Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Màn hình chơi Đột Kích mặc định sẽ full toàn bộ desktop của người chơi, đó là một bất lợi khi chúng ta muốn vừa chơi game bắn súng này vừa làm công việc khác. Mẹo nhỏ dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn thu nhỏ cửa sổ chơi Đột Kích như ý muốn bất cứ lúc nào.

Download CrossFire cho máy tính

Đột Kích (CrossFire) là một trong những tựa game bắn súng cực đỉnh khiến rất nhiều người chơi từng quên ăn quên ngủ trước đây. Với nền đồ họa đẹp mắt, kho vũ khí phong phú và cực chất, cho tới tận bây giờ, tựa game này vẫn đang chiếm được rất nhiều cảm tình từ game thủ.

Thay đổi kích thước cửa sổ game CrossFire

Một bất tiện mà chắc chúng ta cũng để ý, đó là Đột Kích (CrossFire) được thiết kế để chiếm trọn màn hình máy tính của người chơi, điều này gây ra không ít bất tiện và việc thu nhỏ cửa sổ chơi Đột Kích là cách duy nhất để khắc phục điều này.

Bước 1: Các bạn khởi chạy game trên máy tính và có thể đăng nhập tài khoản Đột Kích để vào chơi như bình thường.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 2: Lúc này màn hình chơi game đang full, chúng ta sẽ nhấn liên tục một số phím để làm hiện thông báo mở Sticky Keys (bạn có thể thể thử với các phím CTRL, SHIFT hoặc ALT).

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Nhấn liên tục SHIFT để mở thông báo Sticky Keys

Bước 3: Khi thông báo hiện lên, đồng thời thanh Taskbar cũng xuất hiện, cứ để nguyên thông báo đó và nhấn chuột phải vào thanh Taskbar, chọn Start Task Manager.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 4: Cửa sổ Windows Task Manager xuất hiện, tìm tới ứng dụng game CrossFire đang chạy (trong thẻ Applications), nhấp chuột phải vào đó và chọn tiếp Minimize để thu nhỏ cửa sổ chơi game lại.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Thu nhỏ cửa sổ chơi game CrossFire thông qua Start Task Manager

Bước 5: Lúc này màn hình desktop sẽ hiện ra như dưới đây. Tiếp tục chuột phải lần nữa và chọn mục Screen resolution.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 6: Click chuột trái vào Make text and other items larger or smaller.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 7: Giao diện quen thuộc của Control Panel Home hiện ra, chuột trái vào mục Calibrate color.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Chọn Next ở bước này.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Thực chất đây chính là thao tác chỉnh sửa độ tương phản trên Windows 7, nên các bạn cứ tiếp tục Next liên tục, không cần quan tâm thông báo hay hiển thị là gì.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 8: Next khoảng vài lần thì chúng ta thấy giao diện như dưới đây, các bạn nhấn chuột trái vào thanh Adjust gamma và kéo nó xuống cuối cùng, Next.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Kéo thanh tương phản xuống cuối cùng rồi Next

Bước 9: Lại tiếp tục Next liên tục thêm vài lần nữa.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Chọn Finish để đóng lại cửa sổ Display Color Calibration này.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 10: Click vào Next.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Và tiếp tục Next.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 11: Quan trọng nhất, thông báo hỏi bạn có muốn lưu những thay đổi này hay không? Chọn Yes để đồng ý.


Nếu bạn chọn No hoặc để quá thời gian hiển thị thông báo (20 giây), mọi thay đổi sẽ tự quay về mặc định ban đầu.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Bước 12: Công việc còn lại là tiếp tục Next.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact


Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Next, cho tới khi mọi cửa sổ thiết lập đóng lại.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Mở lại game lên, bạn sẽ thấy cửa sổ chơi CrossFire đã được thu nhỏ lại. Và bay giờ bạn có thể vừa chơi game, vừa thực hiện thêm các thao tác tên ngoài màn hình máy tính một cách dễ dàng.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Một số bài tham khảo sau có thể sẽ giúp các bạn chơi game Đột Kích tốt hơn, nhất là với những người chơi mới:

  • Hướng dẫn chơi Đột Kích.
  • Cách tránh đạn hay nhất dành cho Sniper trong game Đột kích.
  • Cách dùng súng AK47 trong game Đột Kích.
  • Thủ thuật tăng FPS khi chơi game CrossFire.

Chúc các bạn có những giây phút giải trí vui vẻ!

Tổng hợp các vấn đề thường gặp trên nền tảng PC của [Genshin Impact]

Nhà  Lữ Hành thân mến,

Vào 10:00 26/9/2020 (GMT+8), Nhà Lữ Hành sử dụng PC có thể tải  trước trò chơi trên trang chủ Genshin Impact. Chúng tôi đã thu thập được một  số câu hỏi từ các Nhà Lữ Hành về nền tảng Pc, và sẽ trả lời từng câu hỏi dưới  đây, các Nhà Lữ Hành hãy chú ý nhé!

Cấu hình thiết bị

Q1:  Cấu hình PC được đề xuất?


Thiết  lập đề xuất: A1:Hệ điều hành: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit hoặc Windows 8.1 64-bit  hoặc Windows 10 64-bit (hiện không hỗ trợ Windows 10 dev builds) Bộ xử lý: Intel Core i7 hoặc tương đương RAM:  16GB Card đồ họa:tối thiểu NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Phiên  bản DirectX: 11

Dung lượng lưu trữ: Để trống khoảng 30GB

Cấu  hình tối thiểu: Hệ điều hành: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit hoặc Windows 8.1 64-bit hoặc  Windows 10 64-bit (hiện không hỗ trợ Windows 10 dev builds) Bộ xử lý: Intel Core i5 hoặc tương đương RAM:  8GB Card đồ họa:tối thiểu NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 1030  Phiên  bản DirectX: 11

Dung lượng lưu trữ: Để trống khoảng 30GB

Những vấn đề thường gặp khi cài đặt

Q1: Khi mở trình khởi chạy hoặc khởi động trò chơi, hiển thị:  Phiên bản của tệp này không tương thích với phiên bản windows đang chạy. A1:Vui lòng kiểm tra lại hệ thống windows có đáp ứng được yêu cầu  về thiết bị của trò chơi hay không (Xem danh sách cấu hình được đề xuất ở đầu  bài viết), nếu thiết bị có phần cứng thấp, có thể sẽ xuất hiện các tình trạng  như không thể cài đặt, không thể khởi động, đen màn hình, giật lag v.v...

PS: Hệ điều hành Windows7 cần đạt phiên bản Windows 7 Service  Pack 1 (SP1) để chạy trò chơi.

Q2: Sau khi mở trình khởi chạy, phạm vi hiển thị giao diện chính  của trình khởi chạy bất thường. (Như không hiển thị đầy đủ trang trình khởi  chạy)
A2: Nhấp chuột phải vào biểu tượng màn hình của Genshin Impact và  chọn [Compatibility] > [Change high DPI settings] tích [Replace high DPI  scaling behavior], chọn [System] phía dưới và khởi động lại trình khởi chạy  để khôi phục phạm vi hiển thị bình thường.

Q3: Nhắc nhở trong quá trình tải xuống: Kiểm tra kết nối mạng.
A3: Vui lòng nhấn tải lại, nếu vẫn báo lỗi, xin vui lòng kiểm tra  lại cài đặt mạng và VPN.

Q4: Nhấn để bắt đầu trò chơi, chương trình trò chơi không phản  hồi, không thể bắt đầu trò chơi.
A4: Xin vui lòng xác nhận có cài đặt phần mềm diệt vi-rút hay  không, và các tệp liên quan đến cài đặt Genshin Impact có bị chặn hay không.  Nếu bị chặn, hãy thử huỷ chặn hoặc nhấn tin tưởng, hoặc thoát phần mềm diệt  vi-rút và mở lại trò chơi.

Q5: Sau khi bắt đầu trò chơi, không xuất hiện logo Genshin  Impact, màn hình trắng.
A5: Xin vui lòng kiểm tra xem có tồn tại tệp "DXSETUP"  trong mục cài đặt trình khởi chạy hay không. Nếu có, xin vui lòng kích đúp  vào tệp "DXSETUP.exe" để thử cài đặt thủ công sau đó khởi động lại  trò chơi; Nếu không có, hãy tải xuống cài đặt DirectX 11.

Q6: Nhắc nhở khi bắt đầu trò chơi: Tải tài nguyên thất bại hoặc  mạng lỗi, vui lòng thử lại. Xin vui lòng thử lại code: -9908.
A6: Có thể thử khởi động lại trò chơi vài lần, nếu sự cố vẫn tiếp  diễn, Nhà Lữ Hành xin vui lòng gỡ trình khởi chạy và xoá gói game, rồi cài  đặt lại Genshin Impact.

Q7: Nhắc nhở khi cập nhật trò chơi: Không đủ dung lượng bộ nhớ.
A7: Vui lòng xác nhận dung lượng còn lại của ổ cài đặt trò chơi,  nếu dưới 30G, bạn nên dọn sạch dung lượng còn lại sau đó mở lại trình khởi  động để cập nhật trò chơi.

Q8: Gói cài đặt thử nghiệm trước đây chưa được gỡ bỏ, tôi có thể  trực tiếp cài đặt gói PC chính thức của Genshin Impact không?
A8: Vui lòng gỡ bỏ gói cài đặt thử nghiệm trước đó.

Q9: Khi vận hành Genshin Impact đã nhận được hai nhắc nhở như  sau: 1. Ứng dụng không thể khởi chạy bình thường (0xc000007b). Vui  lòng nhấn "Xác Nhận" để đóng ứng dụng. 2. Do không tìm thấy MSVCP140.dll không thể thực thi mã. Cài đặt  chương trình sẽ giải quyết vấn đề này. A9: Trong mục cài đặt trình khởi chạy, tìm  "vcredist2013_x64.exe", kích đúp để cài đặt.

Hãy truy cập trang chủ Microsoft để tải và cài đặt  VC_redist.x64.exe mới nhất, rồi khởi động lại trò chơi.

Q10: Trong quá trình tải đã bị chặn lại bởi phần mềm diệt vi-rút  hoặc nhắc nhở tương tự:
A10: Trong quá trình tải, cài đặt và mở trò chơi, nếu xuất hiện  cửa sổ chặn từ phần mềm diệt vi-rút, vui lòng nhấn cho phép hoặc thoát hẳn  phần mềm diệt vi-rút.

Q11: Không có phản hồi khi nhấn vào trình khởi chạy. A11: Dựa theo chỉ dẫn A9 tải và cài đặt VC_redist.x64.exe.

Nếu bạn vẫn không thể giải quyết vấn đề sau khi đã hoàn thành  những thao tác trên, vui lòng kiểm tra lại thiết bị hiện tại có trang bị cả 2  card đồ hoạ rời và card đồ hoạ tích hợp hay không, nếu có hãy ngừng sử dụng  card đồ hoạ tích hợp và chạy lại trình khởi chạy. Nếu không, hãy liên hệ  riêng với bộ phận CSKH qua hòm thư: https://genshin.mihoyo.com/vi

Những vấn đề thường gặp trong trò chơi

Q1: Phiên bản PC của "Genshin Impact" có hỗ trợ MacOS  không?
A1:Phiên bản PC của "Genshin Impact" không hỗ trợ MacOS

Q2: Phiên bản PC của "Genshin Impact" có hỗ trợ tay cầm  điều khiển Xbox/PS4 không? Sau khi kết nối tay cầm và thay đổi cài đặt nhưng  không thể điều khiển được thì phải làm thế nào? A2: Hiện tại, phiên bản PC của Genshin Impact hỗ trợ bộ tay cầm  điều khiển của PS4 và bộ tay cầm điều khiển Xbox one/Elite controllers. Chúng  tôi sẽ tiếp tục tối ưu hóa trải nghiệm và khả năng tương thích của bộ tay cầm  điều khiển trong các phiên bản tiếp theo, vì vậy các Nhà Lữ Hành hãy kiên  nhẫn chờ đợi.

