In the past nghĩa là gì

Đang nhớ lại món chuối hôm qua vô cùng vừa miệng. Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
"Live in the past" = sống trong quá khứ -> hoài niệm, không buông bỏ được quá khứ.
Ví dụBy standing in front of a closed window, our life is ruined. We begin to live like a corpse [xác chết].Many people come to know only when they are dying that they did not live life at all. People spend their entire life living in the past.
They recount [kể lại] the past. History helps us to make some adjustments now and to plan better forthe future by virtue of [bởi vì] what has happened before.We can tweak [điều chỉnh] some things to change the future. God did not intend for us to live in the past though.
When we live in the past, we are seeking to place blame and shame on others or our own person. Living in a state of blame and shame is much like being placed in a maximum security jail cell [nhà tù an ninh tuyệt đối]. You are a captive [tù nhân] of the issues in your past.
Thu Phương
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