How do i reduce the gap between two lines in excel?

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This tutorial demonstrates how to use line spacing in Excel.

Increase Line Spacing in a Cell

In Excel, text in a cell is often hard to read because of its vertical alignment. Say you have the following bottom-aligned text in cell B2.

In this case, you would probably want your text to be equally distributed vertically in the cell.

1. Select a cell with text [in this example B2], and in the Ribbon, go to the Home tab, and click on the Alignment Settings icon in the bottom right corner of the Alignment group. [Alternatively, you could right-click the cell and choose Format Cells…]

2. In the Format Cells window, choose Justify in the Vertical drop-down list and click OK.

As a result, the text in B2 is now justified with equal spacing between lines.

Sometimes the data you put into an Excel spreadsheet is extensive, and you want to make sure the text is presentable, not overwhelming. This can be an issue of concern for both experienced users and newbies. Read on to find out how to easily make your text look neat and tidy by adjusting the line spacing in a cell.

How to Increase Text Spacing in a Cell

If you want to increase the spacing between text lines to make your text easier to read, you can use the simple Excel function “increasing the spacing for text.” Just follow these easy steps:

1. Select the cell with the text you want to adjust [A1 in our example].

2. Next, click “Home.”

3. Select the Alignment settings icon.

4. In the Format cell dialog box, click the arrow near the Vertical option to open the dropdown list.

5. Choose the Justify function.

6. Click “OK.”

There’s nothing to it! With this option, the line spacing for the text increases to fill the cell from top to bottom.

Read More: How to Indent in Excel

 How to Reduce Text Spacing in a Cell

Sometimes, in order to save space on a spreadsheet, it is necessary to reducing the spacing between lines in a cell. Fortunately, Excel offers the option “reducing the spacing for text.” The following steps will show you how to reduce the space between text lines:

1. Select the cell with the text you want to adjust [A1 in our example].

2. Navigate to the Home tab.

3. Choose the Alignment settings icon.

4. In the Format cell dialog box, click the arrow near the Vertical option to open the dropdown list.

5. Choose Top, Center, or Bottom from the list.

6. Click “OK.”

Piece of cake! Your line spacing has been successfully reduced. Another way to modify the spacing between text lines is to use Excel subscript and superscript features.

The vertical space between lines of text is called interval or line spacing. Increasing or reducing line spacing is the process of widening or narrowing the space between lines in selected text or in an entire text block.

To make your text look attractive visually, you should make the necessary adjustments to its appearance. Sometimes it may be necessary to change the line spacing to make it easier for the reader. This line spacing can be varied depending on what range is suitable for your text. It doesn’t take long to make such changes. To format your text correctly and effortlessly, follow the step-by-step process offered in this article.

How do you get rid of double line spacing in Excel?

Removing Double Spaces.
Select the cells from which you want to remove double spaces..
Go to Home –> Find & Select –> Replace. [You can also use the keyboard shortcut – Control + H]..
In the Find and Replace dialogue box, enter: Find what: Double Space. Replace with: Single Space..
Click on Replace All..

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