Nếu tay cầm được kết nối và thay đổi cài đặt nhưng không thể điều  khiển, vui lòng vào hệ thống [Bảng điều khiển] - [Thiết bị và máy in] để kiểm  tra xem cài đặt tay cầm ảo gây xung đột hệ thống hay không.

Q3: Phiên bản PC có hỗ trợ trình giả lập không?
A3:  Không hỗ trợ.

Q4: Tôi nên làm gì nếu màn hình bị đơ trong khi chơi game?
A4: Trước hết, Nhà Lữ Hành có thể kiểm tra xem thiết bị đang sử  dụng có đáp ứng các yêu cầu về thiết bị hay không (xem danh sách cấu hình  được đề xuất ở đầu bài viết), sau đó bạn có thể nhấp vào Cài đặt trong menu  Paimon để tùy chỉnh chất lượng hình ảnh thích hợp nhằm cải thiện độ ổn định.

Q5: Nếu tôi không thể tải xuống/cập nhật trò chơi thì làm thế  nào?
A5: Trước hết, vui lòng xác nhận rằng thiết bị bạn đang sử dụng  có đủ dung lượng lưu trữ và cài đặt Genshin Impact. Thứ hai, do tệp tải xuống  và cài đặt tương đối lớn, chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên sử dụng môi trường mạng ổn  định và đảm bảo rằng có đủ lưu lượng để tải.

Q6: Lý do dẫn đến tình trạng tự động thoát là gì?
A6: Có nhiều lý do dẫn đến tình trạng tự động thoát. Nhóm phát  triển đã tìm hiểu các nguyên nhân có thể xảy ra, đồng thời kiến nghị Nhà Lữ  Hành nên chuyển card đồ họa rời trước khi chơi game.

Cách chuyển sang sử dụng card đồ họa rời:

1.  Card đồ họa NVIDIA

Nhấp chuột phải vào khoảng trống trên màn hình nền> "Bảng  điều khiển Nvidia"> Cài đặt 3D> Quản lý cài đặt 3D> Cài đặt  chương trình> Chọn chương trình bạn muốn tùy chỉnh và chọn Genshin Impact

Trong menu thả xuống thứ 2, chọn bộ xử lý đồ hoạ mong muốn để  chạy chương trình.

2.  Card đồ họa rời AMD Nhấn chuột phải vào khoảng trống trên màn hình > chọn Radeon  Settings > Preferences > Additional Settings > Power > Switchable  Graphics Application Settings (Hoặc Graphics Card Properties > Graphics  Card Performance > AMD Radeon Dual Graphics > Dùng AMD Radeon Dual  Graphics) >Chọn Genshin Impact trong danh sách chương trình. (Nếu trò chơi không có trong danh sách, nhấn nút "Thêm vào  danh sách" và chọn tệp thực thi *.exe từ tệp cài đặt của trò chơi)

>Trong cột "Cài đặt card đồ hoạ", phân bổ "Hiệu  suất cao" (Hoặc tính năng ưu hoá nhất) cho trò chơi.

Q7: Trong quá trình trải nghiệm gặp phải hiện tượng disconnect đột xuất. 
A7: Trước hết cần chắc chắn thiết bị phải đáp ứng được cấu hình yêu cầu tối thiểu của trò chơi,Khi gặp hiện tượng disconnect đột xuất bạn có thể khởi động lại máy và thử lại. Nếu vẫn không thể vào game, vui lòng liên hệ với đội ngũ chăm sóc khách hàng của Genshin Impact.   

Q8: Giá gói quà/Giá nạp có khác nhau giữa các nền tảng hoặc các khu vực không?
A8: Có sự khác biệt. Do quy định và tỷ giá giữa các nền tảng/khu vực khác nhau nên giá gói quà/giá nạp có thể có sự khác biệt. Các Nhà Lữ Hành hãy thông cảm nhé.

Page 2

Genshin Impact thông báo xử lý vấn đề trình cắm, phần mềm can thiệp bên thứ ba

Nhà Lữ Hành thân mến:

Gần đây, tổ chế tác phát hiện một số Nhà Lữ Hành đã sử dụng phần mềm của bên thứ ba như trình cắm, script v.v. trong quá trình chơi game, và lan truyền nó trong cộng đồng người chơi.
Vì vậy, tổ chế tác sẽ tiếp tục đưa ra các biện pháp xử phạt bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn ở việc cảnh cáo, khóa tài khoản v.v... đối với các tài khoản vi phạm quy định trên.

1. Bất kỳ tài khoản nào sử dụng phần mềm của bên thứ ba để nhận tài nguyên game v.v.; 2. Bất kỳ tài khoản nào sử dụng phần mềm của bên thứ ba như trình cắm, script v.v để có được tiến độ trò chơi bất thường; 3. Tài khoản có được thông qua giao dịch. 4. Nghiêm cấm việc nạp tiền qua các kênh không chính thức và sử dụng hình thức nạp của bên thứ 3.

Sau khi bị phát hiện, chúng tôi sẽ áp dụng các biện pháp xử lý dựa theo mức độ nghiêm trọng và số lần vi phạm, bao gồm nhưng không giới hạn trong việc khấu trừ các thu lợi bất chính, đóng băng tài khoản hoặc khóa tài khoản game vĩnh viễn.

(Lưu ý đặc biệt: Các tải khoản có được thông qua giao dịch, không thể đảm bảo rằng tài khoản đó có từng dùng phần mềm của bên thứ ba như trình cắm, script v.v hay chưa. Vì lợi ích của chính Nhà Lữ Hành, vui lòng không mua bán, sử dụng tài khoản giao dịch)

Chúng tôi sẽ không khoá các tài khoản được tạo theo cách thông thường. Nếu Nhà Lữ Hành không phạm phải các lỗi trên nhưng tài khoản xuất hiện bất thường. Có thể gửi khiếu nại đến hòm thư CSKH: .

Tổ chế tác luôn cố gắng đem đến cho tất cả Nhà Lữ Hành một môi trường công bằng, lành mạnh, để bảo đảm việc trải nghiệm trò chơi được ổn định và an toàn.

Đối với Nhà Lữ Hành vi phạm quy tắc sử dụng phần mềm và chương trình bất hợp pháp để phá vỡ tính cân bằng của trò chơi. Chúng tôi sẽ thực hiện các biện pháp xử phạt tương ứng dựa theo tình hình cụ thể, tuyệt đối không nhân nhượng. Hy vọng các Nhà Lữ Hành hãy tuân thủ nguyên tắc công bằng và công chính, chơi game một cách lành mạnh, giám sát lẫn nhau, cùng nhau duy trì một môi trường trò chơi công bằng và thân thiện.

Nếu phát hiện tài khoản có hành vi sử dụng các công cụ của bên thứ ba, các Nhà Lữ Hành có thể tố cáo tài khoản đó thông qua giao diện phản hồi trong trò chơi hoặc hòm thư CSKH.

Page 3

PC Client Installation Guide

Step-By-Step Installation Guide

1. Download and open the PC Client Launcher file. 

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2. Check "I have read and agree to the Software License Agreement" and select "Install Now".
(If you want to change the default installation directory of the launcher, click "Advanced" and select the desired directory, and then click "Install Now". Make sure that the target directory has enough space (about 260 MB or more) to install the PC launcher.)

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Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

3. Complete the PC Launcher installation and select "Run Now" to run the launcher.

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4. Click "Get Game" to download Genshin Impact's game files.
(If you want to change the default installation directory of the game, click "Change file path" and select the desired directory, and then click "Install". Make sure that the target directory has enough space (about 26 GB or more) to install the game files.)

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5. Download the game.
(You can click the pause button to exit the download while keeping your download progress. If the program freezes or crashes, please re-open the launcher and click "Resume Download" to resume downloading game files.)

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6. Click to start the game and step into Teyvat, a vast magical world brimming with adventure!

Page 4

Servers Down for Update Maintenance on 10/22

Dear Travelers,
To bring you the best-possible Genshin Impact experience and fix some known issues, the developers will soon perform version update maintenance, during which the servers will be down. While the update maintenance is in progress, Travelers will be unable to log in to the game. Please take note of the update time and schedule your game time accordingly to avoid losing your progress. We hope Travelers will bear with us during the disruption. 

〓Update Time〓 2020/10/22 07:00 – 2020/10/22 11:00 (UTC+8)

(Precise times are subject to change. Players may also experience disruption outside of this period.)

〓How to Update Game〓 PC: After update maintenance is finished, re-open the launcher and click Update. After downloading the game resources, restart the game and update the game resources to continue playing. iOS/Android/PS4: After update maintenance is finished, restart the game and update the game resources to continue playing.

(We recommend you connect to Wi-Fi when updating the game.)

〓Compensation〓 Primogems ×240

(We will give a compensation of 60 Primogems for each hour the servers are down. If servers go back online sooner than scheduled, we will still give out the full compensation above.)

〓Eligibility〓 All Travelers at Adventure Rank 5 or above as of 2020/10/22 07:00. Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. Please go online to receive your mail before 2020/10/25 11:00. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don’t forget to claim the attached compensation in time.


Page 5

How to Unlock the Astrolabos Chapter Quest

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Dear Travelers,

The Astrolabos Chapter is about to unfold! Once Travelers have reached the required Adventure Rank and completed the prerequisite quests, they may use a Story Key to unlock Mona's story quest, the Astrolabos Chapter.

Travelers can obtain Story Keys by completing Daily Commissions. 1 Story Key will be granted for every 8 Daily Commissions completed.

Quest Start Time
Available after 2020-10-26 04:00:00, with no time limit (Server Time)

Story Quest Page Unlock Criteria
Adventure Rank 26 or above

Astrolabos Chapter Unlock Criteria
Adventure Rank 38 or above and have completed the quest "The Darknight Hero's Alibi" of Noctua Chapter: Act I

Note: Different servers do not have the same server times. Travelers, please take note of the difference between server times and the time in your own time zone as follows: America: UTC-5 Europe: UTC+1 Asia: UTC+8


For PlayStation® users, please read this FAQ for more information if you are unsure about the server your account is on.

Page 6

Marvelous Merchandise Event Details

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Dear Travelers, The Marvelous Merchandise event is available for a limited time, and the corresponding missions have been added to the Battle Pass. Complete them to claim BattlePass EP (BEP). (View specific mission criteria in Battle Pass > Missions > This BP Period)

Travelers can complete requests from Liben the merchant to receive a chance to open a Box o' Marvels.

Event Duration〓 2020-10-26 04:00:00 - 2020-11-02 03:59:59

(Server Time)

Adventure Rank 12 or above

Event Details
During the event, Travelers may follow hints across Teyvat to find a merchant known as Liben. After discovering his whereabouts, Travelers may submit the required materials to him in exchange for a chance to open a Box o' Marvels and claim the rewards inside.

● Liben will appear at various locations across Teyvat throughout the event period. ● Liben will offer Travelers a total of 7 different Boxes o' Marvels. Each box can only be obtained once. ● Travelers can only gain 1 chance per day to open a Box o' Marvels. If the chance to open a box for the day is not used, it will remain available until the event ends. If necessary, Travelers can use all of their chances at once anytime before the event ends.

