Thông tư hướng dẫn báo cáo sự cố y khoa năm 2024


Đơn vị chủ quản: Sở Y tế tỉnh Tuyên Quang

Chịu trách nhiệm chính: BS. Nguyễn Quế Lâm - Giám đốc Bệnh viện

Địa chỉ: Phường Mỹ Lâm, TP. Tuyên Quang, Tỉnh Tuyên Quang

Điện thoại: 0207.3875.284


Thông tư 43/2018/TT-BYT Hướng dẫn phòng ngừa sự cố y khoa trong các cơ sở khám bệnh, chữa bệnh do Bộ trưởng Bộ Y tế ban hành

* Cơ quan ban hành: Bộ Y tế .

* Ngày ban hành: 26/12/2018.

* Ngày có hiệu lực: 01/03/2019.

* Nội dung chính:

Thông tư này hướng dẫn việc báo cáo sự cố y kha, phân tích, phản hồi và xử lý sự cố y khoa; khuyến cáo, cảnh báo và khắc phục để phòng ngừa sự cố y khoa và trách nhiệm thực hiện [không áp dụng đối với phòng ngừa sự cố ý khoa trong hoạt động tiêm chủng, tác dụng không mong muốn của thuốc và biến cố bất lợi của các thử nghiệm lâm sàng.]

Khi phát hiện sự cố y khoa, nhân viên y tế có trách nhiệm nhận diện và phân biệt sự cố y khoa theo các trường hợp mô tả, diễn biến tình huống, mức độ tổn thương .

Báo cáo sự cố y khoa gồm:

- Báo cáo tự nguyện đối với các sự cố y khoa:

+ Tình huống có nguy cơ gây sự cố

+ Sự cố đã xảy ra, chưa tác động trực tiếp đến người bệnh

+ Sự cố đã xảy ra tác động trực tiếp đến người bệnh, chưa gây nguy hại

+ Sự cố đã xảy ra tác động trực tiếp đến người bệnh, cần phải theo dõi hoặc đã can thiệp điều trị kịp thời nên không nguy hại

+ Sự cố đã xảy ra gây nguy hại tạm thời và cần phải can thiệp điều trị

+ Sự cố đã xảy ra, gây nguy hại tạm thời, cần phải can thiệp điều trị và kéo dài thời gian nằm viện.

Báo cáo bắt buộc đối với các sự cố y khoa:

+ Sự cố kéo dài gây hại và để lại di chứng

+ Sự cố đã xẩy ra gây nguy hại và cần phải được hồi sức tích cực

+ Sự cố đã xảy ra có ảnh hưởng hoặc trực tiếp gây tử vong

+ Các sự cố y khoa nghiêm trọng gồm : Sự cố y khoa gây tử vong cho 01 người bệnh và nghi ngờ có nguy cơ tiếp tục gây tử vong cho người bệnh tiếp theo hoặc sự cố y khoa gây tử vong cho 02 người bệnh trở lên trong cùng một tình huống, hoàn cảnh và nguyên nhân.

- Hình thức báo cáo bằng văn bản hoặc báo cáo điện tử , riêng với sự cố y khoa nghiêm trọng phải báo cáo trước bằng điện thoại trong thời hạn 01 giờ, kể từ khi phát hiện sự cố.

Cơ sở khám, chữa bệnh tổng hợp báo cáo sự cố y khoa gửi cơ quan quản lý 6 tháng một lần nội dung gồm: Số lượng báo cáo sự cố y khoa bắt buộc và tự nguyện, tần suất xảy ra đối với từng loại sự cố, kết quả phân tích nguyên nhân gốc, giai pháp và khuyến cáo phòng ngừa đã đề xuất và được triển khai.

Sau khi tiếp nhận báo cáo sự cố y khoa xảy ra, bộ phận tiếp nhận và quản lý sự cố y khoa cửa cơ sở khám chữa bệnh phải tiến hành phân loại, phân tích sơ bộ về mức độ nghiêm trọng và tần suất xảy ra ở tất cả các sự cố được ghi nhận và đề xuất danh mục sự cố y khoa và nhóm chuyên gia phân tích sự cố y khoa tương ứng báo cáo người đứng đầu cơ sơ khám chữa bệnh .

