Nested lists hackerrank solution

Problem Statement :

Given the names and grades for each student in a class of N students, store them in a nested list and print the name[s] of any student[s] having the second lowest grade. Note: If there are multiple students with the second lowest grade, order their names alphabetically and print each name on a new line. Example: records=[["chi",20.0], ["beta", 50.0], ["alpha",50.0]] The ordered list of scores is [20.0,50.0] , so the second lowest score is 50.0. There are two students with that score: ["alpha", "beta"]. Ordered alphabetically, the names are printed as: alpha beta Input Format: The first line contains an integer, N , the number of students. The subsequent 2N lines describe each student over 2 lines. - The first line contains a student's name. - The second line contains their grade. Constraints: 2

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