●Once the event is over, any unused chances to open Boxes o' Marvels will be lost. Don't forget to use your chances to claim rewards before the event ends!

Note: Different servers do not have the same server times. Travelers, please take note of the difference between server times and the time in your own time zone as follows: America: UTC-5 Europe: UTC+1 Asia: UTC+8


For PlayStation® users, please read this FAQ for more information if you are unsure about the server your account is on.

Page 7

Version 1.1 "A New Star Approaches": About Reputation and Exploration Progress

As the new version update in November draws near, Travelers must certainly be growing curious as to what the new version may hold. ( ̄︶ ̄) So today, please allow me to introduce everyone to some of the new content you will see in this update — the City Reputation and Exploration Progress systems.

〓City Reputation System〓
In Version 1.1, we will unveil a brand-new system called City Reputation. By interacting with certain NPCs, you will be able to accept requests to complete and increase your Reputation. As your Reputation Level increases, you will unlock various Reputation Rewards!


◆ Unlock Criteria ◆ 1) Reach Adventure Rank 25 or above to unlock the City Reputation system.

2) Mondstadt Reputation: Complete the archon quest "The Outlander Who Caught the Wind" Prologue: Act I.

Liyue Reputation: Complete the archon quest "Farewell, Archaic Lord" Chapter I: Act II. Reputation is divided into Mondstadt Reputation and Liyue Reputation. After unlocking Mondstadt Reputation, Travelers can view their Mondstadt Reputation by talking to the Knights of Favonius Coordinator, Hertha.

After unlocking Liyue Reputation, Travelers can view their Liyue Reputation by talking to the Ministry of Civil Affairs Secretary, Ms. Yu.

▌How to Increase Reputation

1. Region Quests: Complete various quests in Mondstadt and Liyue to increase your Reputation in each city. 2. World Exploration: Open chests, find Elemental Oculi, unlock Waypoints, and complete other exploration activities in the Liyue and Mondstadt regions to increase your Exploration Progress in each region. 3. Bounties: Hunt down and defeat the bounty targets to increase your Reputation in that city. The list of bounties will be refreshed every Monday. Each week you can complete up to 3 bounties in total across all cities.

4. Requests: Complete requests from the local residents to increase your Reputation in that city. The list of requests will be refreshed every Monday. Each week you can complete up to 3 requests in total across all cities.


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◆ Reputation Rewards ◆
As you increase your Reputation Level, you will unlock gadget blueprints, special city features, namecards, recipes, wind gliders, and other rewards. Now, let's look at those rewards in more detail~ヽ(•ω•ゞ)

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▌Reward Details
◆ Reputation Gadgets ◆
I. Anemoculus Resonance Stone & Geoculus Resonance Stone

◆ How to Obtain Blueprints ◆ 1) Reach Reputation Level 2 in Mondstadt to obtain the Anemoculus Resonance Stone crafting blueprint. 2) Reach Reputation Level 2 in Liyue to obtain the Geoculus Resonance Stone crafting blueprint.

After using a blueprint, you will be able to craft the Reputation gadget at a Crafting Bench by consuming the materials required.


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◆ How to Use ◆
1) After using an Oculus Resonance Stone, a blue area will appear on your map. Search for the Elemental Oculus in the blue area.


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2) When an Elemental Oculus appears on your mini-map, the blue area will disappear.
3) You cannot use the next Oculus Resonance Stone while the current one is still in effect or if, after locating the Elemental Oculus, there is another Elemental Oculus nearby.

◆ Notes ◆ 1) Oculus Resonance Stones have a cooldown time of 300 seconds after use. 2) The Anemoculus Resonance Stone is only used in Mondstadt.

3) The Geoculus Resonance Stone is only used in Liyue.

II. Wind Catcher

◆ How to Obtain Blueprint ◆
Reach Reputation Level 3 in Mondstadt to obtain the Wind Catcher forging blueprint.

◆ How to Use ◆ 1) When the Wind Catcher is equipped, Anemograna will automatically be stored in your Wind Catcher when you draw near them. Up to 5 Anemograna can be stored at once.

2) Using the Wind Catcher creates a wind current at your current location. The wind current will disappear after a certain amount of time.


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3) After using the Wind Catcher to create a wind current, the gadget will enter a cooldown of 100 seconds.
4) The Wind Catcher cannot be used while in combat.

III. Condensed Resin

◆ How to Obtain Blueprint ◆
Reach Reputation Level 3 in Liyue to obtain the Condensed Resin crafting blueprint.

◆ How to Use ◆
1) At a Crafting Bench, consume 1 Crystal Core, 40 Original Resin, and 100 Mora to create 1 Condensed Resin. Condensed Resin can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms and Petrified Trees in Domains that require 20 Original Resin, yielding 2 sets of rewards at one time. (Both sets of rewards are random.)


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2) You can only have a maximum of 3 Condensed Resin at one time.

IV. NRE (Menu 30)

◆ How to Obtain Blueprint ◆
Reach Reputation Level 5 in Mondstadt to obtain the NRE (Menu 30) forging blueprint.

◆ How to Use ◆
1) When NRE (Menu 30) is equipped, you will be able to quickly consume food without opening your Inventory. This gadget can hold one variety of HP-recovery dish and one variety of revival dish. NRE (Menu 30) will automatically offer the dish that best matches your party's situation at any given time.


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2) When a character in your party falls in battle, the NRE (Menu 30) will automatically switch from offering the HP-recovery dish to the revival dish.

V. Adepti Seeker's Stove

◆ How to Obtain Blueprint ◆
Reach Reputation Level 5 in Liyue to obtain the Adepti Seeker's Stove crafting blueprint.

◆ How to Use ◆ 1) Use this gadget to create a portable stove in front of you. 2) This gadget will break if you enter combat near the stove.

3) After creating a stove, the gadget will enter cooldown for 300 seconds. After the cooldown period is over, the Adepti Seeker's Stove will automatically disappear.


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VI. Portable Waypoint

◆ How to Obtain Blueprint ◆
Reach Reputation Level 6 in Mondstadt to obtain the Portable Waypoint crafting blueprint.

◆ How to Use ◆
1) Use the Portable Waypoint to create a temporary waypoint at your current location. This waypoint will last for 7 days.


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2) A Portable Waypoint marker will appear on your map. Select this marker to teleport there. (Only one Portable Waypoint can exist at any one time.) 3) After creating a waypoint, the Portable Waypoint will enter cooldown for 60 seconds.

4) Creating a new waypoint will automatically destroy your last-created waypoint.

VII. Anemo Treasure Compass & Geo Treasure Compass

◆ How to Obtain Blueprint ◆ 1) Reach Reputation Level 6 in Mondstadt to obtain the Anemo Treasure Compass forging blueprint.

2) Reach Reputation Level 6 in Liyue to obtain the Geo Treasure Compass forging blueprint.

◆ How to Use ◆
Upon use, a prompt will appear directing you towards the nearest chest in the vicinity. Follow it to find the chest. 


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◆ Notes ◆ 1) If there are no chests in the vicinity, the gadget will enter cooldown for 5 seconds after use. If a chest is found, the gadget will enter cooldown for 30 seconds after use. 2) The Anemo Treasure Compass can only be used in Mondstadt.

3) The Geo Treasure Compass can only be used in Liyue.

◆ City Features ◆

Mining Outcrop Search ◆ Unlock Criteria ◆ 1) Reach Reputation Level 2 in Mondstadt to unlock Mondstadt Mining Outcrop Search.

2) Reach Reputation Level 2 in Liyue to unlock Liyue Mining Outcrop Search.

◆ How to Use the Feature ◆
After the feature is unlocked, talk to Wagner the Blacksmith in Mondstadt or Master Zhang the Blacksmith in Liyue. They will tell you where to find ore deposits in the region, and markers will appear on your map. You will be able to obtain Crystal Chunks from the ore deposits. After reaching Adventure Rank 30, you will also be able to mine Magical Crystal Chunks.


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Merchant Discounts ◆ Feature Unlock Criteria ◆ 1) Reach Reputation Level 4 in Mondstadt to unlock discounts at the Good Hunter and Mondstadt General Goods.

2) Reach Reputation Level 4 in Liyue to unlock discounts at Wanmin Restaurant and Second Life.

◆ How to Use the Feature ◆
After unlocking the Merchant Discounts, you will be able to enjoy discounted prices at the designated merchants.

Reputation Namecard Style Reach Reputation Level 4 in Mondstadt to get the namecard style "Mondstadt - Hero's Fame". Reach Reputation Level 7 to get the namecard style "Mondstadt - Blessing".

Reach Reputation Level 4 in Liyue to get the namecard style "Liyue - A Thousand Ships". Reach Reputation Level 7 to get the namecard style "Liyue - In the Clouds".


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Reputation Recipes Reach Reputation Level 1 in Mondstadt to get the recipe for Northern Apple Stew. Reach Reputation Level 4 in Mondstadt to get the recipe for Adventurer's Breakfast Sandwich. Reach Reputation Level 7 in Mondstadt to get the recipe for Moon Pie. Reach Reputation Level 1 in Liyue to get the recipe for Golden Shrimp Balls. Reach Reputation Level 4 in Liyue to get the recipe for Lotus Flower Crisp.

Reach Reputation Level 7 in Liyue to get the recipe for Tianshu Meat.


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Reputation Wind Gliders
Reach Reputation Level 8 in Mondstadt to get the stylized wind glider Wings of Azure Wind.


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Reach Reputation Level 8 in Liyue to get the stylized wind glider Wings of Golden Flight.

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〓Exploration Progress System〓
Zoom out on the map to view the Exploration Progress for each area. Open chests, find Elemental Oculi, unlock Waypoints, and complete other exploration activities to increase your Exploration Progress in each area.

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〓Archive System〓
Go to the Paimon Menu > Archive to view this feature.
At present, the Archive is divided into five categories: "Tutorials", "Geography", "Equipment", "Materials", and "Books".


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Split into "Weapons" and "Artifacts". Select "Filter" in the Weapon Archive to view Weapons according to their type, quality, and whether you have obtained them. Select the "Story" icon to check out the story of a selected weapon. Complete artifact sets to unlock their entries in the Artifact Archive. Once unlocked, you can view the Set Bonuses and story of a selected set.

We will continue to further optimize the Archive system in upcoming updates.


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1) Split into "Teyvat's Resources", "Food and Potions", and "Utility Items".
2) In the Materials Archive, you can find entries for resources unique to each region of Teyvat, including: Cooking Ingredients, Food, Potions, Materials, Enhancement and Level Up Materials, and Gadgets.


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The Geography tab archives all unlocked Viewpoints in Mondstadt and Liyue.
Interact with the Viewpoints located in the areas marked as undiscovered to add them to the Geography Archive.


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Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

The Books Archive allows you to read all the books you have collected so far.
Additionally, some previously collected books will be removed from your Inventory and transferred to the Archive.


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The Tutorials Archive is your go-to place for useful tips about "Elemental Reactions", "Enemies", "System", and "Adventure". Look there for all the tutorials you have triggered during your travels.
Use the search function to find the tips you need.


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〓Character Archive System〓
Apart from the regular Archive mentioned above, Version 1.1 will also introduce the Character Archive. Go to the Paimon Menu > Character Archive to view this feature.
1) In the Character Archive, you can check when exactly each character joined your team. Select the "Details" button for more information on the Attributes, Constellations, and Profile of a selected character.


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2) The Character Archive allows you to sort and filter through all characters available in the current version of the game.

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*Some missing entries will be added to the Character Archive in future updates.

Stay tuned for more exciting news about the upcoming version update!

