art school là gì - Nghĩa của từ art school

art school có nghĩa là

A school which inadvertently caused the deaths of tens of millions of people.


The art school didn't accept Hitler, so he went into politics.

art school có nghĩa là

1. The only place has no exam in the whole university.

2. A place you pay money for learning to think on your own.

3. A place where you will never learn how to draw comics.

4. Another kindergarten for late-teenagers/adult/grown-ups.

5. A place where you have to learn everything on your own.

6. A place makes you spend at least $100,000NZD and 4 years and find no job after you graduate.

7. A place where a retarded person can be treated as an emerging artist.

8. A place teaches you to appreciate EVERYTHING, including bad art.


1. Mom: "So how's your exam?" Son: "Oh, we don't have any exam."

2. Art student: "So what do you think of my artwork?" Art lecturer: "...what do you think?"

3. Art lecturer: " don't come here to learn how to draw or how to paint..." Art student: "Isn't that just so disgusting?" Art lecturer: "Well, that's just art school."

4. Visitors to art school: "Gosh, what a kindergarten!"

5. Art lecturer: "Ok, this is the brief for this can go to the library to do some artist research...or if you have any qustions I will be either in my office or having a cigarrette outside..."

6. Mum: "So what are you going to do after you graduate?" Art student: "dunno."

7. Emerging art student: "Art is rubbish!"

8. Art lecturer: "So anyone has comment for her?" All the art students: "nice/ great/ gorgeous/ fantastic/ wonderful..."

art school có nghĩa là

Also known as P.P.A.S. - One of New York City's finest performing arts high schools. Located somewhere between Times Square and Hell's kitchen...unfortunately people don't know too much about it because it's so small but most of the kids seem to enjoy their art when compared to other "egotistical" Perf. arts schools.

Professional Performing Arts School

Certain kids like to think of the school as one big family...that's bull shit. Certainly not your "avg." american school. Most kids hang out with their majors. Majority is cool though. MAD FEMALES, hot nd not hot, then the males are either gay or straight.
-You've Got:
-Drama majors: [white+spanish+black...sorta diverse] known as the "CHILL" kids of the school not on edge or uptight. Usually funny, weird, intellectual[to some extent], stoners who get trashed, and deushy-ish but MAD ENTERTAINING. Drama is the more modest major and deserve more attn. but at least they get attention later on in life, [movies and plays DUH]

- Vocal [90%black 10%other]..if ur not blak nd soulful u will become so. Vocal stays with vocal, there either mad "soulful" and LOUD or like sorta ghetto in a weird way. They are LOUD and ALWAYS harmonizing or SINGING when you TRY TO FOCUS. Some are inconsiderate but most are very respectful. They all say “Yazz[yes] then snap or fierceeee”.

-Dance: split into 2 programs [90% female 8% gay dudes 2%straight dudes]. ALVIN AILEY: biggest dance dept. Seems to be pretty diverse. Like vocal they are loud but differ b/c plenty are egotistical and they think their hard lmao [remember your dancers and not fighters]. There’s a few sweet ones and plenty of bitches. Ailey girls are pretty much all BANGIN. I don't know how the straight Ailey guys don’t pop boners during class. Then you have School of American Ballet, aka S.A.B. [95% white female and 5% white least 1% other ethnicity] Mostly Tall and skinny females who walk with there feet out and drink SMART WATER and SMART WATER ONLY. There all freakishly smart…[your ideal angel students]. They stick together and don't mix with other majors. Then ABT, there's like 3 kids in that major... What is that? haha

Musical Theatre: PREPPY![most]Alot are really cool but then you get the really snobby ones. Like vocal THEY CONSTANTLY SING, but gay broadway songs. Often you will take a Rubin test and hear humming from the musical WICKED and then fail. They dress Abercrombie-ish and shop at urban outfitters and then tell people they shop at TRASH IN VAUDEVILLE. These kids often have a starbuck's at their desks and smoke tree with drama kids alot of the time. A lot of MT kids are pretty well off and host the few parties that happen at PPAS. *well black vocal nd ailey girls throw parties too but there really diff. from drama/mt/tech parties*

Tech: About 1% of technical theatre is there to keep on pursuing their major. 99% of the techies are there because they hated there major so they switched out. Pretty ppl who enter tech now dress kinda shitty because they are now surprised that it requires dirty work.

The green emporium is the bomb and kids from the 99’ even know CHARLIE!
The school can get dissapointing however when kids lose interest in their majors thanks to peer pressure and A$$hole teachers. *But hey most of us all some how make it in any field of choice* PPAS in the end stays united for about 5 minutes which aint bad.


Professional Performing Arts School

art school có nghĩa là

Art school is a place where untalented hipster bullshitters gather to share their terrible ideas and feelings of superiority over anyone who actually has talent. If you are good at drawing or painting art school is not for you because you will eventually become a trembeling, drooling, crying shadow of your former self because being technically good is something to be mocked. The reason that art school morons mock actual talent is because they fear that one day the general public will realise that modern art is rubbish. I would reccomend art school to anyone who has no talent what-so-ever. So, if smearing poo down a canvas is your thing, I'd say art school is for you.


art school kid 1: I painted this portrait because my work speaks for itself and I don't need a gimmick to sell my work art school kid 2: That is awful, I can't believe you are good at painting, that is SO 1800s! You will never be successful because you are not DEEP like me! I smeared vomit and blood on a canvas because I am making a comment on the unequality of women in the work place! I AM SO CLEVER!

art school có nghĩa là

Art school. [n.] - a "school" for those who suck at math, history, and English


'A': do you know what school is 'C' going to now?
'B': yeah he sucked so badly in his previous school the only one that would accept him was an Art school
'A': lol, he's so useless

art school có nghĩa là

art school girl: [n] basically a female who attends art school who is also a hipster. Meaning they do all the hipster things including but not limited to, hanging out at danky coffee shops, wearing tight pants with a worn t shirt, etc., horned rimmed glasses, talk about politics, art, and bands that people probably never heard of because they think they're dope for knowing "good" music. They talk about cover art and buy vinyls instead of CD's. Because they think they're unique and don't want to conform to commercial america.


Bo Vice: Look at that girl in the bookstore looking at art books and sipping chai tea. She looks so cool. Orpheius: ah. Those art school girls... you can't get with that unless you're a hipster. Bo Vice: shucks! Orpheius: Why in the hell did you say shucks? Bo Vice: Idk. same reason why my name is Bo vice. Orpheius: Shut up

art school có nghĩa là

Completely useless and wont get you a job


"Hey I failed art school"
"Hey please dont im jewish"

art school có nghĩa là

A hairstyle that is used to express oneself, often jaggedly cut or flamboyant.


I knew that kid was weird because he had art school hair.

art school có nghĩa là

habitual diet of hipsters and art school students; ONLY consuming coffee and cigarettes .


Fuck the freshman 15, I'm on the art school diet

art school có nghĩa là

People [mostly hipsters] who claim they are broke or do not have real jobs, yet still somehow always manage to travel the world, take vacations and have apartments full of vintage furniture.


Herp: Did you here Evan is going to Costa Rica for 3 weeks next month? Derp: What? Isn't he always complaining about being broke? Herp: Yea, but he's art-school broke.

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