Trong 60 ngày , kể từ ngày nhận được báo cáo, phân tích sự cố y khoa từ bộ phận tiếp nhận và quản lý sự cố y khoa, nhóm chuyên gia phân tích sự cố y khoa phải đề xuất giải pháp và khuyến cáo phòng ngừa sự cố cho đơn vị mình.

Trung tâm Y tế huyện Phong Thổ là tổ chức thuộc Sở y tế, chịu sự quản lý, chỉ đạo và hướng dẫn, thanh tra, kiểm tra của Giám đốc Sở y tế về chuyên môn, nghiệp vụ, kinh phí, nhân lực y tế; chịu sự quản lý, chỉ đạo của Uỷ ban nhân huyện Phong Thổ, trong việc xây dựng kế hoạch phát triển y tế của huyện để trình cơ quan có thẩm quyền và chịu trách nhiệm tổ chức thực hiện kế hoạch đó sau khi được phê duyệt.


Số điện thoại: - Hotline tư vấn tiêm chủng dịch vụ: 02838914032 [Trong giờ hành chính]

- Phòng TC-HC: 02837107204 [Trong giờ hành chính]

Email: Địa chỉ: 75, đường Bà Triệu, Khu phố 1, thị trấn Hóc Môn, huyện Hóc Môn, Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh.

Nội dung đáng chú ý này được quy định tại Thông tư 43/2018/TT-BYT hướng dẫn phòng ngừa sự cố y khoa trong các cơ sở khám, chữa bệnh.

Theo đó, sự cố liên quan đến quản lý người bệnh được xếp vào Danh mục sự cố y khoa nghiêm trọng khi thuộc vào các trường hợp hợp sau:

- Giao nhầm trẻ sơ sinh;

- Người bệnh trốn viện bị tử vong hoặc bị di chứng nghiêm trọng;

- Người bệnh tử vong hoặc di chứng nghiêm trọng do tự tử tại cơ sở khám, chữa bệnh.

Ngoài 03 trường hợp nêu trên thì còn có 25 trường hợp khác [quy định tại Phụ lục II ban hành kèm theo Thông tư 43] được xác định là sự cố y khoa nghiêm trọng thuộc các nhóm sự cố như:

Sự cố phẫu thuật; sự cố do trang thiết bị; sự cố liên quan đến chăm sóc tại cơ sở khám, chữa bệnh; sự cố do môi trường; sự cố được cho là phạm tội hình sự.

Thông tư 43/2018/TT-BYT có hiệu lực thi hành từ ngày 01/3/2019.


SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness ----

No. 43/2018/TT-BYT

Hanoi, December 26, 2018



Pursuant to Decree No. 75/2017/ND-CP dated June 20, 2017 of Government on functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of Ministry of Health;

At the request of the Director General of the Vietnam Administration of Medical Services;

Minister of Health promulgates Circular guiding prevention of adverse events in medical examination and treatment establishments.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope and regulated entities




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2. This Circular does not apply to prevention of adverse events in vaccination, adverse drug reactions [ADR], and adverse events of clinical trials.

3. This Circular applies to medical examination and treatment establishments [hereinafter referred to as “medical establishments”] and relevant agencies, organizations, individuals.

Article 2. Definition

In this Circular, terms below are construed as follows:

1. “an adverse event” refers to an unwanted event that occurs during diagnosis, care, or treatment as a result of objective and/or subjective causes other than the illness or body of the patients and affects health and/or lives of the patients.

2. “a near-miss” refers to an adverse event that has already occurred without causing any consequences or almost caused consequences but was then discovered and promptly prevented and did not affect patients’ health.

3. “root causes” are causes that directly correlate with the occurrence of adverse events, root causes can be remediated to prevent adverse events.

Article 3. Rules for preventing adverse events

1. Prevention of adverse events must be implemented on the basis of identification, reporting, analysis in order to find the cause, issue recommendations to prevent, avoid adverse events, improve medical examination and treatment quality and for no other purposes.




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3. Dossiers on adverse event prevention are managed in accordance with regulation on information confidentiality.

