How to drop pin on iPhone text

You can share a location, directions, or a map. You can share:

  • A place, business, or address
  • A directions search
  • A Street View image

You can't share:

  • A map with your saved locations, which are private
  • A map with a distance measurement
  • A screenshot or image of the map itself

Share a map or location

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app
  2. Search for a place. Or, find a place on the map, then touch and hold to drop a pin.
  3. At the bottom, tap the place's name or address.
  4. Tap Share. If you don't see this icon, tap More
  5. Choose the app where you want to share the link to the map.

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Apple’s Messages app lets you pin certain texts or iMessages to make them easier to find in the future.

Apple has a feature that allows you to pin certain types of text messages in your iPhone’s Messages app. This is great for when you want to save a text to quickly find it later, instead of scrolling through long conversations looking for it.

Unfortunately, the type of text messages you can pin is minimal—for some reason, Apple won’t let you pin any old message. Let’s take a look at the sort of texts you can pin and how you can do so in the Messages app.

What Messages Can You Pin in the Messages App?

As of iOS 15, you can only pin links and images in your text or iMessage conversations. You can’t pin regular text or iMessages, but we’re optimistic Apple will add that feature soon.

Aside from individual text message, you can also pin or unpin entire conversations in the Messages app, so messages from that contact will always appear as a priority at the top of the app.

How to Pin a Text Message on an iPhone

Make sure you’ve updated to the latest version of iOS before you begin this easy process. Then follow these steps to pin a text message with a link or image:

  1. Open Messages and tap on the conversation you want to pin the text inside.
  2. Scroll to find the link or image you want to pin.
  3. Tap and hold on the text with the shared content.
  4. Tap Pin. You will see a yellow pin icon indicating text has been pinned.

You can repeat the same process and tap on Unpin to undo this process.

How to Find Pinned Messages

If you want to view your pinned messages, follow these steps:

  1. Open the conversation you want to see your pinned messages from.
  2. Tap on the profile photo.
  3. A popup will appear, scroll down to Pins and tap See All to view all your pinned messages.

If you’re pinning messages to save them forever, there are better ways to save all the text messages on your iPhone. Using those methods, your texts will stay safe even if you lose your device.

Easily Find Images and Links by Pinning Them

You may not be able to pin all the texts in an iPhone conversation yet, but you can pin article links and images. This means you can look back on news, YouTube videos, memorable pictures, and much more without having to search through an entire conversation for it.

Aside from pinning, the Messages app has many other exciting features you may want to look at as well, including Memojis, reactions, and iMessage apps.

  • You can drop a pin on your iPhone by pressing and holding your finger down on any blank space in the Maps app.
  • Once you've dropped your pin, you can share it, get directions to that location, or save it to a list of favorite places.
  • The Maps app is installed on all iPhones by default, along with all iPads.

Apple Maps has been around for nearly a decade now, and it's improved a lot in that time. For example: It's now easier than ever to find and share an exact location with anyone you want. All you need to do is hold your finger down and drop a pin.

How to drop a pin in your iPhone's Maps app

The Maps app comes pre-installed on all iPhones [and all iPads]. But if you don't have it — maybe you deleted and replaced it with Google Maps — you can download it for free from the App Store.

To drop a pin in Maps, just open the app and hold your finger down on any blank space that doesn't already have a business or attraction. After about a second, a red pin icon will appear at the spot you touched, along with an information panel.

This panel will tell you how far away the pin is from you, its address, and even the exact coordinates. Tap the blue button at the top-left of the panel to start navigating there.

Tap on a space that doesn't have any attractions. Apple; William Antonelli/Insider

If you pull up the Panel to reveal the rest, you'll find more options:

  • Press and hold your finger on either the address or coordinates to copy them to your iPhone's clipboard
  • If the location you tapped is missing a business, restaurant, or other attraction, tap Add to Maps to report it to Apple
  • Tap Add to Favorites to save the pinned location to a list of your favorite spots
  • Tap Remove to erase the pin

And if your pin isn't in quite the right position, tap Move. This will open a close-up map of the area, and you can drag your finger to reposition your pin onto the exact spot you want.

Tap Move to zoom in so you can set your pin precisely. Apple; William Antonelli/Insider

You'll find even more options if you tap the three dots in the top-right corner of the information panel. Here you can Share the pinned location with anyone, or save the location to a contact. 

Sharing the pin will send a link that anyone can click to see it on a map — or if they're also on an iPhone, open it in their own Maps app.

Tap the three-dot menu to reveal more options for sharing or saving the location. Apple; William Antonelli/Insider

William Antonelli

Tech Reporter for Insider Reviews

William Antonelli [he/she/they] is a writer, editor, and organizer based in New York City. As a founding member of the Reference team, he helped grow Tech Reference [now part of Insider Reviews] from humble beginnings into a juggernaut that attracts over 20 million visits a month. Outside of Insider, his writing has appeared in publications like Polygon, The Outline, Kotaku, and more. He's also a go-to source for tech analysis on channels like Newsy, Cheddar, and NewsNation. You can find him on Twitter @DubsRewatcher, or reach him by email at .

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