Đánh giá tai nghe bose soundtrue ultra in-ear năm 2024

Ra mắt tai nghe được thiết kế hoàn hảo để không gì có thể xen vào giữa bạn và âm nhạc. Tai nghe nhét tai Bose® SoundTrue Ultra nhỏ gọn và gọn nhẹ để bạn đeo thoải mái, nhưng vẫn mang đến âm thanh phong phú và sâu lắng trong toàn bộ dải tần số rộng. Thiết kế âm học khép kín giúp bạn có được trải nghiệm chìm đắm hơn trong âm thanh, cho phép bạn nghe rõ từng chi tiết của bản nhạc.

Những tai nghe này được thiết kế cho một số mẫu iPhone, iPad và iPod nhất định. Chúng tôi cũng có sẵn phiên bản tai nghe cho hầu hết các thiết bị SAMSUNG và ANDROI.

Âm thanh được tối ưu hóa, vì thế bạn có thể nghe thấy âm trầm tự nhiên, giọng hát sống động như thật và tiếng nhạc cụ rõ nét

Giảm thiểu sự phân tâm nhờ thiết kế âm học khép kín cho phép bạn chìm đắm trong âm nhạc

Đeo thoải mái cả ngay nhờ nút tai nghe StayHear® Ultra độc quyền được làm từ chất liệu mềm mại nhưng vẫn giúp bạn đeo vừa vặn và cố định

Siêu bền, được chế tạo và kiểm nghiệm để đáp ứng các yêu cầu trong phong cách sống năng động của bạn

Tiện ích một lần chạm với nhiều tùy chọn đa dạng để bạn dễ dàng thưởng thức âm nhạc và thực hiện cuộc gọi

Chất lượng âm thanh tuyệt hảo khi bạn đang di chuyển

Tai nghe nhét tai SoundTrue Ultra mang đến cho bạn âm thanh chất lượng cao, sự thoải mái và vừa vặn khi đeo - tất cả được gói gọn trong thiết kế nhỏ nhắn và thanh lịch này. Tai nghe này cũng là sản phẩm thiết thực, hoàn toàn được tạo ra cho phong cách sống năng động. Khả năng kháng mồ hôi và chịu được thời tiết khắc nghiệt giúp tai nghe bền đẹp hơn. Cáp cải tiến và thiết kế khớp nối hình chữ T đồng nghĩa với việc khi bạn đang di chuyển, bạn sẽ không bị làm phiền bởi tiếng sột soạt khó chịu thường thấy ở những tai nghe thông thường.

An toàn và thoải mái

Đây luôn là vấn đề đối với tai nghe nhét tai, phải vậy không? Tai nghe nhét tai nói chung thường ép vào tai bạn quá chặt hoặc hay rơi ra ngoài. Nút tai nghe StayHear Ultra của chúng tôi phù hợp với hình dáng của tai bạn; tai nghe nằm nhẹ nhàng và cố định trong tai, đồng thời tiếp xúc đồng đều với toàn bộ bề mặt tai. Ngoài ra, các tai nghe này đều siêu nhỏ và gọn nhẹ. Nút tai nghe có ba kích cỡ để bạn có thể chọn kích cỡ phù hợp nhất với tai của mình.

Dễ dàng nghe nhạc và thực hiện cuộc gọi

Tai nghe nhét tai SoundTrue Ultra cho phép bạn chuyển đổi dễ dàng giữa các cuộc gọi và nhạc bằng iPhone, ngoài ra còn giúp bạn điều khiển một số mẫu iPod, iPhone và iPad nhất định. Tai nghe có điều khiển 3 nút cho phép bạn thực hiện cuộc gọi hoặc bỏ qua bản nhạc khi nhấn nút. Không cần phải với tay tìm thiết bị - phù hợp khi bạn đang bận rộn.

Túi đựng gọn nhẹ và bền đẹp

Túi đựng được thiết kế để bảo vệ và cất giữ tai nghe khi không sử dụng, đồng thời cũng là nơi đựng các phụ kiện cần thiết.

Âm thanh mạnh mẽ, tự nhiên, trung thực và rõ ràng với độ méo tiếng tối thiểu. – Miếng đệm tai cho cảm giác nghe nhạc thoải mái dù thời gian dài. – Độ bền bỉ cao, đáp ứng nhu cầu hoạt động đa dạng. – Có các nút điều khiển việc nghe nhạc, thoại và âm lượng. – Túi bảo vệ tai nghe đi kèm. – Màu sắc: đen. – Phiên bản cho các thiết bị Android.

Tham khảo các sản phẩm tương tự:


SKU: 11243


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The Bose SoundTrue Ultra have a simple design that looks good. They have relatively small earbuds and share the same StayHear+ earbud design as the QuietComfort 20 and QuietControl 30. They have a stylish two-tone black and dark gray finish but are also available in a variety of colors with different accents.

Weight 0.04 lbs

Clamping Force 0 lbs

The Bose SoundTrue Ultra are comfortable headphones. They have an earbud design that is much more comfortable than the Eytomotic ER4XR; it does not fully enter the ear canal, removing the pain and fatigue that some listeners feel from in-ears. They deliver a comfortable listening experience. However, the earbuds move around sometimes while walking, breaking the air-tight seal which changes their sound quality and can be a bit annoying.