4. Prevention of adverse events is the responsibility of health workers and leaders in medical establishments.

Chapter II


Article 4. Identification of adverse events

Upon encountering adverse events, health workers are responsible for identifying and classifying the adverse events based on description, development, and level of injury under Appendix I attached hereto.

Article 5. Reporting and recording of adverse events

1. Reporting of adverse events includes:

  1. Voluntary reporting for adverse events under Section 1 through Section 6 of Appendix I.




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2. Reporting methods:

  1. Voluntary reporting shall be produced in writing or electronically. If irregular report is required, report can be submitted in person or via telephone but later must be recorded in writing.
  1. Mandatory reporting

Report via urgent documents or electronic documents for adverse events that cause severe injuries [NC3] under Appendix II attached hereto. With respect to serious adverse events under Point b Clause 1 Article 5, those adverse events must be reported in advance via telephone within 1 hour from the point in which the events are discovered.

3. Reporting and recording of adverse events in medical establishments

  1. Reporting of adverse events

- Voluntary reporting: Persons who cause or discover the adverse events shall report to adverse event reception and overseeing departments of medical establishments. Minimum reporting contents include: Location, time, description, preliminary assessment regarding the adverse events, conditions of affected persons, and initial response using Form of Adverse event report under Appendix III attached hereto.

- Mandatory reporting: Persons who cause or discover the adverse events must report to their heads of departments and adverse event reception and overseeing departments. Heads of departments are responsible for reporting to heads of medical establishments. Heads of medical establishments are responsible for reporting to supervisory authorities of the medical establishments. The reports must contain all information on the Form of Adverse event report under Appendix III attached hereto and name of persons making the reports.

  1. Recording of adverse events:




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- All reported adverse events must be recorded and kept in documents or on adverse event reporting system. Serious adverse events under Point b Clause 1 Article 5 must have their reports sent to supervisory authorities of the medical establishments and Ministry of Health.

4. Reporting and recording of adverse events at Departments of Health:

Departments of Professional Affair and Departments of Health shall act as contact point for receiving reports and classifying adverse events of medical establishments under their management, including state-owned and private medical establishments affiliated to centralized health authorities except for those affiliated to Ministry of National Defense.

5. Reporting and recording of adverse events at Ministry of Health:

Department of Medical Service Administration shall act as contact point for receiving reports and classifying adverse events of medical establishments affiliated to Ministry of Health.

Article 6. Consolidation of adverse event reports

1. At medical establishments:

  1. Consolidate adverse event reports and send to supervisory authorities once every 6 months.
  1. Details of reports to be consolidated include:




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- Frequency of each type of adverse event

- Analysis results of root cause

- Preventive solutions and recommendations proposed and implemented

2. At Departments of Health:

  1. Departments of Professional Affairs and Departments of Health that consolidate adverse event reports of affiliated medical establishments shall produce list of adverse events based on level of severity and frequency in order to determiner tendency of adverse events, issue general recommendations on preventing adverse events for affiliated entities.
  1. On a quarterly basis, consolidate recommendations and reports and send to Ministry of Health [Department of Medical Service Administration].

3. At Ministry of Health:

  1. Department of Medical Service Administration shall consolidate periodic reports and irregular reports of medical establishments affiliated to Ministry of Health and consolidated reports of Departments of Health.
  1. On a quarterly basis, analyze national statistical reports on adverse events, issue general recommendations for preventing adverse events for nationwide medical establishments.




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Article 7. Classification of adverse events

1. Upon receiving reports on adverse events, adverse event reception and overseeing departments of medical establishments must classify the adverse events based on 3 criteria below:

  1. Classify adverse events based on level of injury for patients under Appendix I.
  1. Classify adverse events based on incidents under Section II of Appendix IV attached hereto.
  1. Classify adverse events based on cause of the events under Section IV of Appendix IV.

2. Regarding adverse events that are deemed to warrant serious injuries [NC3], these adverse events must be further classified based on List of serious adverse events under Appendix II.

