How do i convert an image to code in python?

I have been tried to make application with wxpython. I needed to make listview for my GUI[facebook loading]. So I choose the ObjectListview. Unfortunately It is very hard work and lack of info for beginner. I tested 'SimpleExamples'. It works great. but I need to change the image. Despite all my efforts to figure out by myself, I couldn't. From some efforts, I found out that images file as python code. But I don't know how to convert images as python code

Can you help me??? Your answer could be my best answer.

source code from //

Here is from ObjectListview

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python

import datetime
import wx

# Where can we find the ObjectListView module?
import sys

from ObjectListView import ObjectListView, ColumnDefn

import ExampleModel
import ExampleImages ******# We store our images as python code**Look at here please~****

class MyFrame[wx.Frame]:
    def __init__[self, *args, **kwds]:
        wx.Frame.__init__[self, *args, **kwds]

    def Init[self]:

    def InitModel[self]:
        self.songs = ExampleModel.GetTracks[]

    def InitWidgets[self]:
        panel = wx.Panel[self, -1]
        sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer[wx.VERTICAL]
        sizer_1.Add[panel, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND]

        self.myOlv = ObjectListView[panel, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER]
        sizer_2 = wx.BoxSizer[wx.VERTICAL]
        sizer_2.Add[self.myOlv, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 4]


    def InitObjectListView[self]:
        groupImage = self.myOlv.AddImages[ExampleImages.getGroup16Bitmap[], ExampleImages.getGroup32Bitmap[]]
        userImage = self.myOlv.AddImages[ExampleImages.getUser16Bitmap[], ExampleImages.getUser32Bitmap[]]
        musicImage = self.myOlv.AddImages[ExampleImages.getMusic16Bitmap[], ExampleImages.getMusic32Bitmap[]]

        soloArtists = ["Nelly Furtado", "Missy Higgins", "Moby", "Natalie Imbruglia",
                       "Dido", "Paul Simon", "Bruce Cockburn"]
        def artistImageGetter[track]:
            if track.artist in soloArtists:
                return userImage
                return groupImage

        def sizeToNiceString[byteCount]:
            Convert the given byteCount into a string like: 9.9bytes/KB/MB/GB
            for [cutoff, label] in [[1024*1024*1024, "GB"], [1024*1024, "MB"], [1024, "KB"]]:
                if byteCount >= cutoff:
                    return "%.1f %s" % [byteCount * 1.0 / cutoff, label]

            if byteCount == 1:
                return "1 byte"
                return "%d bytes" % byteCount

            ColumnDefn["Title", "left", 120, "title", imageGetter=musicImage],
            ColumnDefn["Artist", "left", 120, "artist", imageGetter=artistImageGetter],
            ColumnDefn["Size", "center", 100, "sizeInBytes", stringConverter=sizeToNiceString],
            ColumnDefn["Last Played", "left", 100, "lastPlayed", stringConverter="%d-%m-%Y"],
            ColumnDefn["Rating", "center", 100, "rating"]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = wx.PySimpleApp[1]
    frame_1 = MyFrame[None, -1, "ObjectListView Simple Example 2"]

And there is the code I never seen those code[x00\x10\x08]. I think that if I want to use image in Objectlistview, I need to change the code something like this[x00\x10\x08].

from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage, EmptyIcon
import cStringIO, zlib

def getGroup16Data[]:
    return zlib.decompress[
\xcev\xff\x02\x0b[\xa5cP|\xd5p\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82\xf3\x99\x84Y' ]

def getGroup16Bitmap[]:
    return BitmapFromImage[getGroup16Image[]]

def getGroup16Image[]:
    stream = cStringIO.StringIO[getGroup16Data[]]
    return ImageFromStream[stream]


Am I wrong understood??? Is there any other way to change the image. [I need to change the image size, position, fonts and size of text etc.... but First I want to change images]

How do you convert an image to Python?

Steps to Convert JPG to PNG using Python.
Step 1: Install the PIL Package. If you haven't already done so, install the PIL package using the command below: pip install Pillow. ... .
Step 2: Capture the Path where the JPG is Stored. Next, capture the path where your JPG file is stored. ... .
Step 3: Convert the JPG to PNG using Python..

How do I turn a picture into a code?

Step 1.
Save the image locally or online. ... .
Open an HTML document. ... .
Adjust the width of the image as you wish it to appear, in terms of pixels. ... .
Adjust the height of the image as you wish it to appear, in terms of pixels..
Combine width and height adjustments as necessary..
Turn the image into a link if desired..

How do I convert an image to text in Python?

image to text python.
from os import closerange..
from PIL import Image..
import pytesseract as tess..
tess. pytesseract. tessetact_cmd = r'give your PATH TO TESSETACT.EXE'.
image = r'complete path to image file'.
text = tess. image_to_string[Image. open[image], lang="eng"].

Can Python process images?

Python becomes an apt choice for such Image processing tasks. This is due to its growing popularity as a scientific programming language and the free availability of many State of Art Image Processing tools in its ecosystem. Let's look at some of the commonly used Python libraries for Image manipulation tasks.

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