Have a temperature nghĩa là gì

ốm lắm. Photo by Vittore Buzzi on Unsplash.

'Run a temperature [or fever]' nghĩa là đang bị ốm hay sốt cao; có nhiệt độ quá cao.

Ví dụ
'The skin on his leg was mottled [vết chấm lốm đốm] and he was beginning to run a temperature. 'I was worried but I didn't make the connection with sepsis [sự nhiễm trùng] at all.

Veterinarians [bác sĩ thú y] Warn Cat Owners About Bobcat Fever: "The symptoms that we see are they usually run a temperature, they`re jaundice [bệnh vàng da], they become depressed and meow quite a bit," Chitwood said.

This revelation [phát hiện, làm sáng tỏ] allows scientists to use one branch of physics to understand other seemingly unrelated areas of physics. So far, this concept has been applied to topics ranging from why black holes run a temperature to how a butterfly's beating wings can cause a storm on the other side of the world.

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