How do you sum a nested list in python?

An example using filter and map and recursion:

def islist[x]: 
    return isinstance[x, list]

def notlist[x]: 
    return not isinstance[x, list]

def nested_sum[seq]:
    return sum[filter[notlist, seq]] + map[nested_sum, filter[islist, seq]]

And here is an example using reduce and recursion

from functools import reduce

def nested_sum[seq]:
    return reduce[lambda a,b: a+[nested_sum[b] if isinstance[b, list] else b], seq]

An example using plain old recursion:

def nested_sum[seq]:
    if isinstance[seq[0], list]:
        head = nested_sum[seq[0]]
        head = seq[0]
    return head + nested_sum[seq[1:]]

An example using simulated recursion:

def nested_sum[seq]:
    stack = []
    result = 0
    while stack:
        item = stack.pop[]
        if isinstance[item, list]:
            for e in item:
            result += item
    return result

Adjustment for handling self-referential lists is left as an exercise for the reader.

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    A nested list is given. The task is to print the sum of this list using recursion. A nested list is a list whose elements can also be a list. 

    Examples : 

    Input: [1,2,[3]]
    Output: 6
    Input: [[4,5],[7,8,[20]],100]
    Output: 144
    Input: [[1,2,3],[4,[5,6]],7]
    Output: 28

    Recursion: In recursion, a function calls itself repeatedly. This technique is generally used when a problem can be divided into smaller subproblems of the same form.


    Iterate through the list and whenever we find that an element of the list is also a list that means we have to do the same task of finding the sum with this element list [which can be nested] as well.  So we have found a subproblem and, we can call the same function to perform this task and just change the argument to this sublist. And when the element is not a list, then simply add its value to the global total variable.


    def sum_nestedlist[ l ]:

        total = 0

        for j in range[len[l]]:

            if type[l[j]] == list :

                total+= sum_nestedlist[l[j]]


                total += l[j]  

        return total


    Time Complexity: O[N], Where N is the total number of elements in the list.
    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

    This is a Python Program to find the total sum of a nested list using recursion.

    Problem Description

    The program takes a nested list and finds the total sum of the nested list using recursion.

    Problem Solution

    1. Initialize a variable to a nested list.
    2. Pass the list as an argument to a recursive function to find the sum of elements of the list.
    3. In the function, use a for loop and recursion to obtain the elements inside the sublists and store the summed up elements in a variable.
    4. Return the total sum of the elements.
    5. Print the sum of the nested list.
    6. Exit.

    Program/Source Code

    Here is source code of the Python Program to find the sum of a nested list using recursion. The program output is also shown below.

    def sum1[lst]:
        total = 0
        for element in lst:
            if [type[element] == type[[]]]:
                total = total + sum1[element]
                total = total + element
        return total
    print[ "Sum is:",sum1[[[1,2],[3,4]]]]

    Program Explanation

    1. A variable is initialized to a nested list.
    2. The list is passed as an argument to a recursive function to find the sum of elements of the list.
    3. In the function, A for loop and repeated recursion to obtain the elements inside the sublists.
    4. The total sum of the elements is found out and is returned.
    5. The sum of the elements in the nested list is printed.

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    Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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    How do you find the sum of a sublist in a list Python?

    Practical Data Science using Python.
    s := ans := lo := 0..
    for all value in range 0 to minimum of k and 2, do. for each x in nums, do. s := s + x. lo := minimum of lo, s. ans := maximum of ans, s - lo..
    return ans + maximum of 0 and sum of all elements of nums * maximum of 0 and [k - 2].

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    Python provides an inbuilt function sum[] which sums up the numbers in the list. Syntax: sum[iterable, start] iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries , but most importantly it should be numbers. start : this start is added to the sum of numbers in the iterable.

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    The sum[] function is used to add two lists using the index number of the list elements grouped by the zip[] function. A zip[] function is used in the sum[] function to group list elements using index-wise lists.

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    Python sum[] Function The sum[] function returns a number, the sum of all items in an iterable.

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