Page 8

Regarding Account Security and Account Theft

Dear Travelers,

Recently, we have received feedback from our social media and customer service channels regarding issues of account security, including account theft. We take all feedback of this nature extremely seriously and promptly investigate each case based on the information provided by Travelers.

Following a careful examination, we can confirm that the HoYoverse Account system has not been subject to any malicious attacks.

As for the feedback on potential security vulnerabilities with the verification of HoYoverse Account information, we promptly contacted Travelers who intially reported this to us and fixed the issue. On further examination, no user account information has been impacted by this issue.

We are currently in the process of personally contacting each Traveler who has reported issues with their account, and we will deal with the issues based on the information provided to us. If any other Travelers find that you are unable to log in to your account using your usual login details, discover that your account information has been changed, or suspect that someone else has previously logged in to your account, please contact us as soon as possible either via the in-game Feedback function or by sending an email to .

To meet the requirements of different countries and regions, separate HoYoverse Account systems exist for different regions. For this reason, issues arising in a particular country or region will not affect account security for players in other regions around the globe. We are committed to resolving any and all problems that may arise and to protecting account security for all Travelers.

Additionally, in the process of reviewing at-risk accounts we discovered that the vast majority of them were being shared by more than one person. Accordingly, we would like to re-emphasize the importance of the following: 1. Under no circumstances should you ever share your account with another person. 2. Under no circumstances should you ever provide a third party with your account credentials, including your password and any verification codes received by text message.

3. Do not trust any information you receive from unofficial sources, and do not use any third-party tools, plug-ins, or assistants.

All of these actions significantly increase the risk level of your account.

If you discover any other security-related issues with your HoYoverse Account, the Genshin Impact Forums, the game itself, or any other related products or services we provide, please contact us via our official customer service or social media channels. We are ready and willing to resolve any and all issues that may arise.

Page 9

The Version 1.2 "The Chalk Prince and the Dragon" preview page is here!

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Everything was proceeding smoothly, until the unexpected happened... Your adventure across Dragonspine begins!

The mysterious new area of Dragonspine, the genius alchemist Albedo, and the all-new version event — learn about the new content in Version 1.2 here!

 >>Click to go to the Version 1.2 "The Chalk Prince and the Dragon" preview page<<

Page 10

Version 2.7 Update Notice

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Dear Travelers,
Version 2.7 update maintenance is expected to start at 05/31/2022 06:00 (UTC+8) and is expected to be completed within 5 hours. Meanwhile, the duration of Version 2.7 is expected to be 6 weeks, and Version 2.8 is expected to be updated on 07/13/2022.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay.

The current Character Event Wish, Weapon Event Wish and "Test Run" event will end on 05/31/2022 05:59 (UTC+8). The countdown time display on the Wish screen and Events Overview page will also be adjusted. There are no changes to the end times of other in-game events.

Maintenance for the Placement Function in the Serenitea Pot will also end after the Version 2.7 update maintenance is complete. Travelers can then resume using this Placement Function.

Once again, we apologize for the delay in this update. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Page 11

"Hidden Dreams in the Depths" Version 2.7 Update Notice

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Dear Travelers,
To ensure all Travelers have the best-possible Genshin Impact experience, our developers will soon begin performing update maintenance. After this is complete, the game will update to a new version.After Travelers install the new game client, they will be able to continue playing. It is recommended to install the update over a Wi-Fi connection owing to the large file size.

While the update maintenance is in progress, Travelers will be unable to log in to the game. Please take note of the update time and schedule your game time accordingly to avoid losing your progress. We hope Travelers will bear with us during the disruption. > <

〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2022/05/31 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.

〓How to Update Game Client〓 PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update. iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update. Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.

PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."

Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.

〓Compensation Details〓 -Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)

-Dispatch Expedition Adjustment Compensation: Mora ×5,000, Lotus Head ×12, Matsutake ×12

〓Scope of Compensation〓
Dispatch Expedition Adjustment Compensation and Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2022/05/31 06:00 (UTC+8). Please claim before the end of Version 2.7.

Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.

〓Update Details〓

I. New Characters 5-Star Character "Valley Orchid" Yelan (Hydro) ◇ Vision: Hydro ◇ Weapon: Bow ◇A mysterious person who claims to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but is a "non-entity" on the Ministry of Civil Affairs' list. 4-Star Character "Mender of Tribulations" Kuki Shinobu (Electro) ◇ Vision: Electro ◇ Weapon: Sword

◇ The capable and reliable deputy leader of the "Arataki Gang" - Please note: capable and reliable are not appellations for the "Arataki Gang," but for their deputy leader in specific.

II. New Equipment Aqua Simulacra (Bow) ◇ This longbow's color is unpredictable. Under the light, it takes on a lustrous, watery blue. Fading Twilight (Bow)

◇A precious bow made of platinum, inlaid with an orb that shimmers with the light of eventide.

III. New Events
During the event, go to The Chasm and investigate the mysteries of the depths. Complete various challenges in the event to obtain rewards like Primogems, Crown of Insight, Weapon Ascension Materials, Talent Level-Up Materials, Mystic Enhancement Ore, Hero's Wit, and Mora. Complete specific "Realms of Guile and War" to obtain the event-exclusive weapon "Fading Twilight" (Bow) and its Refinement Material.

〓Event Duration〓

Event Details Start Time End Time
Event Phase I Unlocks after the Version 2.7 update 2022/6/20 03:59
Event Phase II 2022/6/1 04:00
Event Phase III 2022/6/2 04:00
Event Phase IV 2022/6/3 04:00
Event Shop Duration After 2.7 update 2022/6/27 03:59

〓Eligibility〓 Reach Adventure Rank 28 or above Complete the Archon Quest "A New Star Approaches" and World Quest "Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?" Complete Arataki Itto's Story Quest "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I," Raiden Shogun's Story Quest "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II," and World Quest "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I" to enhance your experience. *If you have not completed Arataki Itto's Story Quest, Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, and World Quest "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I," you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.

*During the event, Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II will unlock with the event phases of "Perilous Trail." A new phase will be unlocked each day in the first 3 days of the event. Reach the corresponding Adventure Rank and complete the prerequisite quests to enjoy the story of the Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II "Perilous Trail" in the event.

IV. New Main Story 1. New Archon Quest Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II - "Perilous Trail" 2. New Story Quest Yelan's Story Quest "Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act I - Calculated Gambit" 3. New Hangout Event Hangout Event: Kuki Shinobu - Act I "The Gang's Daily Deeds" 4. New World Quests

"On the Stage, Behind the Stage," "The Tales Behind the Fan," and more.

V. Other Additions 1. New Recipes: Dew-Dipped Shrimp, Omurice Waltz 2. New Achievements added to the "Wonders of the World" and "Memories of the Heart" categories 3. New Namecards: "Yelan: Throw," "Kuki Shinobu: Net," and "Travel Notes: Divine Will." 4. New Furnishing: Leisure Device: Confused Confuzzlement 5. Added "Challenge Features" descriptions to Domains of Blessing, Forgery, and Mastery with a high Recommended Party Level. 6. The gadget "Floral Zither" can now be purchased from the NPC Granny Shan in Liyue Harbor. 7. Added Sets 7–14 of Genshin Impact "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis. 8. Added Character level-up guides: Travelers can check Characters' Talent recommendations and Artifact Main Attribute references. 9. Spiral Abyss Floor 11 Ley Line Disorder changed to: • DMG dealt by claymore-wielding characters increased by 75%. Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss. Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 2.7, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows: Phase I: Closing Moon After the active character uses an Elemental Skill, >Normal Attack DMG is increased by 16% for 8s. Max 3 stacks. Stacks are counted independently. Phase II: Matched Moon After a character's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, that opponent's Physical and All Elemental RES will be decreased by 12% for 8s. Max 3 stacks. Stacks are counted independently. Phase III: Steelsunder Moon

After the active character uses an Elemental Skill, that character's next Normal Attack that hits an opponent will unleash a shockwave at that opponent's position, dealing DMG. This effect can occur once every 1.2s.

〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓 ● Quests 1. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "The Thundering Wilds" in Narukami Island by replacing some of the opponents. 2. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "For The Harbingers!" in Narukami Island by weakening the lineup of opponents. 3. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "Full Speed Ahead" in Yashiori Island by replacing some of the opponents and removing barriers along the way. 4. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "A Crackling Crisis" in Yashiori Island by weakening the lineup of opponents and extending the challenge time. 5. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "A Gentleman Strikes in Broad Daylight" in Yashiori Island and Seirai Island by extending the time that patrolling opponents pause at the stationing points.

6. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "Dangerous Haul" in Narukami Island, Yashiori Island, and Seirai Island by reducing the Movement SPD of the Slime Balloon and cutting down the number of opponents along the way.

● System 1. Optimizes "Weekly Missions" in Battle Pass: for "Weekly Missions" completed in the week of a version update, the progress of that week's "Weekly Missions" will be carried over to the updated version's BP. 2. In "Dispatched Expeditions", the rewards of exploring Dihua Marsh, Liyue is adjusted to "Horsetail" and "Snapdragon," while the rewards of exploring Guili Plains, Liyue is adjusted to "Mora." After the version update, we will issue Travelers Mora ×5,000, Lotus Head ×12, Matsutake ×12 as compensation. 3. Optimizes the sorting rules of the Character Selection page: for characters at the same level, ascended characters will be placed in front of the rest. 4. Optimizes the display of information: when prompts appear on the center of the screen, the info list on the left, such as quests and challenges, will turn translucent. 5. Optimizes the UI style of item sources in the Inventory: when an item source is unavailable, it will appear as white text on a dark background. 6. Optimizes the control experience of the controller in "Settings": as long as the left tab is not switched, re-enter the option list on the right and the list will remember the position previously selected. 7. Optimizes the description list of characters' Talents when cooking, crafting, forging, dispatching, and furnishing creating: the height of the list is self-adaptive. 8. Optimizes the indicative effect of Oculi detectors on the World Map: visual effects are added to the marked scope.

9. Optimizes the presentation of dialogue window in Co-Op Mode: Party Chat is set by default after entering Co-Op Mode and opening the chat list.

● Characters
1. Optimizes the animation performance of some characters after being launched.

● Audio 1. Optimizes the sound effects of some objects. 2. Adjusts the Japanese voice-over for some Story Quests and certain bosses. 3. Optimizes and adjusts the Korean voice-over for some characters and NPCs.

4. Optimizes the mechanism when idle voice-over is interrupted by the character's Elemental Skill.

● Other 1. Reduces combat difficulty for some opponents at World Level 3–6 (including "Oceanid," "Geo Hypostasis," "Cryo Hypostasis," "Maguu Kenki," "Thunder Manifestation," "Golden Wolflord," "Stormterror," and "Azhdaha"). 2. When the characters Jean, Amber, Rosaria, and Mona are obtained, they will be wearing their Alternate Outfits by default. 3. In the "Test Run" events, the appearances of the characters Jean, Amber, Rosaria, and Mona will be adjusted to the Alternate Outfits. 4. Adjusts bitrate for cutscenes of previous Versions on mobile to 25,000 kbps to streamline client size. 5. Support for the Chroma feature on Razer devices is temporarily disabled due to game crashes. This feature will be restored as soon as the issue is resolved. *For details on other bug fixes, please see the Version Update Details notice to be posted at 2022/05/31 07:00 (UTC+8). *This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.

"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

Page 12

Pre-Installation Function Now Available!

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Dear Travelers,

The pre-installation function is now available on both PC and mobile platforms.

Due to file restructuring, it is recommended to complete this pre-installation over a Wi-Fi connection owing to the large file size.