OS Compatibility iOS

Ease Of Use Decent

Feedback Mediocre

Call/Music Control Yes

Volume Control Yes

Microphone Control No

Channel Mixing N/A

Noise Cancelling Control N/A

Talk-Through N/A

Additional Buttons No

The Bose SoundTrue Ultra In-Ear have an above-average control scheme. They deliver call/music, track-skipping, and volume controls. Sadly, although the inline controls are similar to the Bose QuietComfort 20, their buttons are a little more cramped and don't have as good tactile feedback.

Avg.Temp.Difference 1 °C

The SoundTrue Ultra, like most in-ear/earbud designs, are very breathable headphones. They trap a bit of heat within the notch of your ear due to their earbud tips and stability fins but won't make you sweat more than usual since they do not cover your outer ear. It's a negligible temperature difference even during more intense exercises, which makes them a good option for sports.

L 3.35"

W 1.97"

H 1.18"

Volume 7.75 in³

Transmitter Required N/A

These headphones, like the most in-ear/earbuds, are incredibly portable. There's no specific way to fold them into a more compact format but the cable is not too long or thick, and the earbuds do take too much space. They will easily fit into most pockets, purse, or bag and they come with a convenient carrying case

Type Soft case

L 3.54"

W 2.76"

H 1.18"

Volume 11.47 in³

The Bose SoundTrue Ultra have a decent soft case. The case fabric is tough and will protect your headphones from minor water and physical damage. They also don't add too much bulk to the headphones and can easily fit into your pocket.

The build quality is above-average for an in-ear/earbud headphone. The earbud tips, although small, look and feel dense enough to be able to handle a fair amount of physical stress without getting damaged. The cable is also decently rubberized and should be able to handle regular wear and tear. However, the cable is not as thick or as durable as that of the QuietComfort 20 which have a very similar design. However, if you do not mind more traditional in-ear fit then check out the T2 and T3 from Tin audio which have a much better build quality and detachable cable that can be replaced if ever they get damaged, unlike the Bose.

The Bose SoundTrue, like the QuietComfort 20, are quite stable and share the same StayHear+ earbud tip design. They won't easily fall out of your ears and are stable enough to use while running or exercising at the gym. However, the long audio cable could get hooked on something, which will pull the headphones out of your ears. Also, the earbuds sometimes move around while exercising, which slightly affects the audio and can be a bit frustrating.

  • Bose SoundTrue Ultra In-Ear Headphones
  • Earbud tips [x3]
  • Carrying case
  • Manual


Bass Amount 1.22 dB

Treble Amount -1.14 dB

Avg. Std. Deviation 0.12 dB

The frequency response consistency is excellent. If the user is able to achieve a proper fit and an air-tight seal using the assortment of tips that come with the headphones, then they should be able to get consistent bass and treble delivery every time they use the headphones. However, if the air-tight seal between the ears and the earbuds are broken, the user may experience a drop in bass.

Std. Err. 1.46 dB

Low-Frequency Extension 11.72 Hz

Low-Bass 1.98 dB

Mid-Bass 0.93 dB

High-Bass 1.48 dB

The bass of the Bose SoundTrue Ultra is excellent. LFE [low-frequency extension] is at 12Hz, and low-bass, where thump and rumble sits, is above our neutral target by about 2dB. Additionally, mid-bass [responsible for punch] and high-bass [responsible for warmth] are very flat and overemphasized by less than 1.5dB. Overall, this results in an extended and deep bass with just the right amount of thump and punch.

Std. Err. 1.47 dB

Low-Mid -0.19 dB

Mid-Mid -1.9 dB

High-Mid 1.04 dB

The Bose SoundTrue Ultra has a great mid-range. Low-mid and high-mid are flat and within 1dB of our neutral target, which is great. This ensures a well-balanced and clear vocal reproduction. The wide 3dB dip in mid-mid nudges vocals and lead instruments towards the back of the mix by giving more emphasis to bass and treble ranges, but this effect will be quite subtle.

Std. Err. 2.76 dB

Low-Treble 0.27 dB

Mid-Treble -0.42 dB

High-Treble -4.54 dB

The Bose SoundTrue Ultra have a very good treble performance. Low-treble is flat and within 0.3dB of our neutral target. Mid-treble, is a bit uneven, especially in the sibilance range [6KHz-10KHz], which could make the S and T sounds a bit inconsistent.

Peaks 1.29 dB

Dips 1.21 dB

Weighted Group Delay 0.09

Weighted Amplitude Mismatch 1.38

Weighted Frequency Mismatch 2.86

Weighted Phase Mismatch 4.74

The SoundTrue Ultra have excellent imaging. Their weighted group delay is at 0.09, which is very good. Also, the GD graph shows that the group delay response never crosses the audibility threshold. This suggests that they have a tight bass and a transparent treble reproduction. Additionally, the L/R drivers of our test unit were exceptionally well-matched in amplitude, frequency, and phase response, which ensures a accurate placement and localization of objects [voices, instruments, video game effects] in the stereo image.

