fece là gì - Nghĩa của từ fece

fece có nghĩa là

1: the stuff monkeys throw at each other and later sniff for pleasure [think of it as monkey cocaine]
2: crap

Ví dụ

Those monkeys are throwing feces at each and then smoking it!

fece có nghĩa là

feces means: shit

Ví dụ

fece có nghĩa là

Those monkeys are throwing feces at each and then smoking it!

Ví dụ

Those monkeys are throwing feces at each and then smoking it!

fece có nghĩa là

feces means: shit A brown lump that decends from the anus hole. [Another word for shit]

Ví dụ

Those monkeys are throwing feces at each and then smoking it!

fece có nghĩa là

feces means: shit

Ví dụ

A brown lump that decends from the anus hole. [Another word for shit] Soon, the feces entered the rectum stage where the nutrients raped it until it was brown. [n.],[v.]
fece is a remarkable word with great versatility as a noun or verb. Often used in place of "feces", "poop", etc; and occasionally in place of "fart".

fece có nghĩa là

[n.]Is that fece on the ground? [v.]"I went fece!"

Ví dụ

The singular form of the word feces; that is to say, a single stool floating in the shitbowl or lying on the ground, waiting to be stepped in and subsequently tracked inside the house.

fece có nghĩa là

{Hoolio}: Hey look out Hozay, there's a fece that you're about to step in!!!

Ví dụ

{Hozay}: Thanks Hoolio! I'm glad that you told me about that so I didn't step on it and track it all over the rug inside! {Horhay}: Hey George, did you forget to flush? There's a fece half covered in bungwipe floating in the water and you're the last one to use the bathroom! [v.], [n.] a word relating to feces, also occasionally used in place of "fart". All used as an action, ex. "i have to fece", "i just went fece", "did you just fece?". Also in noun form used in place of feces in a comical nature by the immature, such as I. [v.]"i went fece!" [n.]"is that fece?"

fece có nghĩa là

tính từ. [pron. fees]; a word which means nasty, disgusting, or unnatural. Most likely a derivative of feces. Also spelled feece or feese.

Ví dụ

"Get your shirt back on, Santa! That's fece!"

fece có nghĩa là


Ví dụ

What was he doing in our bathroom for 20 minutes? Must have been fecing...

fece có nghĩa là

"Ew. This movie is fece."

Ví dụ

you did J. Lo? ...feceful

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