Before the pre-installation, you may uninstall voice-over files that you don't need by going to Settings > Language > Manage Voice-Over Files to minimize the pre-installation file size.

Pre-installation on mobile devices will download some of the new resources in advance, which will speed up download progress at login after the update and save time.

When the version update is released, Travelers on iOS devices must enter the App Store and tap "Update." Android users may open the game and follow the directions on-screen (or open Google Play and tap "Update").

Travelers on mobile platforms will be unable to play the game while pre-installing game resources. It's recommended that Travelers complete any Domains or other challenges they wish to finish first before beginning the pre-installation process.

Travelers on PC can still play the game while pre-installing game resources. Pre-installation will take up a certain amount of your network's bandwidth, so it's best to make sure you have a good network connection before beginning pre-installation.

After pre-installation is complete, Travelers can update the game and experience new version content faster.

〓How to Update〓

Mobile (iOS & Android)

Method 1: Travelers may begin pre-installing update resources by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Other > Pre-Install Resource Package.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Method 2: Travelers may also begin pre-installing update resources by tapping the "Pre-Install Resource Package" icon in the bottom-left corner of the login screen.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

When the version update is released, Travelers on iOS devices must enter the App Store and tap "Update." Android users may open the game and follow the directions on-screen (or open Google Play and tap "Update").

Using the pre-installation function will reduce the time that the game spends updating resources on the first time you enter a new version, even if you did not fully complete pre-installation.


Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

After the pre-installation function is available, you must first update the Genshin Impact Launcher. After updating the launcher, a "Game Pre-Installation" button will appear to the left of the "Launch" button. Click "Game Pre-Installation" to download the latest game resources.

Using the pre-installation function can speed up the update progress of the launcher during version updates.

Page 13

"Hidden Dreams in the Depths" Version 2.7 Update Details

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 2.7 update "Hidden Dreams in the Depths" and the update compensation.

〓Compensation Details〓 Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down) Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)

Dispatch Expedition Adjustment Compensation: Mora ×5,000, Lotus Head ×12, Matsutake ×12

〓Scope of Compensation〓 Dispatch Expedition Adjustment Compensation and Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2022/05/31 06:00 (UTC+8). Please claim before the end of Version 2.7.

Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2022/05/31 06:00 (UTC+8).

Please claim the compensation mail before 2022/06/03 06:00 (UTC+8).
Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.

〓Adjustment of End Date for the Claiming of Serenitea Pot Placement Function Maintenance Compensation〓
The deadline for claiming the compensation of the Serenitea Pot Placement Function Maintenance (Realm Currency ×5,000) issued on 2022/05/30 11:00 has been extended to 2022/06/02 11:00. The remaining compensation for the Serenitea Pot Placement Function Maintenance will not be available after the Version 2.7 update maintenance.

〓Update Schedule〓
Update maintenance begins 2022/05/31 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.

〓How to Update Game Client〓 PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update. iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update. Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen. PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."

Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.

〓Update Details〓 I. New Characters 5-Star Character "Valley Orchid" Yelan (Hydro) ◇ Vision: Hydro ◇ Weapon: Bow ◇ Yelan's Elemental Skill "Lingering Lifeline" fires off a Lifeline that pulls her in rapidly, entangling and marking opponents along its path. When her rapid movement ends, the Lifeline will explode, dealing Hydro DMG to the marked opponents based on Yelan's Max HP. Additionally, each opponent marked by the Lifeline when it explodes grants Yelan a chance to obtain Breakthrough. This will cause her next Charged Aimed Shot to have a decreased charge time, and once charged, she can fire a "Breakthrough Barb" that will deal AoE Hydro DMG based on Yelan's Max HP. Her Elemental Burst "Depth-Clarion Dice" deals AoE Hydro DMG once and creates an "Exquisite Throw," which aids her in battle. This follows the character around and will initiate a coordinated attack under the following circumstances, dealing Hydro DMG based on Yelan's Max HP. This can occur once every second when your active character uses a Normal Attack and will occur each time Yelan's Lifeline explodes and hits opponents. ◇ A mysterious person who claims to work for the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but is a "non-entity" on the Ministry of Civil Affairs' list. 4-Star Character "Mender of Tribulations" Kuki Shinobu (Electro) ◇ Vision: Electro ◇ Weapon: Sword ◇ Kuki Shinobu's Elemental Skill "Sanctifying Ring" creates a Grass Ring of Sanctification at the cost of part of her HP, dealing Electro DMG to nearby opponents. Grass Ring of Sanctification follows the current active character around. It deals Electro DMG to nearby opponents periodically and restores HP for the active character(s) within the ring's AoE based on Kuki Shinobu's Max HP. The HP consumption from using this skill can only bring her to 20% HP. Her Elemental Burst "Gyoei Narukami Kariyama Rite" stabs an evil-excoriating blade into the ground, creating a field that cleanses the area of all that is foul, dealing continuous Electro DMG to opponents within its AoE based on Shinobu's Max HP. If Shinobu's HP is less than or equal to 50% when this skill is used, the field will last longer.

◇ The capable and reliable deputy leader of the "Arataki Gang" - Please note: capable and reliable are not appellations for the "Arataki Gang," but for their deputy leader in specific.

II. New Equipment Aqua Simulacra (Bow) Increases HP. When there are opponents near the character equipping this weapon, the DMG the character deals is increased. This effect will still be detected when the character is off-field. ◇ This longbow's color is unpredictable. Under the light, it takes on a lustrous, watery blue. Fading Twilight (Bow) This weapon will come with 1 of 3 buffs. Each of the 3 buffs will increase the DMG dealt by the character by different percentages. When the character hits an opponent, the buff will change to the next effect type. This can be triggered once every 7s, and can be triggered even if the character is off-field.

◇A precious bow made of platinum, inlaid with an orb that shimmers with the light of eventide.

III. New Events
During the event, go to The Chasm and investigate the mysteries of the depths. Complete various challenges in the event to obtain rewards like Primogems, Crown of Insight, Weapon Ascension Materials, Talent Level-Up Materials, Mystic Enhancement Ore, Hero's Wit, and Mora. Complete specific "Realms of Guile and War" to obtain the event-exclusive weapon "Fading Twilight" (Bow) and its Refinement Material.

〓Event Duration〓

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

〓Eligibility〓 Reach Adventure Rank 28 or above Complete the Archon Quest "A New Star Approaches" and World Quest "Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?" Complete Arataki Itto's Story Quest "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I," Raiden Shogun's Story Quest "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II," and World Quest "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I" to enhance your experience.

*If you have not completed Arataki Itto's Story Quest, Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, and World Quest "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I," you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.

IV. New Main Story 1. New Archon Quest Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II - "Perilous Trail" Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II - "Perilous Trail" will be permanently available after the Version 2.7 update ◆ Quest Unlock Criteria • Complete Raiden Shogun's Story Quest "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams" • Complete Arataki Itto's Story Quest "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I - Rise Up, Golden Soul" • Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches" • Complete the World Quests "Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?" and "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I" During the "Perilous Trail" event, reach Adventure Rank 28 and complete the Archon Quest "A New Star Approaches," World Quest "Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?" and you can use "Quick Start" to begin the Interlude Chapter. (Complete Arataki Itto's Story Quest "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I," Raiden Shogun's Story Quest, "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II," and World Quest "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I" to enhance your experience.) 2. New Story Quest Yelan's Story Quest "Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act I - Calculated Gambit" ◆ Quest Unlock Criteria • Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above • Complete Ganyu's Story Quest "Sinae Unicornis Chapter: Act I - Sea of Clouds, Sea of People" • Complete Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II - "Perilous Trail" 3. New Hangout Event Hangout Event: Kuki Shinobu - Act I "The Gang's Daily Deeds" ◆ After the Version 2.7 update, Hangout Event: Kuki Shinobu - Act I "The Gang's Daily Deeds" will be permanently available ◆ Event Unlock Criteria: • Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above • Complete Arataki Itto's Story Quest "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I - Rise Up, Golden Soul" And Archon Quest Interlude Chapter: Act II - "Perilous Trail" 4. New World Quests

"On the Stage, Behind the Stage," "The Tales Behind the Fan," and more.

V. Other Additions 1. New Recipes: ○ Yelan's specialty: "Dew-Dipped Shrimp" ○ Kuki Shinobu's specialty: "Omurice Waltz" 2. New Achievements added to the "Wonders of the World" and "Memories of the Heart" categories 3. New Namecards: "Yelan: Throw": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Yelan "Kuki Shinobu: Net": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Kuki Shinobu "Travel Notes: Divine Will": Reward obtained via the BP system 4. New Furnishing: Leisure Device: Confused Confuzzlement A furnishing combination made with great care by Tubby, this set comprises a Seeker's Board and many Confuzzled Tubbers. After interacting with the Seeker's Board, you can begin a treasure hunt or view hunt records. The Confuzzled Tubbers can be freely placed within a set space, where they will continuously remain. You can combine these placements with pre-existing furnishings within the Serenitea Pot to hide the Tubbers, after which you will have to search for these Tubbers within a time limit. After hearing about Mondstadt's traditional game, Windtrace, from the Traveler, Tubby also resolved to create a game based around hide-and-seek, thus creating this particular furnishing combination. However, such a game that only involved Tubby, the Traveler, and Paimon would have too few people and thus lack a certain fun factor. As such, Tubby created many "Confuzzled Tubber" toys to play the role of other participants. Tubby even suggested that the Traveler could use adeptal energies to create playing fields and invite friends to come and experience the fun together. 5. Added "Challenge Features" descriptions to Domains of Blessing, Forgery, and Mastery with a high Recommended Party Level. 6. The gadget "Floral Zither" can now be purchased from the NPC Granny Shan in Liyue Harbor. 7. Added Sets 7–14 of Genshin Impact "Paimon's Paintings" chat emojis. 8. Added Character level-up guides: Travelers can check Characters' Talent recommendations and Artifact Main Attribute references. 9. Spiral Abyss Floor 11 Ley Line Disorder changed to: • DMG dealt by claymore-wielding characters increased by 75%. Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss. Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 2.7, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows: Phase I: Closing Moon After the active character uses an Elemental Skill, >Normal Attack DMG is increased by 16% for 8s. Max 3 stacks. Stacks are counted independently. Phase II: Matched Moon After a character's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, that opponent's Physical and All Elemental RES will be decreased by 12% for 8s. Max 3 stacks. Stacks are counted independently. Phase III: Steelsunder Moon

After the active character uses an Elemental Skill, that character's next Normal Attack that hits an opponent will unleash a shockwave at that opponent's position, dealing DMG. This effect can occur once every 1.2s.

〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓 ● Quests 1. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "The Thundering Wilds" in Narukami Island by replacing some of the opponents. 2. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "For The Harbingers!" in Narukami Island by weakening the lineup of opponents. 3. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "Full Speed Ahead" in Yashiori Island by replacing some of the opponents and removing barriers along the way. 4. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "A Crackling Crisis" in Yashiori Island by weakening the lineup of opponents and extending the challenge time. 5. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "A Gentleman Strikes in Broad Daylight" in Yashiori Island and Seirai Island by extending the time that patrolling opponents pause at the stationing points.

6. Reduces the difficulty of Daily Commission "Dangerous Haul" in Narukami Island, Yashiori Island, and Seirai Island by reducing the Movement SPD of the Slime Balloon and cutting down the number of opponents along the way.