Article 8. Analysis of factors and root causes

1. Analysis at medical establishments




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  1. Heads of medical establishments are responsible for forming groups of experts under command of heads of the medical establishments which will analyze root causes and factors causing adverse event, issue preventive measures on the basis of list of adverse events proposed by adverse event overseeing departments. Clarify whether factors causing adverse events are systematic or individual in nature. Regarding adverse events that are systematic in nature and can occur in other similar medical establishments, immediately report to supervisory authorities of the medical establishments in order to provide general preventive recommendations.
  1. Within 60 days from the date on which report and analysis of adverse events are received from adverse event reception and overseeing departments, groups of adverse event analyst experts must propose preventive solutions and recommendations.

2. Analysis at Departments of Health

  1. Review and recommend adverse events to be reported to Directors of Departments of Health in order to establish groups of experts affiliated to Departments of Health in order to find the root causes, preventive measures with respect to adverse events that have not been sufficiently or clearly reported or causes, solutions proposed by medical establishments are not appropriate.
  1. Direct medical establishments where serious adverse events under Point b Clause 1 Article 5 occur to inspect, verify, and analyze the adverse events using Form of adverse event analysis under Appendix IV within 60 days.

3. Analysis at Ministry of Health

  1. Review and propose adverse events to be reported to Deputy Minister of Health in charge of medical examination and treatment sector to establish groups of experts affiliated to Ministry of Health to review, find root causes, and preventive measures with respect to adverse events that have not been sufficiently or clearly reported or causes, solutions proposed by medical establishments are not appropriate.
  1. Direct medical establishments affiliated to Ministry of Health where serious adverse events under Point b Clause 1 Article 5 occur to inspect, verify, and analyze the adverse events using Form of adverse event analysis under Appendix IV within 60 days.

Article 9. Handling and feedback of adverse event handling and response




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  1. Health workers working in medical establishments upon discovering adverse events must immediately take actions to ensure safety for patients prior to reporting to adverse event reception and overseeing departments.
  1. Departments of Health shall command affiliated medical establishments to adopt safety measures, carry out inspection and report to Ministry of Health within 24 hours from the point in which the adverse events occur in case of adverse events under Point b Clause 1 Article 5.
  1. Ministry of Health shall command affiliated medical establishments to adopt safety measures, carry out inspection and produce reports within 24 hours from the point in which the adverse events occur in case of adverse events under Point b Clause 1 Article 5.

2. Feedback on adverse event reports and handling

  1. Adverse event reception and overseeing departments of medical establishments shall provide feedback for individuals and organizations reporting adverse events at departmental meetings of the medical establishments.
  1. Contact points of Ministry of Health and Departments of Health shall provide feedback for individuals and organizations reporting adverse events in writing.

Chapter IV


Article 10. Recommendations for preventing adverse events




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2. Department of Professional Affairs - Departments of Health shall review all adverse event recommendations of affiliated medical establishments to consolidate, make general recommendations to enable provinces and cities to prevent adverse events with high frequency of occurrence and medical establishments to prevent similar adverse events.

3. Department of Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health shall review recommendations for preventing adverse events of affiliated medical establishments and Departments of Health in order to make national recommendations for preventing adverse events with high reporting frequency, general recommendations to enable medical establishments to avoid similar adverse events.

4. Disseminate recommendations for preventing adverse events on internal news of medical establishments or on guiding documents of supervisory authorities and on “An toàn người bệnh” [Patient safety] section of online newspaper, magazines, journals, and seminars on mass media.

Article 11. Rectification to prevent adverse events

1. Adverse event reception and overseeing shall advise heads of medical establishments to develop and request competent authorities to issue plans, implement activities in order to carry out solutions and recommendations for preventing adverse events.

2. Persons in charge of technical matter of medical establishments shall coordinate relevant departments and supervise implementation of recommendations for preventing adverse events according to plan.

3. Contact points of Ministry of Health and Departments of Health shall coordinate and supervise affiliated medical establishments where adverse events have already occurred carry out preventive activities according to plan.

4. Contact points of Departments of Health and Ministry of Health shall coordinate and supervise medical establishments implement general recommendations and national recommendations for preventing adverse events for adverse events with high reporting frequency and in medical establishments with similar risks of encountering, repeating adverse events.

