What process involves temporary straightening extremely curly hair by means of heated comb?

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BLOG > BEAUTY > HAIR > Frizz-Free Living: The Top Hair Straightening Methods Ranked

Frizz-Free Living: The Top Hair Straightening Methods Ranked

Kiss your curls goodbye.

With the intense heat of summer looming upon us, our hair is getting frizzier and our willpower to fight it on a daily basis is dwindling. But before you go spend an arm and a leg on a snazzy new set of locks, check out our hair straightening treatment rankings for the best investment possible for your luscious locks.

  • 5. Flat Iron
  • 4. Hair Rebonding
  • 3. Chemical Straightening [Hair Relaxing]
  • 2. Japanese Straightening [Thermal Reconditioning]
  • 1. Keratin Treatment [Brazilian Straightening]

5. Flat Iron

Okay, so this isn’t really a straightening treatment, but for beginners, a flat iron is the easiest way to tame frizzy hair until your next shampoo. When straightening your hair, make sure it’s completely dry before using a flat iron to avoid further damage to your hair. As straightening hair can make hair dry and brittle, be sure to always use a heat-protecting spray and try to go heat-free on days when you don’t need a straightener.

4. Hair Rebonding

Rebonding is a chemical hair treatment that makes hair straight, shiny and sleek. Hair rebonding involves using a cream or relaxant softener to break the natural hair structure followed by a neutralizer to re-bond the structure again. Rebonding is ideal for those who have problems taming their wavy or thick hair, however once hair starts to grow in, the treatment can be easily detected. As popular as rebonding is, it can only be done every once in a while as it can make hair very fragile and weak. It also requires a lot of hair care maintenance – so choose this one wisely!

3. Chemical Straightening [Hair Relaxing]

Chemical straightening, or hair relaxing, is the process of breaking protein bonds in the hair. When a certain number of bonds are broken in curly or wavy hair, it then becomes straight. However, as simple as that sounds, the execution of it by a professional is crucial for its success. For example, if too many bonds are broken your hair will go limp and if not enough are broken then the hair doesn’t straighten out. This hair care procedure is no joke. However, for those willing to fish out the money for a quality treatment at a quality hair salon, the results are well worth the money…just make sure to do your research first!

2. Japanese Straightening [Thermal Reconditioning]

Using both chemicals and heat, Japanese straightening is a smoothing and conditioning treatment that promotes a permanently altered structure of hair. During a Japanese straightening treatment, protein bonds in the hair are loosened and then reshaped by hair cells. For those of you who can’t sit still, be forewarned this is a lengthy process that involves numerous steps… six to eight hours to be exact. After a few days, you will also need to return to the salon for an hour or so for the final step. On the plus side, this treatment lasts about six to seven months. As amazing and long-lasting as this treatment sounds, it can be very damaging to hair in the long run, so make sure to think long and hard about this one.

1. Keratin Treatment [Brazilian Straightening]

Keratin treatments have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and with good reason. They are one of the safer hair straightening techniques out there. Keratin is a natural protein that is already found in our hair, however as protein content decreases with age and a poor diet, so do keratin levels. The keratin treatment adds a coating of keratin onto the hair shaft giving it nutrients that leave hair silky, smooth and straight.

After a salon professional applies keratin solution to hair, a 450 degree flat iron is used to seal in the formula to hair strands [protect your ears from the heat, ladies], creating a moisture barrier that reduces frizz and gives hair a shiny finish.

The best part about a keratin treatment is that hair grows back into its original structure gradually and the treatment can be done repeatedly without worrying about damaging hair. In fact, keratin treatments actually give better results on repeated usage. While it’s not the cheapest treatment, it will last about six months, especially if you follow the treatment with keratin-infused sulfate free shampoos and conditioners! Tempting, right?

We know that everyone’s hair is different, therefore while our rankings are based on how safe and effective the treatments will be, each person may have completely different results. For best results, be sure to talk to a hair care professional before embarking on a permanent straightening adventure!

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What is the process of temporarily straightening extremely curly hair by means of a heated comb called?

off-base curls. The process of temporarily straightening extremely curly hair by means of a heated comb is called: hair pressing. The type of hair pressing service that removes 50 to 60 percent of the curl is the: soft press.

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Pressing Combs: There are two types of pressing combs, electric and regular.

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Process of shaping and directing the hair into an S pattern through the use of the fingers, combs, and finger-waving lotion. Finger waving was all the rage in the 1920s and 1930s, and continues to be popular on today's runways and in Hollywood.

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