● System 1. Optimizes "Weekly Missions" in Battle Pass: for "Weekly Missions" completed in the week of a version update, the progress of that week's "Weekly Missions" will be carried over to the updated version's BP. This is effective from the Version 2.8 update. 2. In "Dispatched Expeditions", the rewards of exploring Dihua Marsh, Liyue is adjusted to "Horsetail" and "Snapdragon," while the rewards of exploring Guili Plains, Liyue is adjusted to "Mora." After the version update, we will issue Travelers Mora ×5,000, Lotus Head ×12, Matsutake ×12 as compensation. 3. Optimizes the sorting rules of the Character Selection page: for characters at the same level, ascended characters will be placed in front of the rest. 4. Optimizes the display of information: when prompts appear on the center of the screen, the info list on the left, such as quests and challenges, will turn translucent. 5. Optimizes the UI style of item sources in the Inventory: when an item source is unavailable, it will appear as white text on a dark background. 6. Optimizes the control experience of the controller in "Settings": as long as the left tab is not switched, re-enter the option list on the right and the list will remember the position previously selected. 7. Optimizes the description list of characters' Talents when cooking, crafting, forging, dispatching, and furnishing creating: the height of the list is self-adaptive. 8. Optimizes the indicative effect of Oculi detectors on the World Map: visual effects are added to the marked scope.

9. Optimizes the presentation of dialogue window in Co-Op Mode: Party Chat is set by default after entering Co-Op Mode and opening the chat list.

● Characters
1. Optimizes the animation performance of some characters after being launched.

● Audio 1. Optimizes the sound effects of some objects. 2. Adjusts the Japanese voice-over for some Story Quests and certain bosses. 3. Optimizes and adjusts the Korean voice-over for some characters and NPCs.

4. Optimizes the mechanism when idle voice-over is interrupted by the character's Elemental Skill.

● Other 1. Reduces combat difficulty for some opponents at World Level 3–6 (including "Oceanid," "Geo Hypostasis," "Cryo Hypostasis," "Maguu Kenki," "Thunder Manifestation," "Golden Wolflord," "Stormterror," and "Azhdaha"). 2. When the characters Jean, Amber, Rosaria, and Mona are obtained, they will be wearing their Alternate Outfits by default. 3. In the "Test Run" events, the appearances of the characters Jean, Amber, Rosaria, and Mona will be adjusted to the Alternate Outfits. 4. Adjusts bitrate for cutscenes of previous Versions on mobile to 2,500 kbps to streamline client size.

5. Support for the Chroma feature on Razer devices is temporarily disabled due to game crashes. This feature will be restored as soon as the issue is resolved.

〓Bug Fixes〓 ● Quests 1. Fixes an issue whereby the speakers of certain dialogues were displayed incorrectly in the World Quest "Valor's Afterglow." 2. Fixes an issue with the Daily Commission "Felonious Floaters" whereby the models of opponents might sink into the ground. 3. Fixes an issue with the NPC Atsuko whereby her behavior and dialogues would be incorrect under some circumstances. 4. Fixes the refresh errors of Explosive Barrels and Boom Blossoms in Daily Commission "Impregnable Defense" in Yashiori Island. 5. Fixes the erroneous visual effect of the destination spot in Daily Commissions "Voltage Charge" and "Full Speed Ahead" in certain areas in Inazuma.

6. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby the quest objective "Go to Uyuu Restaurant to finish the light novel" in the Story Quest "Mysterious Urban Legend" could not be completed.

● Enemies 1. Fixes an issue in Domains whereby Rifthounds and Rifthound Whelps might move outside the barrier. 2. Fixes an issue whereby the opponent "Fatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard" might keep charging at the character when using support skills. 3. Fixes an issue whereby launched opponents would continue to fall even after the game is paused.

4. Fixes an issue whereby after some characters attack, opponents might not enter combat normally.

● Co-Op
1. Fixes an issue with Co-Op Mode, whereby after the host exited Co-Op Mode when it was raining, the current character and opponents would not be affected by the Hydro element caused by the rain.

● Character 1. Fixes an issue whereby after Arataki Itto uses his Elemental Burst in some Domains, the dust effects would remain on the camera. 2. Fixes an issue whereby when Yae Miko attacks, the position of her weapon would have a small probability of being abnormal. 3. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby when bow-wielding characters move in Aimed Shot Mode, the bowstring would be shaking abnormally.

4. Fixes an issue with Kujou Sara whereby when switching to another interface from Characters > Weapons, the weapon's disappearance would not coincide with her movement.5. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby characters' enhanced jumping ability would linger abnormally.

● System 1. Fixes an issue when taking photos whereby the character would look in an abnormal direction under specific circumstances. 2. Fixes an issue whereby certain mappings around the Mt. Tianheng area appeared to be abnormal. 3. Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby character movements on the "Character > Artifacts" page might be abnormal.

4. Fixes an issue whereby the Enhance page would display abnormally if one tapped Enhance on the Artifacts page while removing or switching to another artifact.

● Audio 1. Fixes an issue whereby the sound effects of certain interfaces and some opponents' skills were missing.

2. Fixes an issue with the Japanese voice-over in some Story Quests whereby certain lines were missing.

● Gameplay 1. Fixes an issue in certain languages whereby option texts in Hangout Events were sometimes not displayed in full. 2. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby Lumenspar indication is abnormally displayed on the map when using the Lumenstone Adjuvant to search for it.

3. Fixes the issue whereby the friends list of some accounts for PlayStation™Network did not display correctly after changing the linking status.

● Other 1. Fixes an issue whereby the rarity of the recipe "Rainbow Aster" was labeled wrongly. 2. Fixes an issue whereby the Electro-Charged reaction mechanism functioned abnormally after the Version 2.4 update. After the fix, the Electro-Charged reaction mechanism is expected to function as it did before the Version 2.4 update. 3. Fixes an issue whereby using a "Portable Waypoint" placed on top of an NPC to teleport would cause the character to be teleported to an abnormal location. 4. Fixes an issue whereby Geo Constructs can be abnormally created on top of the gadget "Launch Tube." 5. Fixes an issue whereby certain scenery in The Chasm region appeared abnormally. 6. Fixes an issue whereby the three lamp posts in The Chasm region might display abnormally. 7. Fixes an issue whereby the secret messages in The Chasm region might not display normally. 8. Fixes an issue whereby a certain destructible wall in The Chasm region could not be destroyed under specific circumstances. 9. Fixes an issue whereby caged Golden Finches would fall abnormally in The Chasm: The Underground Mines. 10. Fixes an issue whereby the achievement "Ouroboros" might be completed incorrectly even though the completion requirements have not been met. 11. Fixes an issue under certain circumstances whereby characters do not take fall DMG after falling from great heights. 12. Fixes an issue under certain graphic settings whereby the Kamuijima Cannon's attacks might not take effect. 13. Fixes an issue whereby the model of Weasel (Wildlife) would display abnormally. 14. Fixes textual errors in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Indonesian, German, Thai, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese and optimizes some text. (Note: Related in-game functions have not changed. Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.) Text-related fixes and optimizations in English include: ◆ Optimized instances of a character's name from "Kazari" to "Hanachirusato." ◆ Optimized instances of an item name from "Sacred Devata Mushrooms" to "Rukkhashava Mushrooms." ◆ Optimized some lines in the quests and World Quests.

◆ Optimized the capitalization of some characters' Constellation and Skill names.

*This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations. "PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

Page 14

Battle Chronicle: Tool Update

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Greetings, Travelers~

We've upgraded several modules of the Battle Chronicle such as "Real-Time Notes," "Character Overview," "Perilous Trail," and "Spiral Abyss." Come and have a look~

Battle Chronicle Update - New Parametric Transformer Notification Function

>>Click Here to See Battle Chronicle<<

1. Added "Parametric Transformer" Notification Function to the Real-Time Notes

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

During the Cooldown process of the Parametric Transformer, you can enable the "Notification" function in Real-Time Notes. When the Cooldown ends, HoYoLAB will notify you at the first moment.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

*You must authorize HoYoLAB to send you notifications to use this function, which can only be used during the Parametric Transformer Cooldown. The notification is only valid for this Cooldown.

2. Added "Share > Save Image" Function

The "Share > Save Image" function has been added on the homepage, character details page, and character overview page. Here are the templates of the images:


Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Character Details Page:

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

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Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Share your personal Battle Chronicle now~

*This function can be experienced on both Web and App platforms~

3. Added Battle Chronicle of limited-time event "Perilous Trail"

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

4. Optimized the UI Layout for "Spiral Abyss" on mobile devices

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

And that's all for the update description of this Battle Chronicle! Please go to the Battle Chronicle tool page to check your exclusive Battle Chronicle~

Page 15

Summer Fantasia Version 2.8 Update Notice

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Dear Traveler,    
Our developers will soon begin performing update maintenance. While the update maintenance is in progress, Travelers will be unable to log in to the game. Please take note of the update time and schedule your game time accordingly    

After this is complete, the game will update to a new version. We recommend that Travelers install this update over a Wi-Fi connection.    

This Version Update Notice presents the overview of Version 2.8: limited-time area, new character, new equipment, new events, new outfits, new stories, and more. The Optimizations section will detail the optimization and adjustment of enemies, system, and audio, etc.    

〓Update Schedule〓    
Update maintenance begins 2022/07/13 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.    

〓How to Update Game Client〓     PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.     iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.     Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.     PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."    

Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.    

〓Compensation Details〓    
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)    

〓Scope of Compensation〓    
Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2022/07/13 06:00 (UTC+8)     Please claim before the end of Version 2.8.     Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.         

〓Update Details〓    

I. Limited-Time Area: Golden Apple Archipelago (This area is only available during Version 2.8)     Golden Apple Archipelago     ◆ Area Unlock Criteria:     • Reach Adventure Rank 32 or above     • Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Prologue - Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves"     • Complete Mona's Story Quest "Astrolabos Chapter: Act I - Beyond This World's Stars"     ◆ During the event, the Adventure Rank required to accept Mona's Story Quest "Astrolabos Chapter: Act I - Beyond This World's Stars" will be adjusted to 32.     ◆ The Golden Apple Archipelago will no longer be accessible after the end of Version 2.8. You will also no longer be able to open treasure chests, gather materials, or earn quest rewards on the islands, so grab the opportunity to explore away!          II. New Character    

4-Star Character "Analytical Harmony" Shikanoin Heizou    

◇ Vision: Anemo     ◇ Weapon: Catalyst     ◇ A young prodigy detective from the Tenryou Commission. His senses are sharp and his thoughts are clear.          III. New Equipment    

Cursed Blade (4-Star Sword)    

*Take part in the Version 2.8 quest storyline to learn more about this weapon.          IV. New Events     "Summertime Odyssey" Event: Take part to invite "Prinzessin der Verurteilung!" Fischl (Electro)     During the event, complete the specified tasks in "Surfpiercer" and "Phantom Realms" to obtain rewards such as Primogems, Hero's Wit, and Mystic Enhancement Ore. Complete the "Phantom Realms" challenges to obtain Iridescent Flotsam. Accumulate a specified number of Iridescent Flotsam to invite "Prinzessin der Verurteilung!" Fischl (Electro)! You can also use Iridescent Flotsam to exchange for rewards such as Crown of Insight, Character Level-Up Materials, and Talent Level-Up Materials from the Event Shop.     ▌Event Duration    

