Which one of the following terms refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when tested with alternate forms of the same test?

Human Resources Management, 13e [Dessler]

Chapter 6 Employee Testing and Selection

1] Which of the following terms refers to hiring workers who have criminal backgrounds without proper safeguards?

A] employment malpractice

B] negligent hiring

C] improper hiring

D] invalid screening

Answer: B

Explanation: B] Negligent hiring means hiring employees with criminal records or other problems who then use access to customers' homes [or similar opportunities] to commit crimes. Employers can be sued for negligent hiring.

Diff: 1

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

2] A reliable employment test will most likely yield ________.

A] consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test

B] improved scores when a person takes the same test more than once in a single day

C] high scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test on different occasions

D] similar scores when two different people are administered the test at different times

Answer: A

Explanation: A] Reliability is a test's first requirement and refers to its consistency: A reliable test is one that yields consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test or when he or she takes the same test on two or more different occasions.

Diff: 3

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

3] If a person scores a 70 on an intelligence test on one day and scores 110 when retested on another day, you would most likely conclude that this test is ________.

A] valid

B] invalid

C] reliable

D] unreliable

Answer: D

Explanation: D] Reliability is a test's first requirement and refers to its consistency: A reliable test is one that yields consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test or when he or she takes the same test on two or more different occasions. If a person scores 70 on an intelligence test on a Monday and 110 when retested on Tuesday, you probably wouldn't have much faith in the test.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Application

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

4] If a person scores a 78 on a test on one day and scores a 79 when retested on another day, you would most likely conclude that this test is ________.

A] valid

B] invalid

C] reliable

D] unreliable

Answer: C

Explanation: C] A reliable test is one that yields consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test or when he or she takes the same test on two or more different occasions. Scores of 78 and 79 on the same test suggest that the test is reliable because it is measuring with consistency.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Application

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

5] Which of the following terms refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with alternate forms of the same test?

A] equivalency

B] reliability

C] expectancy

D] validity

Answer: B

Explanation: B] Reliability is a test's first requirement and refers to its consistency: A reliable test is one that yields consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of the test or when he or she takes the same test on two or more different occasions.

Diff: 1

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

6] Which of the following best describes how to use a retest estimate to assess reliability?

A] administer a test with content based on what a person actually needs to know to effectively perform the job in question

B] administer the same test to different people at two different points in time and compare their test scores at time 2 with the scores at time 1

C] administer different tests to a group of people and compare the range of collected test scores

D] administer the same test to the same people at two different points in time and compare their test scores at time 2 with their scores at time 1

Answer: D

Explanation: D] There are several ways to estimate consistency or reliability. You could administer the same test to the same people at two different points in time, comparing their test scores at time two with their scores at time one; this would be a retest estimate.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Application

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

7] Which of the following measures reliability by administering two different yet comparable tests and then comparing the two test scores?

A] retest estimate

B] equivalent form estimate

C] internal comparison estimate

D] criterion validity measurement

Answer: B

Explanation: B] An equivalent form estimate involves administering a test and then administering what experts believe to be an equivalent test later. The internal reliability or consistency of the test is measured by an internal comparison estimate. A retest estimate involves administering the same test.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

8] ________ is used as an estimate of reliability and involves administering a test with x number of items designed to assess a topic and then statistically analyzing the degree to which responses to the items vary together.

A] Retest estimate

B] Equivalent form estimate

C] Content validity estimate

D] Internal comparison estimate

Answer: D

Explanation: D] A test's internal consistency is another reliability measure. For example, a psychologist includes 10 items on a test of vocational interests, believing that they all measure, in various ways, the test taker's interest in working outdoors. You administer the test and then statistically analyze the degree to which responses to these 10 items vary together. This would provide a measure of the internal reliability of the test and is known as an internal comparison estimate.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

9] All of the following are used for estimating reliability of a test EXCEPT ________.

A] test-retest estimate

B] internal comparison estimate

C] equivalent form estimate

D] content validity measurement

Answer: D

Explanation: D] Validity indicates whether a test is measuring what it is supposed to be measuring, while reliability indicates whether a test is measuring something consistently. Internal comparison estimates are used to measure the internal consistency of a test. Test-retest estimates and equivalent form estimates also measure reliability.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

10] When repetitive questions appear on a questionnaire, which of the following is most likely being measured?

A] test validity

B] retest estimate

C] internal consistency

D] criterion validity

Answer: C

Explanation: C] A test's internal consistency is measured by making internal comparison estimates. Internal consistency explains why apparently repetitive questions are found on some test questionnaires.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

11] The unreliability of a test is best explained by all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A] poor sampling of question material

B] lack of equivalence between tests

C] inconsistent testing conditions

D] failure to predict job performance

Answer: D

Explanation: D] Many things could cause a test to be unreliable. For example, the questions may do a poor job of sampling the material or there might be errors due to changes in the testing conditions. A lack of equivalence between tests would also explain a test's unreliability. Validity rather than reliability refers to a test's ability to measure what is intended to be measured, such as job performance.

Diff: 3

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

12] Which of the following terms refers to the accuracy with which a test fulfills the function for which it was designed?

A] reliability

B] validity

C] expectancy

D] consistency

Answer: B

Explanation: B] Test validity answers the question "Does this test measure what it's supposed to measure?" Validity refers to the correctness of the inferences that we can make based on the test and the accuracy with which a test or interview fulfills the function it was designed to fill.

Diff: 1

Chapter: 6

Objective: 1

Skill: Concept

Learning Outcome: Identify the characteristics of properly designed selection tests

13] Demonstrating the content

Which of the following terms refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested?

The reliability of a test is used to determine the consistency of a test on different occasions.

Which of the following refers to the consistency of test scores?

Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure.

What test property is described as to the consistency of scores obtained by the same people when reexamined with the same test on different occasions?

The reliability of an assessment instrument like the DECA-P2 is defined as “the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when reexamined with the same test on different occasions, or with different sets of equiva- lent items, or under other variable examining conditions” [Anastasi, 1988, p. 102].

Which one of the following terms refers to the accuracy with which a test Fulfils the function for which it was designed?

Validity ensures that test results are of high integrity.

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