to NULL , and is the first option in the list.

Can we insert NULL in MySQL?

You can insert NULL value into an int column with a condition i.e. the column must not have NOT NULL constraints. The syntax is as follows. INSERT INTO yourTableName[yourColumnName] values[NULL]; To understand the above syntax, let us first create a table.

How do you insert a NULL value?

You also can specify the NULL keyword in the VALUES clause to indicate that a column should be assigned a NULL value. The following example inserts values into three columns of the orders table: INSERT INTO orders [orders_num, order_date, customer_num] VALUES [0, NULL, 123];

How do I add a value to a table in MySQL workbench?

In order to start adding data to a table, right-click the table [in the SCHEMAS pane] to be modified and click Select Rows. You will then find yourself in a window that allows you to enter data [Figure E]. In this window, you can either use the result grid or open the form editor.

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