Chapter V




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Article 12. Responsibilities of health workers and medical establishments

1. Be aware of the necessity of preventing adverse event.

2. Execute specific tasks of medical establishments under this Circular.

3. Maintain confidentiality and privacy of individuals and medical establishments that report adverse events. Assign adverse event reception and overseeing departments to act as contact point entitled to look up and disclose information on adverse event reporting.

4. Develop regulations, procedures, and guidelines, and encourage voluntary reporting of adverse events.

5. Guide, manage adverse event reports, and issue regulations incentivizing voluntary reporting and penalizing unreported adverse events.

6. Consolidate, analyze, and report data regarding adverse event resolution results in medical establishments and make preventive recommendations.

Article 13. Responsibilities of Departments of Health of provinces and central-affiliated cities and health authorities affiliated to ministries and departments

1. Exercise specific tasks of Departments of Health under this Circular.




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3. Direct, organize implementation, manage, supervise, and assess patient safety operation of medical establishments in provinces and cities.

4. Propose amendment to national regulations and guidelines on patient safety.

5. Organize training for affiliated medical establishments regarding reporting of adverse events.

6. Propose commendations for entities and individuals with valuable reports which help Departments of Health to promulgate solutions and recommendations for preventing adverse events.

Article 14. Responsibilities of Department of Medical Service Administration - Ministry of Health

1. Exercise specific tasks of Ministry of Health under this Circular.

2. Maintain confidentiality and privacy of individuals and medical establishments that report adverse events. Assign contact individuals and entitled entities to look up and disclose information on adverse event reporting.

3. Take charge or cooperate in developing and amending legislative documents and professional guidelines on patient safety and present to Minister of Health or competent authorities for approval.

4. Direct, organize, guide, inspect, and supervise compliance with legislative documents and professional guidelines regarding patient safety for nationwide medical establishments.




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6. Act as contact point and organize professional councils for resolving professional and technical matters, coordinate, guide scientific research activities and international cooperation in patient safety and prevention of adverse events.

7. Develop national policies and national action programs for patient safety and prevention of adverse events.

8. Monitor, inspect, and supervise implementation of policies and action programs regarding patient safety in provinces and central-affiliated cities.

9. Advise Minister of Health in community matters and communication authorities in adverse events.

10. Discover and issue warnings for new and emerging adverse events.

11. Propose commendations for entities and individuals with valuable reports which help Ministry of Health to promulgate solutions and recommendations for preventing adverse events. Take actions and penalize individuals and entities that fail to adhere to applicable laws.

Chapter VI


Article 15. Entry into force




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Article 16. Organizing implementation

Director of Department of Medical Service Administration, Chief of Ministry Office, Chief Inspector of Ministry Inspectorates, directors of departments of Ministry of Health, directors of hospitals, directors of Departments of Health of provinces and central-affiliated cities, heads of health authorities of departments are responsible for implementation of this Circular.

Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry of Health [Department of Medical Service Administration]./.


Nguyen Viet Tien


CLASSIFICATION OF ADVERSE EVENTS BASED ON LEVEL OF INJURY [Attached to Circular No. 43/2018/TT-BYT dated December 26, 2016 of the Minister of Health]




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Report methods

Based on situation development

Based on level of harm to health, life of patient

[Level of injury - NC]


A near-miss




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Have not occurred [NC0]


Adverse event has occurred without directly affecting patients


Mild injury [NC1]


Adverse event has directly affected patients without causing harm




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Adverse event has directly affected patients and requires monitoring or has been promptly intervened without causing harm


Voluntary reporting


Adverse event has caused temporary harm and requires intervention


Moderate injury




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Adverse event has caused temporary harm, requires intervention, and prolongs hospitalization duration



Adverse event has caused prolonged harm and leaves sequelae


Severe injury [NC3]




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Adverse event has caused harm and requires intensive care


Mandatory reporting


Adverse event leads to or causes death





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LIST OF SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS [NC3] [Attached to Circular No. 43/2018/TT-BYT dated December 26, 2018 of Minister of Health]



Wrong-site surgery [body parts]

Refers to cases where surgical operation is performed on the wrong body parts according to the medical record, except for emergencies such as:

  1. Change surgery site during the surgery
  1. This change is approved





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Refers to cases where surgical operation is performed on the wrong patient according to patient identification in the medical record.


