How do i print the space between two numbers in python?

A quick warning, this a pretty wordy answer.

print is tricky sometimes, I had some problems with it when I first started. What you want is a few spaces in between two variables after you print them right? There's many ways to do this, as shown in the above answers.

This is your code:

count = 1
conv = count * 2.54
print count, conv

It's output is this:

1 2.54

If you want spaces in between, you can do it the naive way by sticking a string of spaces in between them. The variables count and conv need to be converted to string types to concatenate[join] them together. This is done with str[].

print [str[count] + "           " + str[conv]]
### Provides an output of:
1           2.54

To do this is the newer, more pythonic way, we use the % sign in conjunction with a letter to denote the kind of value we're using. Here I use underscores instead of spaces to show how many there are. The modulo before the last values just tells python to insert the following values in, in the order we provided.

print ['%i____%s' % [count, conv]]
### provides an output of:

I used %i for count because it is a whole number, and %s for conv, because using %i in that instance would provide us with "2" instead of "2.54" Technically, I could've used both %s, but it's all good.

I hope this helps!


P.S. if you want to get complicated with your formatting, you should look at prettyprint for large amounts of text such as dictionaries and tuple lists[imported as pprint] as well as which does automatic tabs, spacing and other cool junk.

Here's some more information about strings in the python docs. //

In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to add space in python. Adding space between variable, and string increase the readability while displaying the output of the program. We can add space in python between two variables, strings, and lines.

  • How to add space at start of string in python using rjust[]
  • How to add space at end of string in python using ljust[]
  • How to add space at both ends of string in python using center[]
  • How to add space between two variables in python while printing
  • How to add space between lines in python while printing
  • How to add space in python using for loop
  • Conclusion

How to add space at start of string in python using rjust[]

The rjust[] method in python returns a new string. The length of the new string is provided as the input parameter. The length is increased by adding character at the left side of the original string.


string.rjust[length, character]

length – It is the length of the modified string. If the length provided is less or equal to the original string, the original string is returned.

character –  The character parameter is optional. The given character is used to do padding at the left side of the string. The default value of character is space.

Hence when we want to add ‘n’ number of space at the beginning of string we provide the  length equal to n + len[original_string]

Python Examples:-

# Python program to add space at end of the string using ljust[] method
# Defining the string
demo_string = "My Programming Tutorial"
# required length of string after adding space
# where 5 is number of space to be added
required_length = len[demo_string] + 5
# Using rjust[] method
# Not providing padding character because default character is space
modified_string = demo_string.ljust[required_length]
# Printing modified_string


     My Programming Tutorial

Here in output 5 spaces are added at the start of the given input string.

Read also: 4 Ways to count occurrences in the list in Python

How to add space at end of string in python using ljust[]

To add space in python, at the end of the string we use ljust[] method. The ljust[] method in python returns a new string. a new string. The length of the new string is provided as input. The length is increased by adding character at the right side of the original string.


string.ljust[length, character]

length – It is the length of the modified string. If the length provided is less or equal to the original string, the original string is returned.

character –  The character parameter is optional. The given character is used to do padding at the right side of the string. The default value of character is space.

Hence when we want to add ‘n’ number of space at the beginning of string we provide the  length equal to n + len[original_string]

Python Examples:-

# Python program to add space at beginning of the string using rjust[] method
# Defining the string
demo_string = "My Programming Tutorial"
# required length of string after adding space
# where 5 is number of space to be added
required_length = len[demo_string] + 10
# Using rjust[] method
# Not providing padding character becuase default character is space
modified_string =[required_length]
# Printing modified_string


My Programming Tutorial     

Here in output 5 spaces are added at end of the given input string.

Read also: 4 Ways to split string into list of characters

How to add space at both ends of string in python using center[]

To add space in python, at both ends of the string we use center[] method. The center[] method in python returns a new string. The length of the new string is provided as input. The length is increased by adding characters on both sides of the original string.

