pv là gì - Nghĩa của từ pv

pv có nghĩa là

Abbreviation for Potential Victim. Commonly used to refer to a girl/guy with whom you are considering courtship/elopement/copulation/mating/etc. Typically used by people who are less than attractive to begin with; therefore their person-of-desire is considered "prey".

Ví dụ

"Spot any PV's [potential victims] tonight at that house party?" "I'm going to walk around the club and look for some PV's. I'll report back to you with the results."

pv có nghĩa là

Short for a promotional video. Applies mainly to music releases.

Ví dụ

"Spot any PV's [potential victims] tonight at that house party?"

pv có nghĩa là

abbr. for photovoltaic, device that generates electricity from light. A form of clean and sustainable energy.

Ví dụ

"Spot any PV's [potential victims] tonight at that house party?"

pv có nghĩa là

"I'm going to walk around the club and look for some PV's. I'll report back to you with the results." Short for a promotional video. Applies mainly to music releases. "Did you see that PV last night on TV? I can't wait until that song comes out!" abbr. for photovoltaic, device that generates electricity from light. A form of clean and sustainable energy.

Ví dụ

"Spot any PV's [potential victims] tonight at that house party?"

pv có nghĩa là

"I'm going to walk around the club and look for some PV's. I'll report back to you with the results." Short for a promotional video. Applies mainly to music releases.

Ví dụ

"Did you see that PV last night on TV? I can't wait until that song comes out!" abbr. for photovoltaic, device that generates electricity from light. A form of clean and sustainable energy. pv cell, pv module, pv system Ma

pv có nghĩa là

V ibration
S yndrome

The Sensation that your cell phone is vibrating in your pocket, when it actually is not.

Ví dụ

I thought my cell phone was vibrating, but it was just PVS Stands for Phantom Vibration Syndrome. This is a condition where an individual feels a vibration from their cellular phone. The user attempts to answer it only to find that his phone did not ring at all. This can occur even when one doesn't even have their phone with them.

pv có nghĩa là

So don't worry, you're not the only one.

Ví dụ

Joe: So that's how I saved Christmas.
Jim: Holdup, phone.

pv có nghĩa là

[Jim takes his phone out of his pocket.]

Ví dụ

Jim: It's no one. Stupid PVS.

pv có nghĩa là

peri-vaginal: noun, area between vulva and anus

Ví dụ

peri-vaginate: verb, to manipulate this area

Found first in a newstory from Ghana, where the noun, verb, and abbreviation were used to describe how a rapper was sexually assaulted on stage. The story was featured on the Fark website and has gone into common usage there.

pv có nghĩa là

Original usages: "According to the reports, in the ensuing drama, while some of the members of the student-body who joined her to dance fondled her breasts, others to peri vaginate [pv] her."

Ví dụ

"In the process, according to them, the students who were possibly sexually-aroused stripped the singer naked and pv'd her and allegedly performed lewd acts on her body." Private Story [on snapchat]

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