Wrong-procedure surgery causing severe injury:

Refers to cases where surgical procedures are inconsistent with the laid out procedures, except for emergencies such as:

  1. Change procedures during the surgery.
  1. This change is approved


Retained surgical instrument following a surgical operation or other invasive procedures:





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  1. Such medical items are present before the surgery and retained on purpose.
  1. Such medical items are not present before the surgery but are retained on purpose due to potential harm caused by removing the items. For example: very small needles or screw fragments.


Death during surgery [pre-anaesthesia, incision, incision healing] or immediately after surgery of ASA 1 patients.



Death or severe complications relating to medicine, medical devices, or biologicals


Death or severe complications of the patients relating to the use or performance of medical devices in patient care that are different from the original plan.




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Death or severe complications of the patients relating to embolism during patient care and/or treatment.

Exception: Peripheral nervous or cardiovascular procedures deemed to warrant high risks of embolism.



Babies switched at birth


Death or severe complications of patients escaping from hospitals


Death or severe complications of patients due to suicide at medical establishments.




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Deaths or severe complications of the patients relating to errors in drug use:

Including: Potential death or severe complications of the patients caused by a type of drugs which the patients have allergic reactions to which is known by the prescribers

Exception: Justifiable differences in determining drugs and dose in clinical management.


Death or severe complications of the patients relating to hemolytic anemia caused by transfusing the wrong blood type


Death or severe complications of pregnant women relating to the process labor and birth:

Including all adverse events that occur during postnatal period [42 days following birth].




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  1. Pulmonary embolism or amniotic fluid embolism
  1. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
  1. Cardiomyopathy.


Death or severe complications of the patients caused by hypoglycemia during treatment.


Death or severe complications [Kernicterus] of infant patients caused by high levels of bilirubin in blood.


Grade 3 or grade 4 pressure sore during hospitalization.




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Death or severe complications of the patients caused by physiotherapy-induced spinal injury


Errors in organ transplant.

Including sperm and/or egg mix-up in artificial insemination



Death or severe complications of the patients caused by electricity.

Exception: Adverse events that follow electrotherapy [defibrillation or cardioversion selective].





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  1. Wrong gas. Or
  1. Gas containing toxic substances


Death or severe complications of the patients caused by burns of any origin while receiving care at medical establishments.


Death or severe complications caused by falling while receiving medical care at medical establishments.



Impersonating health workers to provide treatment for patients




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Abducting [or luring] patients of all age


Sexually assaulting patients in hospitals


Inflicting death or serious injuries to patients or health workers in medical establishments


Other serious adverse events [NC3 of G, H, I classification] not mentioned under section 1 through 27





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-Voluntary: □

-Mandatory: □

Report number/Adverse event code:

Reporting date:

Reporting entity:

Patient information

Victim[s] of adverse event

Full name:




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Medical record number:

□ Relatives/visitors

Date of birth:

□ Health workers

Gender: Department/ward

□ Amenity/infrastructure

Location of adverse event

Department/ward/location of adverse event [for example: ICU ward, hospital ground]

Specific location [for example: restroom, parking lot, etc.]




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Date of adverse event:


Brief description of the adverse event

Proposed initial solutions




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Inform admitting physician/person in charge

Record in medical record/relevant document

□ Yes □ No □ Not recorded

□ Yes □ No □ Not recorded

Inform relative/guardian

Inform patient

□ Yes □ No □ Not recorded




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Initial adverse event classification

□ Not occur

□ Occurred

Initial assessment regarding adverse event impact

□ Severe

□ Moderate

□ Mild

Information of reporter

Full name:




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□ Nurse [title]:

□ Patient

□ Relatives/visitors

□ Physician [title]:

□ Other [specify]:

Witness 1:

Witness 2:




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SAMPLE ADVERSE EVENT RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS [Attached to Circular No. 43/2018/TT-BYT dated December 26, 2018 of the Minister of Health]

Report number/Adverse event code: ……………

  1. For personnel in charge
  1. Detailed description of adverse event

[Describe both immediate response and consequences. In case of pressure ulcers, specify positions, sides, radius, and conditions at the time of hospitalization. In case of drug-related adverse events, list all drugs [attach a separate sheet if necessary]




