Listening to directions

If a tourist asked you for directions in English in your city, would you know what to say? Learn how to give directions and explain where something is in this free English listening lesson from Oxford Online English. This is a lesson for pre-intermediate learners.

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Read the Text

Woman: Excuse me?
Man: Yeah?
Woman: Im sorry to bother you1, but Im completely lost. Are you from here2?
Man: Where are you trying to get to3?
Woman: Well, I was looking for the art museum, but I think Ive taken a wrong turn4 somewhere.
Man: I think so! Youre miles away.
Woman: Really? This always happens to me. Directions are just not my thing5, I suppose.
Man: I think the best thing is to take a bus. Itll take ages6 if you walk from here.
Woman: Thats a shame I wanted to walk around and get a feel for the city7.
Man: I wouldnt worrytheres nothing to see around here, anyway. Take the bus into the centre and walk around thereits much more interesting.
Woman: Oh, okay. Where can I take the bus?
Man: Its about five minutes walk from here. You see that hotel, on the corner, there?
Woman: The one that says Royal Hotel?
Man: Thats right. Go down that street to the end, then turn right. Take the first left8 and go on until you see a junction9 with traffic lights. Go over the junction, keep going straight, and youll see a bus stop on your left.
Woman: Go to the end, first left, turn right at the traffic lights
Man: No, no. Go straight on, past the traffic lights.
Woman: Oh! Yes, and then
Man: Itll be on your left.
Woman: Right! Got it10, I think
Man: Well, you can always ask someone else. Good luck!
Woman: Thanks!

Vocabulary Notes

1. Im sorry to bother you = a very polite way to introduce a request or a question, often used when talking to people you dont know.
2. Are you from here? = Do you live in this area?
3. Get in this sentence means go or arrive.
4. Ive taken a wrong turn = I went the wrong way, so now Im lost.
5. If something isnt your thing, then you arent very good at it.
6. Itll take ages = Itll take a long time.
7. Get a feel for the city = spend time looking around the city, so you become familiar with it.
8. Take the first left = turn at the first street on the left.
9. A junction = a place where two or more streets cross.
10. Got it = I understand.

Giving Directions in English exercise 1
Comprehension: understanding phrases in context

Some of the words in the dialogue [e.g. take] can mean many things. The exact meaning depends on the other words in the sentence and the overall context.

Listen to five excerpts from the dialogue and match them with phrases that mean the opposite.

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  1. Question 1 of 1
    1. Question

    Press Hint to see where in the dialogue you can find each clip.

    Now move the opposite phrases next to the clip numbers below.

    Sort elements
    • I know exactly where I am.
    • Ive followed the correct route.
    • Im good at finding my way around.
    • Youll be there in no time.
    • I dont understand.
    • Clip 1
    • Clip 2
    • Clip 3
    • Clip 4
    • Clip 5

    In the dialogue at normal speed, clip 1 is at 0.04, clip 2 is at 0.11, clip 3 is at 0.18, clip 4 is at 0.24 and clip 5 is at 1.17.

Giving Directions in English exercise 2
Vocabulary: collocations for directions

Collocations are combinations of words that are often used in a certain context. Other similar words might mean more or less the same, but theyd be wrong if the combination isnt common.

Complete five gaps in a short conversation about directions using words that you hear in the recorded dialogue above.

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  1. Question 1 of 1
    1. Question

    Write one word in each gap in exactly the same form that it is used in the recording. Click Hint to see time references for where the missing words are heard.

    • A: So, how do I to the station?
      B: Go this street, until you reach the big shop
      A: The with the red sign?
      B: Thats right. left there, then the second right, and youll see it.


    In the version at normal speed, the missing words appear at 0.07, 0.51, 0.47, 0.53 and 0.54.

Giving Directions in English exercise 3
Grammar: present verb forms

The dialogue features verb forms relating to the past, present and future this is true of most conversations!

Listen to five sentences from the dialogue and complete five rules about verb forms in the present.

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  1. Question 1 of 5
    1. Question

    Choose the correct option. Click Hint to see the relevant verb from the example clip.


    1. Use the present continuous [subject + be + -ing form of main verb] for:

    • past actions with present consequences
    • habits, routines or true facts
    • instructions
    • actions in progress
    • actions before or after a specific time in the future

    Listen to the form of try.

  2. Question 2 of 5
    2. Question

    2. Use the present perfect [subject + have/has + past participle] for:

    • past actions with present consequences
    • habits, routines or true facts
    • instructions
    • actions in progress
    • actions before or after a specific time in the future

    Listen to the form of take.

  3. Question 3 of 5
    3. Question

    3. Use the present simple for:

    • past actions with present consequences
    • habits, routines or true facts
    • instructions
    • actions in progress
    • actions before or after a specific time in the future

    The verb in this clip is happen.

  4. Question 4 of 5
    4. Question

    4. Use the imperative form [with no subject] for:

    • past actions with present consequences
    • habits, routines or true facts
    • instructions
    • actions in progress
    • actions before or after a specific time in the future

    Go is the example here.

  5. Question 5 of 5
    5. Question

    5. Use a time conjunction + the present simple for:

    • past actions with present consequences
    • habits, routines or true facts
    • instructions
    • actions in progress
    • actions before or after a specific time in the future

    The time conjunction in the clip is until; the verb after it is see.

Giving Directions in English exercise 4
Pronunciation: sentence stress

Stressed syllables in English sound longer than unstressed syllables. Stressed syllables occur in words that put the meaning in the sentence normally nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Words like the, of and and are not usually stressed.

Listen to five sentences from the dialogue and add the stressed words in the gaps.

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  1. Question 1 of 5
    1. Question

    Write one word in each gap. Click Hint for extra help.

    • 1. I was for the .


    The first missing word has 7 letters starting with L.
    The second missing word has 3 letters starting with A.
    The third missing word has 6 letters starting with M.

  2. Question 2 of 5
    2. Question
    • 2. I the thing is to a .


    The first missing word has 5 letters starting with T.
    The second missing word has 4 letters starting with B.
    The third missing word has 4 letters starting with T.
    The last missing word has 3 letters starting with B.

  3. Question 3 of 5
    3. Question
    • 3. Theres to around here, .


    The first missing word has 7 letters starting with N.
    The second missing word has 3 letters starting with S.
    The last missing word has 6 letters starting with A.

  4. Question 4 of 5
    4. Question
    • 4. You that , on the , ?


    The first missing word has 3 letters starting with S.
    The second missing word has 5 letters starting with H.
    The third missing word has 6 letters starting with C.
    The last missing word has 5 letters starting with T.

  5. Question 5 of 5
    5. Question
    • 5. You can someone .


    The first missing word has 6 letters starting with A.
    The second missing word has 3 letters starting with A.
    The third missing word has 4 letters starting with E.

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