Hướng dẫn hash object javascript


Generate hashes from objects and values in node and the browser. Uses node.js crypto module for hashing. Supports SHA1 and many others [depending on the platform] as well as custom streams [e.g. CRC32].

  • Hash values of any type.
  • Supports a keys only option for grouping similar objects with different values.

var hash = require['object-hash'];

hash[{foo: 'bar'}] // => '67b69634f9880a282c14a0f0cb7ba20cf5d677e9'
hash[[1, 2, 2.718, 3.14159]] // => '136b9b88375971dff9f1af09d7356e3e04281951'

Versioning Disclaimer

Starting with version 1.1.8 [released April 2017], new versions will consider the exact returned hash part of the API contract, i.e. changes that will affect hash values will be considered semver-major. Previous versions may violate that expectation.

For more information, see this discussion.

hash[value, options]

Generate a hash from any object or type. Defaults to sha1 with hex encoding.

  • algorithm hash algo to be used: 'sha1', 'md5', 'passthrough'. default: sha1
    • This supports the algorithms returned by crypto.getHashes[]. Note that the default of SHA-1 is not considered secure, and a stronger algorithm should be used if a cryptographical hash is desired.
    • This also supports the passthrough algorith, which will return the information that would otherwise have been hashed.
  • excludeValues {true|false} hash object keys, values ignored. default: false
  • encoding hash encoding, supports 'buffer', 'hex', 'binary', 'base64'. default: hex
  • ignoreUnknown {true|*false} ignore unknown object types. default: false
  • replacer optional function that replaces values before hashing. default: accept all values
  • respectFunctionProperties {true|false} Whether properties on functions are considered when hashing. default: true
  • respectFunctionNames {true|false} consider name property of functions for hashing. default: true
  • respectType {true|false} Whether special type attributes [.prototype, .__proto__, .constructor] are hashed. default: true
  • unorderedArrays {true|false} Sort all arrays before hashing. Note that this affects all collections, i.e. including typed arrays, Sets, Maps, etc. default: false
  • unorderedSets {true|false} Sort Set and Map instances before hashing, i.e. make hash[new Set[[1, 2]]] == hash[new Set[[2, 1]]] return true. default: true
  • unorderedObjects {true|false} Sort objects before hashing, i.e. make hash[{ x: 1, y: 2 }] === hash[{ y: 2, x: 1 }]. default: true
  • excludeKeys optional function for excluding specific key[s] from hashing, if true is returned then exclude from hash. default: include all keys


Hash using the sha1 algorithm.

Note that SHA-1 is not considered secure, and a stronger algorithm should be used if a cryptographical hash is desired.

Sugar method, equivalent to hash[value, {algorithm: 'sha1'}]


Hash object keys using the sha1 algorithm, values ignored.

Sugar method, equivalent to hash[value, {excludeValues: true}]


Hash using the md5 algorithm.

Note that the MD5 algorithm is not considered secure, and a stronger algorithm should be used if a cryptographical hash is desired.

Sugar method, equivalent to hash[value, {algorithm: 'md5'}]


Hash object keys using the md5 algorithm, values ignored.

Note that the MD5 algorithm is not considered secure, and a stronger algorithm should be used if a cryptographical hash is desired.

Sugar method, equivalent to hash[value, {algorithm: 'md5', excludeValues: true}]

hash.writeToStream[value, [options,] stream]

Write the information that would otherwise have been hashed to a stream, e.g.:

hash.writeToStream[{foo: 'bar', a: 42}, {respectType: false}, process.stdout]
// => e.g. 'object:a:number:42foo:string:bar'



browser: /dist/object_hash.js

  var hash = objectHash.sha1[{foo:'bar'}];

  console.log[hash]; // e003c89cdf35cdf46d8239b4692436364b7259f9

Example usage

var hash = require['object-hash'];

var peter = { name: 'Peter', stapler: false, friends: ['Joanna', 'Michael', 'Samir'] };
var michael = { name: 'Michael', stapler: false, friends: ['Peter', 'Samir'] };
var bob = { name: 'Bob', stapler: true, friends: [] };

 * sha1 hex encoding [default]
// 14fa461bf4b98155e82adc86532938553b4d33a9
// 4b2b30e27699979ce46714253bc2213010db039c
// 38d96106bc8ef3d8bd369b99bb6972702c9826d5

 * hash object keys, values ignored
hash[peter, { excludeValues: true }];
// 48f370a772c7496f6c9d2e6d92e920c87dd00a5c
hash[michael, { excludeValues: true }];
// 48f370a772c7496f6c9d2e6d92e920c87dd00a5c
// 48f370a772c7496f6c9d2e6d92e920c87dd00a5c

 * hash object, ignore specific key[s]
hash[peter, { excludeKeys: function[key] {
    if [ key === 'friends'] {
      return true;
    return false;
// 66b7d7e64871aa9fda1bdc8e88a28df797648d80

 * md5 base64 encoding
hash[peter, { algorithm: 'md5', encoding: 'base64' }];
// 6rkWaaDiG3NynWw4svGH7g==
hash[michael, { algorithm: 'md5', encoding: 'base64' }];
// djXaWpuWVJeOF8Sb6SFFNg==
hash[bob, { algorithm: 'md5', encoding: 'base64' }];
// lFzkw/IJ8/12jZI0rQeS3w==

Legacy Browser Support


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