PRTF Accuracy [Std. Dev.] N/A

PRTF Size [Avg.] N/A

PRTF Distance N/A


Acoustic Space Excitation

The soundstage of the SoundTrue Ultra In-Ear is poor. This is mainly due to their earbud design, since activating the resonances of the pinna [outer ear] is one of the key factors in creating a large and out-of-head soundstage and earbuds don't interact with the pinna. Also, because these headphones have a closed-back enclosure, their soundstage won't be perceived to be as open as that of open-back earbuds like the Apple AirPods [1st generation] Truly Wireless or the Bose SoundSport Free Truly Wireless.

WHD @ 90 0.128

WHD @ 100 0.116


Overall Attenuation -13.97 dB

Noise Cancelling No

Bass -8.3 dB

Mid -14.2 dB

Treble -19.99 dB

The isolation performance of the Bose SoundTrue Ultra is about average. Although these earbuds don't have ANC [active noise cancellation] and isolate passively, they achieved more than 8dB of isolation in the bass range. This is about average for reducing the rumble of airplane and bus engines. In the mid-range, important for blocking out speech, they isolate by 14dB, which is quite decent. In the treble range, occupied by sharp sounds like S and Ts, they achieved an isolation of 20dB, which is above-average.

Overall Leakage @ 1ft 22.85 dB

The leakage performance is excellent. The significant portion of their leakage is concentrated in a narrow band in the treble range. This means their leakage will sound quite thin and mostly consist of sibilances [S and Ts]. The overall level of leakage is very low too. With the music at 100dB SPL, the leakage at 1 foot away averages at 23dB and peaks at 40dB, which is quite a bit lower than the noise floor of most offices.


Integrated No

In-line Yes

Boom No

Detachable Boom N/A

Mic Yes

The in-line microphone of the Bose SoundTrue Ultra is about average. In quiet environments, speech recorded or transmitted with this mic will sound quite thin, but detailed, present and easily understandable. In noisy situations however, they will struggle to separate speech from background noise even in moderately loud environments, like a busy street.

LFE 479.46 Hz

FR Std. Dev. 3.49 dB

HFE 17,726.19 Hz

Weighted THD 1.827

Gain 16 dB

The microphone of the SoundTrue Ultra has a decent recording quality. LFE [low-frequency extension] is at 479Hz, resulting in a recorded/transmitted speech that sounds quite thin. However, the HFE [high-frequency extension] is at 18KHz, which is very good. The response between LFE and HFE is quite flat, except for the 20dB dip around 8KHz. This means speech will lack sibilances [S and Ts], but other than that, will be detailed, present and easily intelligible.

SpNR 13.02 dB

The in-line microphone is mediocre at noise handling. In our SpNR test, they achieved a speech-to-noise ratio of 13dB. This means that they are best suited for quiet environments, and may have difficulty separating speech from ambient noise in moderate and loud situations.

Active Features

Battery Type N/A

Continuous Battery Life N/A

Additional Charges N/A

Total Battery Life N/A

Charge Time N/A

Power Saving Feature N/A

Audio While Charging N/A

Passive Playback N/A

Charging Port N/A

These are passive earbuds with no active components that need power so they do not have a battery.

App Name N/A


Android N/A

macOS N/A

Windows N/A

Equalizer N/A

ANC Control N/A

Mic Control N/A

Room effects N/A

Playback Control N/A

Button Mapping N/A

Surround Sound N/A

The SoundTrue Ultra In-Ear do not support the bose connect app.


Bluetooth Version N/A

Multi-Device Pairing N/A

NFC Pairing N/A

Line of Sight Range N/A

Default Latency N/A

aptX Latency N/A

aptX[LL] Latency N/A

The earbuds are wired and do not have a Bluetooth connection. If you want a versatile wireless Bluetooth headphone with the same earbud fit as the Bose SoundTrue, then consider the QuietControl 30.

The Bose SoundTrue Ultra have negligible latency since they're wired, They are a suitable option for gaming and watching movies, but they are limited by the relatively short range of their audio cable.

Non-BT Line of Sight Range N/A

Non-BT Latency N/A

Analog Audio Yes

USB Audio No

Detachable No

Length 3.84 ft

Connection 1/8" TRRS

Wired Latency 0 ms

The Bose SoundTrue Ultra have a 1/8TRRS audio cable with an inline remote microphone that's not compatible with consoles and may require a headset adapter for PCs.

PC / PS4 Analog Audio Only

PC / PS4 Wired USB No

PC / PS4 Non-BT Wireless No

Xbox One Analog Audio Only

Xbox One Wired USB No

Xbox One Wireless No

Type N/A

USB Input N/A

Line In N/A

Line Out N/A

Optical Input N/A

RCA Input N/A

Dock Charging N/A

Power Supply N/A

These headphones do not have a dock. If you need a headset with a dock that also has a wired connection for gaming or watching movies, then consider the SteelSeries Arctis 7.

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