Replace first 3 characters in php

I am dealing with a problem of time conversion from 12 hr format to 24 hour format.

Is there any single function in php to replace the first two characters of a string?

str_replace can be used only when I know the substring content to be replaced.

anchortext to save proper content in the database.

Here is the implementation of offset factor:

$offset_factor = 0;

foreach[$content->links->links as $index=>$link]{
            $replacement = ''.$link->anchorText.'';
            $new_offset = $link->offset + $offset_factor;
            $newtext = \substr_replace[$content->text, $replacement, $new_offset, $link->length];

            //now we reset the original paragraph text with newtext
            $content->text = $newtext;

                       //calculate the new offset by calculating the difference in replacement length and original length and add that to the offset_factor
            $additional_characters = strlen[$replacement] - $link->length;
            $offset_factor =  $offset_factor + $additional_characters;

I hope this helps a noobie :] If there is another easier way, I would love to hear about it.

yeyijelud at amadamus dot com

3 years ago

First Example can be simplified =>

$input = array['A: XXX', 'B: XXX', 'C: XXX'];

substr_replace[$input, 'YYY', -3];

output: Array [ [0] => A: YYY [1] => B: YYY [2] => C: YYY ]

NiX0n at fragfest dot cx

13 years ago

The preemptive test to see if $string is "too long" shouldn't add strlen[$replacement] to $max.  $max should represent the absolute maximum length of string returned.  The size of the $replacement is irrelevant in that determination.

The rest of the function [unchanged below] operates as defined above.  Meaning, the size of the $replacement is subtracted from the $max, so that the returned string is exactly the length of $max.

spcl dot delivery at gmail dot com

14 years ago

the version of my predecessor will add $rep even if the string is shorter than max. fixed version:

To preserve the filename extension you can call it like this:

truncate[[filename], 30, '...' . end[explode['.', [filename]]]]

jaimthorn at yahoo dot com

14 years ago

I recently needed a routine that would remove the characters in one string from another, like the regex

and I needed it to be fast, and accept pretty much all input.  The regex above won't work when strlen[$chars] == 0.  I came up with this, admittedly pretty horrible-looking code, that is quite fast:

According to my own measurements, the regex in ONLY faster for when strlen[$chars] == 1; for longer strings, my routine is faster.  What does it do?  Let's say you want to remove the period, the comma and the exclamation mark from a string, like so:
$result = RemoveChars["Isn't this, like, totally neat..!?", ".?!"];
The str_pad function creates a string equal in length to the string that contains the character to be removed, but consisting only of the first character of that string:
The input is ".,!"
The output is "..."
The strtr function translates all characters in the string-to-be-processed ["Isn't this..."] that also occur in the input [".,!"] to the characters in the same position in the output ["..."].  In other words:
Isn't this, like, totally neat..!?
Isn't this. like. totally neat....
Finally, the first character from the input [".,!"] which happens to be, again, the period, is removed from that string by the str_replace call:
Isn't this like totally neat?
The function needs to check is $chars has at least one character, or else the str_pad function will fail.  If it's empty, then the unprocessed string is returned.

chuayw2000 at hotmail dot com

16 years ago

I don't know if this function is multibyte safe but I've written a function that will do the same in multibyte mode.

david at ethinkn dot com

19 years ago

Here is a simple function to shorten a string and add an ellipsis

nospam at nospam dot com

6 years ago


18 years ago

Regarding "...", even the short functions are too long and complicated, and there's no need to use substr_replace. substr[] works better and is  way faster prior to 4.3.5 as the below poster stated.

function shorten[ $str, $num = 100 ] {
  if[ strlen[ $str ] > $num ] $str = substr[ $str, 0, $num ] . "...";
  return $str;


21 years ago

If you would like to remove characters from the start or end of a string, try the substr[] function.

For example, to remove the last three characters from a string:
$string = "To be or not to be.";
$string = substr [$string, 0, -3];

blessador at gmail dot com

9 years ago

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