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

     ▌Eligibility     Reach Adventure Rank 32 or above     Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Prologue - Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves"     And complete Mona's Story Quest "Astrolabos Chapter: Act I - Beyond This World's Stars"     During this time, the Adventure Rank required to accept Mona's Story Quest will be adjusted to Adventure Rank 32. Complete Mona's Story Quest to enhance your experience.     ※ If you have not completed Mona's Story Quest, you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.          V. New Outfits     Diluc - Red Dead of Night     ◇ One of the outfits Diluc wears during covert actions, it resembles a flame dancing in the shadows. The crimson red traces it leaves behind at the edges of the enemy's vision will scar their nightmares forever.     Fischl - Ein Immernachtstraum     ◇ A ceremonial outfit for the Prinzessin. May she who is noble retain her courage, sincerity, and kindness forever, such that no evil shall ever overcome her.          VI. New Main Story     1. New Story Quest     Kaedehara Kazuha's Story Quest: Acer Palmatum Chapter - Act I "A Strange and Friendless Road"     2. New Hangout Event     Hangout Event: Shikanoin Heizou - Act I "Trap 'Em by Storm"     3. New World Quests     ◆ New limited-time World Quests: "The Treasure of the Four Skerries," "Thus Was the Work Done in Vain," "Treasure Voyage," "The Final Treasure," "Drama Phantasmagoria: Tale of the Sword-Wielding Princess!," "Bake-Danuki Wanderlust," "The Misplaced Photo," "The Discarded Insignia," and "A Misplaced Conch."     ◆ New World Quest: "Film Notes."          VII. Other Additions     1. New Recipe: The Only Truth     2. New Achievements added to the "Memories of the Heart" categories     3. New Namecards: "Shikanoin Heizou: Temari" and "Travel Notes: Azure Main"     4. Adds the "Adventurer Handbook - Guide" page to the Adventurer Handbook: it shows the recommended priority quests to be completed.     5. Adds the "Adventurer Handbook - Embattle" page to the Adventurer Handbook: ascend characters of various elements (except the "Traveler") and complete the Elemental Trials in the Temple of the Lion to receive the corresponding rewards.     6. Adds tutorials related to the use of Fragile Resin for beginners.     7. Adds some prompts for loading screens.     8. Spiral Abyss     Floor 11 Ley Line Disorders changed to:     • All party members receive a 75% Pyro DMG Bonus.     Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.     Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 2.8, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows:     Phase I:     Valiant Moon     When a character takes the field, they will gain 1 Fortitude stack every 2s. This will increase their ATK by 20%. Max 3 stacks. When characters with 3 Fortitude stacks hit opponents with Charged Attacks, a shockwave will be unleashed at the opponents' position, dealing True DMG. A shockwave can be unleashed in this manner once every 2s. When the character leaves the field, all their Fortitude stacks will be cleared.     Phase II:     Windswept Moon     When a character triggers Swirl on an opponent, that opponent's DEF is decreased by 12% for 10s. Max 3 stacks. Each stack's duration is counted independently.     Phase III:     Shivered Moon     After the active character's Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attacks hit opponents, that character's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 12% for 8s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.1s. Max 4 stacks. Each stack's duration is counted independently. This effect will be cleared if the character leaves the field.     *The effects of some Chinese voice-over lines in the Version 2.8 update may be affected by the recording conditions. We seek your kind understanding on this matter.         

〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓    

● Enemies     1. Reduces the ATK of Nobushi: Jintouban, Nobushi: Kikouban, Nobushi: Hitsukeban, Kairagi: Fiery Might, Kairagi: Dancing Thunder, and Specters in Worlds with a World Level of 3–6.     2. Optimizes the performance of Rifthounds after being hit.     3. Adjusts the performance of Specters after being hit and launched.     4. Reduces Specters' HP and resistance to interruption, and increases the HP Percentage to fill up the Fury meter of Specters.     5. Adjusts part of the Specters' behavior logic: it can be affected by the pull effect when it is not in the "expanded" state.     ● System     1. When picking up an item drop, the icon of the drop will also show the number of its stacks if its stack is greater than 1.     2. Optimizes the attribute filtering of Artifacts, giving priority to displaying Artifacts whose primary attribute is the filtered attribute.     3. Adds "Traveler" Character Level-Up prompts to the character screen.     ● Audio     1. Adds Receiving a Gift voice-over lines for some characters in "Character > Profile."     2. Optimizes the sound effects for certain character attacks.     3. Optimizes the volume performance of some cutscene animations.     4. Optimizes the Japanese, English, and Korean voice-over for certain characters, quests, and NPCs.     5. Adjusts the Korean voice-over of Venti to be consistent with the subtitles.     ● Other     1. During the same period of Event Wishes, when you enter the Wish interface again, the page will retain the Wish interface selected when you exited last time.     2. Changes the "Guide" page to "Version Highlights" in the Paimon Menu.     3. Fixes an issue whereby buttons may conflict in the "Character Selection" interface when using a controller: in the "Character Selection" interface, the Claim Friendship Rewards button will be hidden and the corresponding function of the L3 button will be to carry out filtering.     4. When using a controller, the Purchase button and purchase function of items that are not available for purchase or redemption in the Event Shop will be disabled.         

*For details on other bug fixes, please see the Version Update Details notice to be posted at 2022/07/13 07:00 (UTC+8).     *This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.    

"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.  


Page 16

Pre-Installation Function Now Available

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Dear Travelers,

The pre-installation function is now available on both PC and mobile platforms.

Pre-installation on mobile devices will download some of the new resources in advance, which will speed up download progress at login after the update and save time.

When the version update is released, Travelers on iOS devices must enter the App Store and tap "Update." Android users may open the game and follow the directions on-screen (or open Google Play and tap "Update").

Travelers on mobile platforms will be unable to play the game while pre-installing game resources. It's recommended that Travelers complete any Domains or other challenges they wish to finish first before beginning the pre-installation process.

Travelers on PC can still play the game while pre-installing game resources. Pre-installation will take up a certain amount of your network's bandwidth, so it's best to make sure you have a good network connection before beginning pre-installation.

After pre-installation is complete, Travelers can update the game and experience new version content faster.

〓How to Update〓

Mobile (iOS & Android)

Method 1: Travelers may begin pre-installing update resources by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Other > Pre-Install Resource Package.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Method 2: Travelers may also begin pre-installing update resources by tapping the "Pre-Install Resource Package" icon in the bottom-left corner of the login screen.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

When the version update is released, Travelers on iOS devices must enter the App Store and tap "Update." Android users may open the game and follow the directions on-screen (or open Google Play and tap "Update").

Using the pre-installation function will reduce the time that the game spends updating resources on the first time you enter a new version, even if you did not fully complete pre-installation.


After the pre-installation function is available, you must first update the Genshin Impact Launcher. After updating the launcher, a "Game Pre-Installation" button will appear to the left of the "Launch" button. Click "Game Pre-Installation" to download the latest game resources.

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Using the pre-installation function can speed up the update progress of the launcher during version updates.

Page 17

Summer Fantasia Version 2.8 Update Details

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Dear Travelers,

This issue of Update Details will introduce the game content of Version 2.8 in detail, including:

1. Limited-Time Area: Golden Apple Archipelago

2. New Character: Shikanoin Heizou

3. New Equipment: Cursed Blade (Sword)

4. New Event: Summertime Odyssey

5. New Outfits: Diluc - "Red Dead of Night" and Fischl - "Ein Immernachtstraum"

6. New Stories: Kaedehara Kazuha's Story Quest and Shikanoin Heizou's Hangout Event

In the last part, we will share with you the adjustments and optimizations of the version, as well as the bug fixes.

〓Compensation Details〓

Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)

Issue Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300 (please refer to the relevant compensation mail for more details)

〓Scope of Compensation〓

Maintenance Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2022/07/13 06:00 (UTC+8)

Please claim before the end of Version 2.8.

Issue Fix Compensation: Travelers who reach Adventure Rank 5 or above before 2022/07/13 06:00 (UTC+8).

Please claim the compensation mail before 2022/07/16 06:00:00.

Our developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the attached compensation in time.

〓Update Schedule〓

Update maintenance begins 2022/07/13 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.

〓How to Update Game Client〓

PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.

iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.

Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.

PS5™ and PS4™: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select "Check for Update."

Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.

〓Update Details〓

I. Limited-Time Area: Golden Apple Archipelago (This area is only available during Version 2.8)

Golden Apple Archipelago

◆ Area Unlock Criteria:

• Reach Adventure Rank 32 or above

• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Prologue - Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves"

• Complete Mona's Story Quest "Astrolabos Chapter: Act I - Beyond This World's Stars"

◆ During the event, the Adventure Rank required to accept Mona's Story Quest "Astrolabos Chapter: Act I - Beyond This World's Stars" will be adjusted to 32.

◆ The Golden Apple Archipelago will no longer be accessible after the end of Version 2.8. You will also no longer be able to open treasure chests, gather materials, or earn quest rewards on the islands, so grab the opportunity to explore away!

II. New Character

4-Star Character "Analytical Harmony" Shikanoin Heizou

◇ Vision: Anemo

◇ Weapon: Catalyst

◇ Hold Shikanoin Heizou's Elemental Skill "Heartstopper Strike" to charge energy and unleash an even stronger blow. He will obtain the Declension effect while charging, which will increase the power of the Heartstopper Strike. When the skill button is released or the skill duration ends, he will strike forward, dealing Anemo DMG. When you possess 4 Declension stacks, the Conviction effect will be produced, which will cause the next Heartstopper Strike to be even stronger and have a larger AoE.

After unleashing his Elemental Burst "Windmuster Kick," Shikanoin Heizou leaps into the air and uses the Fudou Style Vacuum Slugger and kicks his opponent. The Vacuum Slugger will explode upon hit and create an Arresting Windtunnel that pulls in nearby objects and opponents, dealing AoE Anemo DMG. When Vacuum Slugger hits opponents affected by Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro, these opponents will be afflicted with Windmuster Iris. This Windmuster Iris will explode after a moment and dissipate, dealing AoE DMG of the corresponding aforementioned elemental type. Vacuum Slugger can afflict a maximum of 4 opponents with the Windmuster Iris. A single opponent cannot be under the effect of Windmuster Irises of different elements at the same time.

◇ A young prodigy detective from the Tenryou Commission. His senses are sharp and his thoughts are clear.

III. New Equipment

Cursed Blade (4-Star Sword)

When a Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attack hits an opponent, it will whip up a Hewing Gale, dealing AoE DMG equal to 180% of ATK and increasing ATK by 15% for 8s. This effect can be triggered once every 8s.

*Take part in the Version 2.8 quest storyline to learn more about this weapon.

IV. New Events

"Summertime Odyssey" Event: Take part to invite "Prinzessin der Verurteilung!" Fischl (Electro)

During the event, complete the specified tasks in "Surfpiercer" and "Phantom Realms" to obtain rewards such as Primogems, Hero's Wit, and Mystic Enhancement Ore. Complete the "Phantom Realms" challenges to obtain Iridescent Flotsam. Accumulate a specified number of Iridescent Flotsam to invite "Prinzessin der Verurteilung!" Fischl (Electro)! You can also use Iridescent Flotsam to exchange for rewards such as Crown of Insight, Character Level-Up Materials, and Talent Level-Up Materials from the Event Shop.

〓Event Duration〓

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact


1. Reach Adventure Rank 32 or above

2. Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Prologue - Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves"

And complete Mona's Story Quest "Astrolabos Chapter: Act I - Beyond This World's Stars"

3. During this time, the Adventure Rank required to accept Mona's Story Quest will be adjusted to Adventure Rank 32. Complete Mona's Story Quest to enhance your experience.

※ If you have not completed Mona's Story Quest, you can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.

V. New Outfits

Diluc - Red Dead of Night

◇ One of the outfits Diluc wears during covert actions, it resembles a flame dancing in the shadows. The crimson red traces it leaves behind at the edges of the enemy's vision will scar their nightmares forever.

◇ Diluc's outfit "Red Dead of Night" will also feature additional idle animations, combat special effects, combat voice lines, and chat voicelines.