Syntax[length, character]

length – It is the length of the modified string. If the length provided is less or equal to the original string, the original string is returned.

character –  The character parameter is optional. The given character is used to do padding at both sides of the string. The default value of character is space.

Hence when we want to add ‘n’ number of space at the beginning of string we provide the  length equal to n + len[original_string]

Python Examples:-

# Python program to add space at both ends of the string using center[] method
# Defining the string
demo_string = "My Programming Tutorial"
# required length of string after adding space
# where 5 is number of space to be added
required_length = len[demo_string] + 10
# Using rjust[] method
# Not providing padding character becuase default character is space
modified_string =[required_length]
# Printing modified_string


     My Programming Tutorial     

Here in output 5 spaces are added at both the ends of the given input string.

Read also: Top 14 Applications of Python

How to add space between two variables in python while printing

In Python, we can add space between variables while printing in two ways – 

  1. Listing the variables in print[] separated by a comma ” , “. For Example – print[a, b]
  2. Using format[] function in print.

To know about format function you can visit this. Both methods are shown below with examples.

Python examples:

# Python program to add space at variables in print[]
# Defining the variables
demo_string = "My age is"
age = 23
# Listing variable variable separated by comma in print[]
print["Using print and listing variables separated by comma"]
print[demo_string, age]
# Using format function with print[]
print["Using format function with print"]
print["{0} {1}".format[demo_string, age]]


Using print and listing variables separated by comma
My age is 23

Using format function with print
My age is 23

How to add space between lines in python while printing

To add space in python between two lines or paragraphs we can use the new line character i.e “n”. 

Python Examples

# Using n to add space between two lines in python
print["Hello World.nWelcome to My Programming Tutorial..!"]


Hello World
Welcome to My Programming Tutorial..!

How to add space in python using for loop

In this, we will be discussing how to add space in python using for loop. We consider the problem statement as

Input = ["I", "am", "learning", "to", "code", "in", "Python"]
Output - I am learning to code in Python

To print the list elements separate by space we can use for loop and print the element with the end character as space.

By default print[] in Python ends with a new line character. The print[] function has a parameter called as end which can be used to specify a character that prints at the end instead of a newline character.

Python Code:

# Defining input string in a list
input_strings = ["I", "am", "learning", "to", "code", "in", "Python"]
# Using for loop to iterate over input_strings
# Pritning each string with end character as space
for sting in input_strings:
    print[sting, end = " "]


 I am learning to code in Python 


We add space in string in python by using rjust[], ljust[], center[] method. To add space between variables in python we can use print[] and list the variables separate them by using a comma or by using the format[] function.

I am Passionate Computer Engineer. Writing articles about programming problems and concepts allows me to follow my passion for programming and helping others.

What does \t do in Python?

In Python strings, the backslash "\" is a special character, also called the "escape" character. It is used in representing certain whitespace characters: "\t" is a tab, "\n" is a newline, and "\r" is a carriage return. Conversely, prefixing a special character with "\" turns it into an ordinary character.

How do you represent a space in Python?

In Python, characters that are used for spacing are called as whitespace characters. They include newline, spaces, tabs, carriage return, feed, etc..
' ' – Space..
'\t' – Horizontal tab..
'\v' – Vertical tab..
'\n' – Newline..
'\r' – Carriage return..
'\f' – Feed..

How do you put a space in a for loop in Python?

1 Answer.
use end="" and insert the whitespaces manually..
create a string and print after the loop: s = "" for n in range[n, n+7]: s+= str[n]+ " " s = s[:-1] #remove the ending whitespace print[s].
which I recommend: Using sys.stdout.write instead print: print only displays the message after a linebreak was printed..

How do you leave line spacing in Python?

The new line character in Python is \n . It is used to indicate the end of a line of text. You can print strings without adding a new line with end = , which is the character that will be used to separate the lines.

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