Hướng dẫn intermediate python books reddit

Hello! I have been working with Python for about 6 months. I have worked my way through the following

  1. Charles Severance' book 'Python for Informatics - Introduction to Programming'

  2. Learn Python the Hard way

I feel very comfortable now with the basics of strings, variables, tuples, variables, dictionaries etc. I feel ok with regular expressions.

My question for the group is this.

What is a good INTERMEDIATE book for Python at this point? I don't want another beginner book but I am still new enough that I still prefer a good structured book with a lot of exercises [with explanations of solutions].

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Hi, I am new to coding and I just completed the introductory course for cs using mit ocw, may I ask where I stand in terms of level?

Can I ask are there any good books that teach more than what was covered in course, and is there a lot to learn?

All the books I found were on data analytics or machine learning, are they suitable for me? Lastly, I would like to get into competitive programming, is learning more about python useful, what else should I learn?


What are the books about python that you consider worth studying, which are aimed for those who want deepen their knowledge about programming?

level 1

I’ve been looking for similar resources and I’ve seen Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho recommended multiple times.

I’ve enjoyed it so far. Gives a good overview of leveraging python in a pythonic way.

level 2

I liked that book.

I’ll add clean architectures in python and OOP in python

level 2

And there is now available second edition updated to python 3.10. Nice!

level 2

+1 this is a great book; the author knows the material well and makes it very accessible.

level 2

I think it is a great recommendation! It was on my radar for some time, I think I need to finally grab this one.

level 2

That's my favourite Python book! 🤓🐼🐍

level 2

I absolutely love this book and I highly recommend anyone who wants to take it up a notch to check this book out.

level 2

I haven't heard about this one before, but it is really intriguing. I will definitely read it! Thanks!

level 2

I bought this book but was pretty disappointed, it seems to be targeting a very specific kind of application.

level 1

Effective Python is a good one to go through

level 2

Do you know how it compares to Fluent Python?

level 1


  • Official Python docs — Python docs are a treasure trove of information

  • Pydon'ts — Write elegant Python code, make the best use of the core Python features

  • Python Distilled — this pragmatic guide provides a concise narrative related to fundamental programming topics such as data abstraction, control flow, program structure, functions, objects, and modules

  • Pythonic Programming — Tips for Becoming an Idiomatic Python Programmer


  • Fluent Python — takes you through Python’s core language features and libraries, and shows you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable at the same time

  • Serious Python — deployment, scalability, testing, and more

  • Practices of the Python Pro — learn to design professional-level, clean, easily maintainable software at scale, includes examples for software development best practices

  • Intuitive Python — productive development for projects that last

Design patterns:

  • Clean Architectures in Python — software design methodology

  • Architecture Patterns with Python — Enabling TDD, DDD, and Event-Driven Microservices

I have more as a list here: //learnbyexample.github.io/py_resources/intermediate.html

level 2

Is there something for beginners? Asking for a friend 🤣

level 2

This is great list. Thanks you! I will have a look at the listed books!

I have been using python for about 3 years. I also have a minor in computer science [but that was... a while ago]. So I took OOP, data structures, and algorithms but I forgot most of that...

I've been working with python and creating projects pretty regularly. However, I feel like I'm stuck with a basic toolkit and that there is still a lot for me to learn.

I've read about a couple of books, but they all seem iffy. Is there a golden standard?

  • The python cookbook - but it's from 2013

  • Effective python - I've heard mixed things

  • Fluent Python - I haven't heard much

  • Something else??


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