Are my Apple Music playlists public?

Apple yesterday released the third developer and public betas of iOS 15.2, and in addition to the changes reported yesterday, the update also includes a notable tweak to the Music application. For the first time, you can now search within a playlist for a specific song.

This has been a long-requested feature for Apple Music, and its rather surprising [frustrating?] that it took this long to be added. Of course, in typical Apple fashion, the search bar is hidden within the user interface. To find the new search field, open a playlist in the Music app on your iPhone, then swipe down from the top to reveal the new Search field.

Apple Music playlists still have a ways to go in terms of catching up to the competition, with users on Reddit pointing out that they still lack many modern collaboration features, sorting features, and more. Nonetheless, the addition of a Search field is a nice step in the right direction, even if its long overdue.

What do you think of this change to the Apple Music application? Will you be using the new Search feature at all? Let us know down in the comments.

Read more about iOS 15.2:

  • Heres whats new in iOS 15.2 beta 1
  • Whats new in iOS 15.2 beta 2: Legacy Contacts, Find My updates, more
  • Whats new in iOS 15.2 beta 3? Macro mode tweaks, Apple Arcade, more

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