world war 2 là gì - Nghĩa của từ world war 2

world war 2 có nghĩa là

All action, all star sequel to the popular black comedy 'The Great war' [later retconned to 'World War one']. Hailed as a masterpeice by critics for it's combination of epic action, gritty realism, dark comedy, international espionage and feel good ending, although some have critised the overt nationalism and stereotypical lead villian [Adolf Hitler].It also provided a springboard for new international stars such as the U.S.A, the U.S.S.R as well as providing a fitting coda for some ageing stars such as the British and French Empires. Synopsis: The story starts in 1939 and continues 20 years after the previous installment finished with a powerful new Germany [dubbed 'The Nazis' in this instalment] allying itself with a few like minded countries and invading Poland.
Although the good guys [ Britian and France] attempt to halt the Reich France quickly succumbs to the bad guy, the march on Paris being the most chilling early sequence in the tale, leaving the British Empire to stand alone against the evil of the Nazis, which by now emcompasses virtually all of Europe. Although later overshadowed by the appearence of the newcomers, The U.S.A and Russia [who would both go on to become major stars in their own right] Britains war against Germany provides some great thrills including The Battle of Britain, U-Boats in the North Atlantic and The Blitzkreig, which have led many critics to call Britians portrayl of a plucky little country standing up for itself as a career best, or 'Their Finest Hour'.
The Nazis surprise assuallt on Russia and Japans equally surprising decleration of war on the U.S kicks the action into an even higher gear with the Attack on Pearl Harbour and The Seige of Stalingrad being two spectactular high points. This sets the stage for the explosive third act which pulls out all the stops for an unforgettable finale in which the allies mount a comperhensive assault on nazi controlled Europe, the D-Day landings being the stand out scene, and the final defeat of the nazis. After this the story carries on for a few months after this with allies war on the Japanese providing a suitably explosive, although moral ambigous, ending which uses cutting edge technology to portray the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The final coda to the story sets up the inevitable sequel 'The Cold War', a espionage thriller starring the U.S.A and Russia [now renamed The U.S.S.R], plus the many lower budget spin offs including 'The Arab-Israeli Conflict', 'The Korean War', 'The Afghanistan War' and it's sequel 'Iraq/Afghanistan'.


It's been sixty years since World War 2 was released, do you think they'll ever get round to making a sequel?

world war 2 có nghĩa là

The war where the europian allied powers did most of the frontwork. But United States cleaned it all up when they invaded Omaha and then nuked Japan. All the Soviet Union did was have shitty weather.


World War 1 but like 10x better and yet worser, Also World War 2 makes the best movies.

world war 2 có nghĩa là

A war which America, Britain, and Russia kicked some serious ass in.


America, Britain, and Russia are badass and awesome. world war 2

world war 2 có nghĩa là

Started by Germany and Japan, finished by Russia and America [we helped as well], some very nasty stuff went on as well on ALL sides, I dont have time to go into it, its best left in the past though.


Hitler 1945: FFS, whats all these explosions?

Goebbles: Thats the Russians Mein Fuhrer, I dont think theyre very happy with you.

Hitler: Oh fuck, I guessed that means weve lost World War 2 then?

Goebbles: fraid so.

world war 2 có nghĩa là

The Second World War in a nutshell. The second world war [ww2] was the inevitable war that followed the first world war. Axis powers [Germany Japan and to a lesser extent Italy] were defeated by the Allies [Russia, who did most of the work, Britain and her empire, and to a lesser extent America]. Main Players.
Germany - the baddies. they invaded Poland and France starting the war in Europe. Lead by adolf hitler. There is too much to say so for further reading see nazi. Japan - also baddies. Started the war in the east by attacking China. Also attacked America [more on that later], which drew it and Britain into war with Japan. [incidentally because of the time difference the UK declared war one hour before America]. They are noted for their appalling war crimes against captured British forces in Burma and also being the first and only victims of atomic weapons used in anger. Italy - a nuance to Germany [who had to continually help them] and a relief to the allies]. They gave the UK and America an excuse to stay out of France, leaving Russia to continue to suffer heavily. Russia - Goodies. Russia got a raw deal they did most of the hard work and held the eastern front despite appalling losses. Then they get no recognition. Britain and her empire - Goodies. The British held their lines and were the only country in the war to repel a direct German invasion [the German invasion plans were hated by the RAF in the Battle Of Britain]. Notable for the complete destruction of Dresden due to fire bombing. They could have remained out of the first world war however unlike the Americans they invaded Germany without being provoked America - lying cowards. The Americans arrived late, After the tide had turned. However to cover this up they now spend time publishing media that denies all reference to this. For instance spot the English in C.OD. or that film U-571, shows how brave American sailors captured a German Submarine and with it an enigma machine that allowed the war to be won by decoding all German transitions, that film doesn't mention that actually it was British sailors in the royal navy working from Portsmouth, UK that made this capture. Another fact is that of the D-Day landings 2 in 3 soldiers were British. I could go on all day. French - not a major player but deserve a mention. the French soldiers were not to blame for the actions of their leaders. In fact many joined up with the British in disgust. However the French leaders were pussies, they gave up at the first hurdle, unlike the British and Russians who swore that they would fight until the last man. It is because of the French surrender English forces were cut of and had to retreat from Dunkirk.
The British were so determined that the French navy wouldn't be seized by the Germans that they lured it out into open water and destroyed it at the cost of 1300 French lives! It was this bloody act that helped convince America that "Britain had the stomach to see the war through". Hope that has cleared things up.


