Hướng dẫn final variable in php

I can't find out, or maybe I am thinking wrongly but I need to make a variable that can't be changed, like read-only, something like :

final $finalVar = 'extremely secret number'; // don't change

$finalVar = 'hacked...'; // THROW I GIANT BIG ERROR HERE !

asked Dec 29, 2016 at 14:16


10.8k14 gold badges75 silver badges101 bronze badges


Aside from constants [as mentioned in comments], the only way I can think of to do this is to use a parent-child relationship with a private variable

class ParentC {
    private $var = 'bob';

class ChildC extends ParentC {
    public function setVar[] {
         // Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property ParentC::$var
         echo parent::$var; 

Note that there's a hacky way around that using the Reflection class. But, for the most part, you can't touch a private parent variable from a child class

answered Dec 29, 2016 at 14:36


30.1k26 gold badges87 silver badges98 bronze badges


You can use constants if you want to create variables which you don't want to be changed:

class MyClass {

   const VERSION = '2.1'; // This constant can be view outside the class,
                          // but its value can't be changed even in this class

   function myMethod [] {
       echo self::VERSION; // Inside class


or outside the class:

echo MyClass::VERSION;

Functional approach:

define ['VERSION', '2.1'];


answered Aug 3, 2019 at 15:03


1,58715 silver badges19 bronze badges

While there has been talk of read-only variables since at least 2012, with even an RFC proposing it on objects, the support does not exist in the language.

One way to achieve a read-only variable [or a collection of read-only variables, as might be important with certain configuration values] is with a mediating container:

class Readonly {
    public function __construct[...$vars] {

    public function __set[$var, $value] {
        if [array_key_exists[$var, $this->vars]] {
            throw new \LogicException["Variable $var is read-only"];
        } else {
            $this->vars[$var] = $value;

    public function __get[$var] {
        return array_key_exists[$var, $this->vars] ? $this->vars[$var] : null;

    protected $vars = [];

Which allows you to create a container of read-only variables:

$config = new Readonly['apikey'];

$config->apikey = 'A01AB020'; // this works, first time set
echo $config->apikey;

$config->apikey = '00000000'; // boom! it's "final"

answered Dec 29, 2016 at 14:40


35.4k10 gold badges99 silver badges133 bronze badges


Use constant:

defined['VARIABLE']  OR define['VARIABLE', 'value'];

Documentation: define defined


1,1651 gold badge18 silver badges28 bronze badges

answered Feb 19, 2019 at 11:43


With PHP 8.1 you can now declare a variable as readonly :

class MyClass{
    public readonly string $prop;
    public function __construct[string $val] {
        // Can be intialized only once.
        $this->prop = $val;

$myclass = new MyClass['Foo'];
$myclass->prop; // Read the property
$myclass->prop = 'Bar'; // Error: Cannot modify readonly property

Note that you can only apply readonly to typed properties.

answered Nov 26, 2021 at 9:50


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