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1. Performance of technical procedures, professional procedures

□ Fail to obtain consent of the patient/relative [with respect to operations, procedures that require the patient/relative to sign the commitment]

□ Fail to execute as indicated

□ Execute on the wrong patient

□ Execute the wrong procedure/operation/treatment method

□ Perform surgery/procedure at the wrong site

□ Leave instruments or consumables in patient

□ Patient deceases during pregnancy

□ Patient deceases while giving birth




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2. Hospital-acquired infection

□ Septicemia

□ Pneumonia

□ Other infection types

□ Surgical wound infections

□ Urinary tract infections

3. Drugs and intravenous fluids

□ Incorrect drug and/or intravenous fluids

□ Insufficient drugs




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□ Incorrect time of taking drugs

□ Incorrect medical order

□ Missing drugs/dose

□ Incorrect drugs

□ Incorrect patients

□ Incorrect route of administration

4. Blood and its preparations

□ Adverse effects, complication during blood transfusion

□ Transfusion of the wrong blood type or blood preparations




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5. Medical devices

□ Missing use instructions

□ Device malfunction

□ Insufficient or inappropriate device

6. Behavior

□ Self-harm or suicidal tendency

□ Sexually assaulted by staff

□ Sexually assaulted by patient/visitor

□ Violated by patient/visitor




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□ Escaped from hospital

7. Accident to patient

□ Falling

8. Infrastructure

□ Damaged or defective

□ Lacking or inappropriate

9. Resource management, organization

□ Appropriateness and adequacy of medical examination and treatment services

□ Appropriateness and adequacy of resources




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10. Document, administrative procedures

□ Missing or insufficient document

□ Unclear or incomplete document

□ Prolonged waiting period

□ Slow document provision speed

□ Wrong document

□ Convoluted administrative procedures

11. Other

□ Adverse events not mentioned under Sections 1 through 10




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III. Implemented treatment/medical order

IV. Classify by causes of adverse events

1. Employee

□ Awareness [knowledge, understanding, idea]

□ Practice [practice skills are inconsistent with regulations, standard guidelines; fail to adhere to the correct regulations and guidelines]

□ Attitude, behavior, emotion




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□ Physiological psychology, physical attribute, pathology

□ Societal factors

2. Patient

□ Awareness [knowledge, understanding, idea]

□ Practice [practice skills are inconsistent with regulations, standard guidelines; fail to adhere to the correct regulations and guidelines]

□ Attitude, behavior, emotion

□ Communication

□ Physiological psychology, physical attribute, pathology

□ Societal factors




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□ Amenities, infrastructure, equipment

□ Extreme distance to working position

□ Safety and risk assessment of working environment

□ Rules, regulations and technical properties

4. Organization/service

□ Policies, procedures, professional guidelines

□ Compliance with standard practice procedures

□ Organization culture

□ Group work




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□ Natural environment

□ Products, technology, and infrastructure

□ Procedures, service system

6. Other

□ Other factors not mentioned under Sections 1 through 5

  1. Rectification measures

VI. Preventive recommendations




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Proposed preventive recommendations

  1. For managerial individuals
  1. Assessment of heads of expert groups

Description of observed results [without repeating adverse event description]

Have discussed and provide recommendations/resolution for persons making the report

□ Yes □ No □ Not recorded




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□ Yes □ No □ Not recorded

II. Assess level of injury

To patient

To organization

1. Have not occurred [NC0]

□ A




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□ Property damage

2. Mild injury [NC1]

□ B

□ Increased resources serving patients

□ C

□ Media attention




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□ Complaints of patients

3. Moderate injury [NC2]

□ E

□ Reputational damage

□ F

□ Law intervention




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□ G

□ Other

□ H

□ I





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Date: Time:

A mild injury means an injury that can be healed naturally or without intervention and treatment.

A moderate injury means an injury that requires intervention and treatment, prolongs hospitalization period, and affects functions in the long run.

A severe injury means an injury that warrants emergency medical response or major intervention and treatment, causes permanent loss of functions or even death.

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