Hướng dẫn introspection in php example

Introspection is a common feature in any programming language which allows object classes to be manipulated by the programmer. You’ll find introspection particularly useful when you don’t know which class or method you need to execute at design time.

Nội dung chính

  • PHP Introspection Functions
  • PHP Reflection API
  • What is introspection with example in PHP?
  • What is introspection in programming?
  • What is introspection in Web technology?
  • Which introspection method is used to check if an object has a given parent class?

Nội dung chính

  • PHP Introspection Functions
  • PHP Reflection API
  • What is introspection with example in PHP?
  • What is introspection in programming?
  • What is introspection in Web technology?
  • Which introspection method is used to check if an object has a given parent class?

Introspection in PHP offers the useful ability to examine classes, interfaces, properties, and methods. PHP offers a large number functions that you can use to accomplish the task. In order to help you understand introspection, I’ll provide a brief overview of some of PHP’s classes, methods, and functions using examples in PHP to highlight how they are used.

During this article, you’ll see a couple examples of how to use some of the most useful PHP’s introspection function and a section dedicated to an API that offers functionality similar to introspection, the Reflection API.

PHP Introspection Functions

In the first example, I’ll demonstrate a handful of PHP’s introspection functions. You can use these functions to extract basic information about classes such as their name, the name of their parent class, and so on.

  • class_exists[] – checks whether a class has been defined
  • get_class[] – returns the class name of an object
  • get_parent_class[] – returns the class name of an object’s parent class
  • is_subclass_of[] – checks whether an object has a given parent class

Here is the example PHP code that contains the definition for Introspection and Child classes and outputs information extracted by the functions listed above:

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