How do you print a front slash in python?

You need to escape your backslash by preceding it with, yes, another backslash:


And for versions prior to Python 3:

print "\\"

The \ character is called an escape character, which interprets the character following it differently. For example, n by itself is simply a letter, but when you precede it with a backslash, it becomes \n, which is the newline character.

As you can probably guess, \ also needs to be escaped so it doesn't function like an escape character. You have to... escape the escape, essentially.

See the Python 3 documentation for string literals.

Print a backslash in Python #

To print a backslash:

  1. Use a second backslash character to escape each backslash in the string.
  2. Use the print[] function to print the result.
  3. The backslash character has a special meaning, so it has to be escaped with a second backslash.


# ✅ Print a single backslash [escaping] my_str = 'Alice\\Bob\\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\Bob\Carl # -------------------------------------- # ✅ print double backslash [escaping] my_str = 'Alice\\\\Bob\\\\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\\Bob\\Carl # -------------------------------------- # ✅ print single backslash [raw string] my_str = r'Alice\Bob\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\Bob\Carl # -------------------------------------- # ✅ print double backslash [raw string] my_str = r'Alice\\Bob\\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\\Bob\\Carl

The first example uses a second backslash to escape each backslash character in the string.

The backslash \ character has a special meaning in Python - it is used as an escape character [e.g. \n or \t].

By adding a second backslash, we treat the \ as a literal character.


my_str = 'Alice\\Bob\\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\Bob\Carl

If you need to print two backslash characters next to one another, use four backslashes.


my_str = 'Alice\\\\Bob\\\\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\\Bob\\Carl

Alternatively, you can use a raw string.

Print a backslash using a raw string #

Prefix the string with r to print a backslash, e.g. print[r'Alice\Bob\Carl']. When a string is prefixed with r, it treats backslashes as literal characters and escaping them is not necessary.


my_str = r'Alice\Bob\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\Bob\Carl my_str = r'Alice\\Bob\\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\\Bob\\Carl

Strings that are prefixed with r are called raw strings and treat backslashes as literal characters.

There is no need to escape backslash characters when using a raw string.

If you need to interpolate variables in a raw string, use a formatted string literal.


name = 'Bob' my_str = fr'Alice\{name}\Carl' print[my_str] # 👉️ Alice\Bob\Carl

Formatted string literals [f-strings] let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f.

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces - {expression}.

Notice that the string is prefixed with fr and not just with f.

If you are constructing a path, e.g. to a directory or a file, you can use forward slashes instead of backslashes.


file_name = 'C:/Users/Alice/Desktop/example.txt' # 👇️ C:/Users/Bob/Desktop/example.txt print[file_name]

A forward slash can be used in the place of a backslash when you need to specify a path.

Backslash characters have a special meaning in Python, so to treat them as literal characters, we have to:

  • escape each backslash with a second backslash
  • prefix the string with r to mark it as a raw string
  • use forward slashes in the place of backslashes in a path

How do you print a forward slash in Python?

Backslash characters have a special meaning in Python, so to treat them as literal characters, we have to: escape each backslash with a second backslash. prefix the string with r to mark it as a raw string. use forward slashes in the place of backslashes in a path.

How do you type a slash in Python?

In short, to match a literal backslash, one has to write '\\\\' as the RE string, because the regular expression must be "\\", and each backslash must be expressed as "\\" inside a regular Python string literal.

How do I print backslash?

\ is a special character [sign] In C#. It is used for escape sequences[break out] such as to print a new line – we use \n, to print a tab – we use \t. We have to use a double backslash [\\] to print a backslash [\].

How do you escape a forward slash in Python string?

The python backslash character [ \ ] is a special character used as a part of a special sequence such as \t and \n . Use the Python backslash [ \ ] to escape other special characters in a string.

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