Hướng dẫn random binary python

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    Given a number n, the task is to generate a random binary string of length n.

    Input: 7
    Output: Desired length random binary string is:  1000001
    Input: 5
    Output: Desired length random binary string is:  01001


    • Initialize an empty string, say key 
    • Generate a randomly either “0” or “1” using randint function from random package. 
    • Append the randomly generated “0” or “1” to the string, key 
    • Repeat step 2 and 3 for the desired length of the string 

    Below is the implementation.


    import random

    def rand_key[p]:

        key1 = ""

        for i in range[p]:

            temp = str[random.randint[0, 1]]

            key1 += temp


    n = 7

    str1 = rand_key[n]

    print["Desired length random binary string is: ", str1]


    Desired length random binary string is:  1000001

    The Time and Space Complexity for all the methods are the same:

    Time Complexity: O[n]

    Auxiliary Space: O[n]

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