◆ After the Version 2.8 update – 2022/08/22 03:59, during this period, Diluc's outfit "Red Dead of Night" will be available for purchase in the Character Outfit Shop at a limited-time discount. During the discount period, the price of the outfit is 1,980 Genesis Crystals. The price will revert to 2,480 Genesis Crystals after the limited-time discount ends. The outfit can only be purchased once.

Fischl - Ein Immernachtstraum

◇ A ceremonial outfit for the Prinzessin. May she who is noble retain her courage, sincerity, and kindness forever, such that no evil shall ever overcome her.

◆ During Version 2.8, Travelers can obtain Fischl's "Ein Immernachtstraum" for free through the "Resonating Visions" event.

◆ After Version 2.8 is over, Travelers can buy the outfit in the Character Outfit Shop.

VI. New Main Story

1. New Story Quest

Kaedehara Kazuha's Story Quest: Acer Palmatum Chapter - Act I "A Strange and Friendless Road"

◆ Quest Start Time

Permanently available after the Version 2.8 update

◆ Quest Unlock Criteria

• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above

• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals"

• Complete Raiden Shogun's Story Quest "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality"

2. New Hangout Event

Hangout Event: Shikanoin Heizou - Act I "Trap 'Em by Storm"

◆ After the Version 2.8 update, Hangout Event: Shikanoin Heizou - Act I "Trap 'Em by Storm" will be permanently available.

◆ Event Unlock Criteria:

• Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above

• Complete the Archon Quest "Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals"

• Complete Raiden Shogun's Story Quest "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II - Transient Dreams"

• Complete Arataki Itto's Story Quest "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I - Rise Up, Golden Soul"

3. New World Quests

◆ New limited-time World Quests: "The Treasure of the Four Skerries," "Thus Was the Work Done in Vain," "Treasure Voyage," "The Final Treasure," "Drama Phantasmagoria: Tale of the Sword-Wielding Princess!," "Bake-Danuki Wanderlust," "The Misplaced Photo," "The Discarded Insignia," and "A Misplaced Conch."

◆ New World Quest: "Film Notes."

VII. Other Additions

1. New Recipe:

○ Shikanoin Heizou's specialty: "The Only Truth"

2. New Achievements added to the "Memories of the Heart" categories

3. New Namecards:

"Shikanoin Heizou: Temari": Reward for reaching Friendship Lv. 10 with Shikanoin Heizou

"Travel Notes: Azure Main": Reward obtained via the BP system

4. Adds the "Adventurer Handbook - Guide" page to the Adventurer Handbook: it shows the recommended priority quests to be completed.

5. Adds the "Adventurer Handbook - Embattle" page to the Adventurer Handbook: ascend characters of various elements (except the "Traveler") and complete the Elemental Trials in the Temple of the Lion to receive the corresponding rewards.

6. Adds tutorials related to the use of Fragile Resin for beginners.

7. Adds some prompts for loading screens.

8. Spiral Abyss

Floor 11 Ley Line Disorders changed to:

• All party members receive a 75% Pyro DMG Bonus.

Updated the monster lineup on Floors 11 – 12 of the Spiral Abyss.

Starting from the first time that the Lunar Phase refreshes after updating to Version 2.8, the three Lunar Phases will be as follows:

Phase I:

Valiant Moon

When a character takes the field, they will gain 1 Fortitude stack every 2s. This will increase their ATK by 20%. Max 3 stacks. When characters with 3 Fortitude stacks hit opponents with Charged Attacks, a shockwave will be unleashed at the opponents' position, dealing True DMG. A shockwave can be unleashed in this manner once every 2s. When the character leaves the field, all their Fortitude stacks will be cleared.

Phase II:

Windswept Moon

When a character triggers Swirl on an opponent, that opponent's DEF is decreased by 12% for 10s. Max 3 stacks. Each stack's duration is counted independently.

Phase III:

Shivered Moon

After the active character's Normal, Charged, or Plunging Attacks hit opponents, that character's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 12% for 8s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.1s. Max 4 stacks. Each stack's duration is counted independently. This effect will be cleared if the character leaves the field.

*The effects of some Chinese voice-over lines in the Version 2.8 update may be affected by the recording conditions. We seek your kind understanding on this matter.

〓Adjustments & Optimizations〓

● Enemies

1. Reduces the ATK of Nobushi: Jintouban, Nobushi: Kikouban, Nobushi: Hitsukeban, Kairagi: Fiery Might, Kairagi: Dancing Thunder, and Specters in Worlds with a World Level of 3–6.

2. Optimizes the performance of Rifthounds after being hit.

3. Adjusts the performance of Specters after being hit and launched.

4. Reduces Specters' HP and resistance to interruption, and increases the HP Percentage to fill up the Fury meter of Specters.

5. Adjusts part of the Specters' behavior logic: it can be affected by the pull effect when it is not in the "expanded" state.

● System

1. When picking up an item drop, the icon of the drop will also show the number of its stacks if its stack is greater than 1.

2. Optimizes the attribute filtering of Artifacts, giving priority to displaying Artifacts whose primary attribute is the filtered attribute.

3. Adds "Traveler" Character Level-Up prompts to the character screen.

● Audio

1. Adds Receiving a Gift voice-over lines for some characters in "Character > Profile."

2. Optimizes the sound effects for certain character attacks.

3. Optimizes the volume performance of some cutscene animations.

4. Optimizes the Japanese, English, and Korean voice-over for certain characters, quests, and NPCs.

5. Adjusts the Korean voice-over of Venti to be consistent with the subtitles.

● Other

1. During the same period of Event Wishes, when you enter the Wish interface again, the page will retain the Wish interface selected when you exited last time.

2. Changes the "Guide" page to "Version Highlights" in the Paimon Menu.

3. Fixes an issue whereby buttons may conflict in the "Character Selection" interface when using a controller: in the "Character Selection" interface, the Claim Friendship Rewards button will be hidden and the corresponding function of the L3 button will be to carry out filtering.

4. When using a controller, the Purchase button and purchase function of items that are not available for purchase or redemption in the Event Shop will be disabled.

〓Bug Fixes〓

● Quests

1. Fixes an issue whereby there are errors in the text of some quest items in the Archon Quest "Perilous Trail."

2. Fixes an issue whereby the quest item "Archaic Stone" from the Story Quest "No Mere Stone" would disappear abnormally after completing the World Quest "The Tales Behind the Fan." For Travelers who encountered this issue before the fix, the item will be automatically re-issued to the Inventory.

● Enemies

1. Fixes an issue with the boss "Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto" whereby the Baleful Vajras summoned would have a small probability of positioning themselves incorrectly.

2. Fixes an issue whereby the character would have a small probability of not being able to target and aim correctly when attacking the claws of the boss "Stormterror".

● Characters

1. Fixes an issue with the characters Xiao and Gorou whereby clipping would occur on their movements on the Characters > Talents interface and optimizes the streamer ribbon effects on Gorou, Venti, and Kaedehara Kazuha's outfits on this same interface.

2. Fixes an issue with Tartaglia whereby the Elemental Skill CD duration would be abnormal after performing certain actions if Tartaglia enters Melee Stance after using his Elemental Skill.

3. Fixes an issue with Yelan's Whitesilk Mantle that caused clipping to occur in Aimed Shot at certain angles.

● Equipment

1. Fixes an issue with Lisa whereby when equipped with the "Echoes of an Offering" artifacts and activating the 4-Piece Set effects, her Normal Attacks would have a small probability of triggering an additional instance of Physical DMG.

● Audio

1. Fixes an issue whereby there is a chance that music may be missing in some cutscene animations.

2. Fixes an issue of missing sound effects in some environment areas.

● System

1. Fixes an issue whereby the Attribute Reference interface could be opened abnormally in the Weapon Switching interface in controller mode.

2. Fixes an issue whereby the Snow Weasel model would not display correctly in the Serenitea Pot's placement function.

3. Fixes an issue whereby Aether would not have an expression during his idle animation on the character interface.

4. Fixes an issue on the character interface whereby Sayu, Arataki Itto, Diona, and Yanfei's shadow would flicker abnormally during some of their idle animations.

5. Fixes an issue whereby when there are emails in some languages (such as Thai) in the Mailbox, some emails in the Gift Mail Box are not displayed normally.

6. Fixes an issue whereby after reading the tutorial entries, there is a small chance of not being able to claim Primogems. After the version update, the tutorial entries whose rewards could not be claimed will reappear with a red notification dot. Players will be able to re-read them and claim Primogems as normal.

● Other

1. Fixes an issue whereby before entering Co-Op Mode, if the host performed certain actions, enemies in the open world would abnormally remain in the state when the game was paused after a guest entered the world.

2. Fixes an issue whereby some weapon effects had a small probability of disappearing after character teleportation.

3. Fixes an issue whereby when the character undergoes the Shatter reaction, character switching or sprinting had a chance to abnormally trigger the Shatter special effects repeatedly.

4. Fixes an issue whereby when playing in Japanese, German, English, Indonesian, Portuguese, and Vietnamese, some subtitles were missing in the cutscene animations of individual quests.

5. Fixes some textual errors in 13 languages and optimizes text. "Note: Related in-game functions have not changed." (Travelers can view the changes in different languages by going to the Paimon Menu > Settings > Language and changing the Game Language.)

Text-related fixes and optimizations in English include:

◆ Optimized instances of a term from "Kavikavus Prize" to "Pir Kavikavus Prize."

◆ Optimized instances of a term from "Academia" to "Akademiya."

◆ Optimized some lines in the quests and World Quests.

◆ Optimized Yae Miko's and Keqing's descriptions.

*This is a work of fiction and is not related to any actual people, events, groups, or organizations.

"PlayStation", "PS5", "PS4", "DualSense", "DUALSHOCK" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

Page 18

Genshin Impact Battle Chronicle: Version 2.8 Update - Share Your Spiral Abyss Battle Chronicle With One Click!

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

Greetings, Travelers~

The Genshin Impact Battle Chronicle has been updated! Travelers can check the latest information about their characters and weapons obtained in Genshin Impact Version 2.8~

This update optimizes the display of Battle Chronicle for the Spiral Abyss and limited-time events, and also adds a new sharing function for the Spiral Abyss Battle Chronicle module. Here's a look at the specific content of the update.

>>Click Here to See Battle Chronicle<<

1. Share Your Spiral Abyss Battle Chronicle With One Click

Optimizes the display of Spiral Abyss Battle Chronicle display and added a new sharing function. Travelers can choose to share the overall battle process review of the Spiral Abyss, or choose to share only single-level challenge records and corresponding party setups.

Spiral Abyss homepage: click to view details of each Floor

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Share this Abyssal Moon Spire floor:

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Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

2. Optimization of Event Review Display

Optimizes record display of limited-time events. Now you can check your records in previous events with more convenience!

Before the update: requires multiple clicks and is inconvenient to view

Cách phóng to màn hình Genshin Impact

After the update: separate from the Spiral Abyss Battle Chronicle display, you can scroll directly to filter the events you want to see

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3. Adds "HoYoWiki" and "Version 2.8 Version Topics Page" in Common Tools

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*The above functions are supported on the Web and App. The screenshots are taken from a development version and are not indicative of the final product. The details of the Spiral Abyss Battle Chronicle party setup details can only be viewed by Travelers themselves.

And that's all for the update description of this Battle Chronicle! Please go to the Battle Chronicle tool page to check your exclusive Battle Chronicle~

Genshin Impact's Version 2.8 "Summertime Odyssey" event will also be launched soon. At that time, the corresponding event records query function will also be made available in "Genshin Impact Battle Chronicle." Travelers, do remember to take a look~