Don't believe a thing that Americans say about the war because it is all a lie.
eg "we saved the world in world war 2"
no you damn well did not.

world war 2 có nghĩa là

A massively multiplayer online simulation. Set in half scale Europe [so far only Belgium, Luxembourg, northern France, southern Netherlands, western Germany and south-eastern England have had towns and cities modelled in] in 1940, you can choose to play as Germany, England or France, in their respective Navy, Air Force, or Army.

Every piece of equipment is modelled historically and accurately, meaning no hitpoint vehicles [like in Battlefield 1942... throwing a nade at a Panzer IV doesn't do anything to it, other than alert the driver that you're there]. As the campaign goes on, more vehicles are "researched" and introduced into the game whilst playing, such as the Crusader tanks and Spitfire Mk V for England, lend/lease vehicles for France such as the P-38 Lightning and Sherman tank, and the Panzer IVG and Focke-Wulf 190A for Germany.

Check // for more info


"Damn... I just got bounced by some Run09s in World War 2 Online"

world war 2 có nghĩa là

A FUN game that, contrary to what that "anonymous" fag-ass said, lots of people play. I bet he's a BF1942 player who was getting his ass owned in this because it's exactly the opposite of's REALISTIC. It is the first and only WWII MMO in first-person. Unlike World of Warcraft, this game is actually WORTH paying $15 a month for. The game is set in the early years of WWII [1940-41], so only the vehicles, weapons, and armies that were there during that time period are available. You can play as Axis [Germany] or Allies [Britain, France], across 1/2 scale of actual Europe. Each country has its own military personas [Army, Air Force, and Navy] from which you can choose from. As you gain kills [and town captures when you play as Infantry] you gain experience, which leads to a promotion of your rank. Your rank will carry over from each persona, no matter what country [Say you kill 5 enemy soldiers as a German Army rifleman, and gain 7% towards a promotion, your British/French Army personas will also have 7% towards a promotion now too, regardless of where you've played them or not] until rank 5. After you reach Rank 3 on any persona, you unlock the ability to spawn newer and better technology. [For instance, you can spawn better, more powerful tanks when you reach rank 3 on Army]. After reaching rank 5 on any persona, you are considered an officer, and the experience you gain after is separate for each individual country. At rank 5 you also unlock the rest of the tanks, planes, and ships [in their respective personas] that were not yet unlocked in rank 3, such as a Paratrooper which can participate in "Para missions" where a pilot [from Air Force] flies a bunch of paratroopers [from Army] in a transport plane from an airfield over a designated target. A para mission's flight can last anywhere from 5 minutes to over 30, depending on the distance between the target and the airfield, some of which in the meantime the funniest and weirdest conversations take place inside the transport. WWII Online may be hard at first for many first-time players, but the game features a Help channel in chat so beginners can ask questions about the game. Also, [unlike almost any other online game] the game's community is very helpful, especially to beginning players. WWII Online even features an Online Training server for players that want to practice against others but don't want to waste their sides' resources. Most new players are encouraged to join squads, which are WWII Online's form of clans, except they're not fags [which clanners usually are], to help them get into the game. I would recommend getting a joystick before playing into the game, otherwise vehicles, planes, and ships would be very hard to control, as you would need to re-map all of your actions to the keyboard. In summary, WWII Online is not your typical hacker/whore/n00b/glitcher/clan fag-filled FPS. If you want all that, go play Counter-Strike or any of the Battlefield games [most prominently Battlefield 2] where it's all common. It is about realism and teamwork. It is also easy to get used to [if you can read and understand what I'm talking about, you can easily play this game] unless you're an ignorant retard like "anonymous" who obviously didn't take half a fucking hour to play and understand the game before posting some false crap on UrbanDictionay.


World War 2 Online takes time and patience, is not a game for fags like "anonymous" who probably just got off BF2 to try this for 5 minutes, got killed, and gave up.

Unlike World of Nerdcraft, this game is very fun, has a diverse community, and is worth the $15 a month price.

No wonder "anonymous" is making himself anonymous, otherwise If I were ever to meet him in person, I'd punch his face in so hard that it would stick out the back of his head...fuckin BF2 fag.
I'm gonna go play some WWII Online now!

world war 2 có nghĩa là

It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million military personnel mobilised. In a state of "total war," the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Marked by significant action against civilians, including the Holocaust , it was the deadliest conflict in history.
The war is generally accepted to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and most of the countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth. China and Japan were already at war by this date, whereas other countries that were not initially involved joined the war later in response to events such as the German invasion of the Soviet Union and the Japanese attacks on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor and on British overseas colonies, which triggered declarations of war on Japan by the United States, the British Commonwealth.
The war ended with the total victory of the Allies over Germany and Japan in 1945. World War II left the political alignment and social structure of the world significantly changed.
A quick personal thanks to those allies [excluding the french - complete wankers] who stood by britain while she faced the full conflict , for if britain had given up, germany [and the axis] would have likely won the war.


Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.
-Winston Churchill during world war 2 America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War [world war 1]. If you hadn't entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these 'isms' wouldn't today be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government — and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives.
-winston churchil , after world war 1.

world war 2 có nghĩa là

the biggest firework concert ever thrown around the world than was hosted by the best call of duty player who has a K/D of 6,000,000 to 1. this concert lasted 4 years and ended in england.


are you dumb you fucking queef head you look like a star nosed role mat innit fat fucking eggplant cunt, world war 2 was the best concert ever you fat uncle raping diccy liccy pokermone

world war 2 có nghĩa là

A limited time mode in Fortnite, the event was a hide and seek mode. The most over-powered location to hide was in the attics.


Grandpa: Do you know what World War 2 was?
Little Timmy: Yeah! I love Fortnite.

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