Hướng dẫn python regex exercises github - bài tập regex python github

Bài tập

Cố gắng giải các bài tập trong mỗi chương chỉ bằng các tính năng được thảo luận cho đến chương đó. Một số bài tập sẽ dễ dàng hơn để giải quyết với các kỹ thuật được trình bày trong các chương sau, nhưng mục đích của các bài tập này là khám phá các tính năng được trình bày cho đến nay.

Để biết các giải pháp, xem bài tập_solutions.md.

giới thiệu lại

a] Kiểm tra xem các chuỗi đã cho có chứa

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
25 hay không. Hiển thị kết quả boolean như hình dưới đây. Check whether the given strings contain
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
25. Display a boolean result as shown below.

>>> line1 = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'
>>> line2 = 'end address: 0xFF, func2 address: 0xB0'

>>> bool[re.search[r'', line1]]     ##### add your solution here
>>> bool[re.search[r'', line2]]     ##### add your solution here

b] Thay thế tất cả các lần xuất hiện của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
26 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
27 cho chuỗi đã cho.
Replace all occurrences of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
26 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
27 for the given string.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

c] Thay thế lần xuất hiện đầu tiên của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
26 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
27 cho chuỗi đã cho.
Replace first occurrence of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
26 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
27 for the given string.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

d] Đối với danh sách đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố không chứa

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30. For the given list, filter all elements that do not contain
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

e] Thay thế tất cả các lần xuất hiện của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
31 không phân biệt trường hợp bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
Replace all occurrences of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
31 irrespective of case with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

f] Kiểm tra xem

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
33 có trong dữ liệu đầu vào byte được cho không. Check if
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
33 is present in the given byte input data.

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

g] Đối với chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, hiển thị tất cả các dòng không chứa

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
34 không phân biệt trường hợp. For the given input string, display all lines not containing
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
34 irrespective of case.

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

h] Đối với danh sách đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố chứa

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
35 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given list, filter all elements that contains either
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
35 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

i] Đối với danh sách đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố chứa cả

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given list, filter all elements that contains both
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

j] Đối với chuỗi đã cho, thay thế

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
39 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
40 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
41 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given string, replace
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
39 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
40 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
41 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'


a] Kiểm tra xem các chuỗi đã cho bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
43. Check if the given strings start with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

b] Đối với chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, chỉ thay đổi toàn bộ từ

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
44 thành
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given input string, change only whole word
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
44 to
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

c] Đối với danh sách đầu vào đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố chứa

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
46 được bao quanh bởi các ký tự từ. For the given input list, filter all elements that contains
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
46 surrounded by word characters.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

d] Đối với danh sách đầu vào đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 hoặc kết thúc bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given input list, filter all elements that start with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 or end with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

e] Đối với chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, hãy thay đổi toàn bộ từ

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
49 thành
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
50 chỉ khi nó ở đầu một dòng.
For the given input string, change whole word
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
49 to
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
50 only if it is at the start of a line.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

f] Đối với danh sách đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố có một dòng bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 hoặc kết thúc bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given list, filter all elements having a line starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 or ending with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

g] Đối với danh sách đầu vào đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố toàn bộ

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
53 không phân biệt trường hợp. For the given input list, filter all whole elements
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
53 irrespective of case.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

h] Đối với danh sách đầu vào đã cho, hãy thay thế

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 cho tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 theo sau là ít nhất một ký tự từ.
For the given input list, replace
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 for all elements that start with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 followed by at least one word character.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

i] Đối với danh sách đầu vào đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
57. Ngoài ra, thay thế
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 cho các yếu tố được lọc này.
For the given input list, filter all elements starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
57. Additionally, replace
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 for these filtered elements.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

Xen kẽ và nhóm

a] Đối với danh sách đầu vào đã cho, hãy lọc tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 hoặc kết thúc bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given input list, filter all elements that start with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 or end with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

b] Đối với danh sách đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố có một dòng bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 hoặc kết thúc bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given list, filter all elements having a line starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
47 or ending with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

c] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, thay thế tất cả các lần xuất hiện của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
64 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
65 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
66 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
67 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given input strings, replace all occurrences of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
64 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
65 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
66 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
67 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

d] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, hãy thay thế tất cả các trận đấu từ danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the given input strings, replace all matches from the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

e] Lọc toàn bộ các yếu tố từ danh sách đầu vào

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 dựa trên các yếu tố được liệt kê trong
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
Filter all whole elements from the input list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 based on elements listed in
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

Thoát khỏi Metacharacters

a] Biến đổi các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho thành đầu ra dự kiến ​​sử dụng cùng một logic trên cả hai chuỗi. Transform the given input strings to the expected output using same logic on both strings.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

b] Thay thế

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
73 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
74 chỉ khi bắt đầu hoặc kết thúc chuỗi đầu vào đã cho.
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
73 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
74 only at the start or end of given input strings.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

c] Thay thế bất kỳ phần tử phù hợp nào từ danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 cho các chuỗi đầu vào. Phù hợp với các yếu tố từ
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 theo nghĩa đen. Giả sử không có hai yếu tố của
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 sẽ dẫn đến bất kỳ xung đột phù hợp nào.
Replace any matching element from the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 for given the input strings. Match the elements from
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 literally. Assume no two elements of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71 will result in any matching conflict.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

d] Thay thế ký tự backspace

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
79 bằng một ký tự không gian cho chuỗi đầu vào đã cho. Replace backspace character
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
79 with a single space character for the given input string.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

e] Thay thế tất cả các lần xuất hiện của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
80 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
Replace all occurrences of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
80 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

f] Thay thế bất kỳ mục phù hợp nào từ danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
82 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 cho chuỗi
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
84. Kết hợp các mục từ
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
82 theo nghĩa đen.
Replace any matching item from the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
82 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 for given the string
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
84. Match the items from
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
82 literally.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

Chấm metacharacter và định lượng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 Metacharacter không khớp với ký tự Newline theo mặc định, giả sử rằng các chuỗi đầu vào trong các bài tập sau sẽ không chứa các ký tự mới.

a] Thay thế

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
87 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
88 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
89 cho đầu vào đã cho.
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
87 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
88 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
89 for the given input.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

b] Đối với danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71, lọc tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 và kết thúc với nhiều nhất một ký tự hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71, filter all elements starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 and ending with at most one more character or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

c] Sử dụng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
93 để có được đầu ra như được hiển thị cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho. Use
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
93 to get the output as shown for the given input strings.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

d] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, loại bỏ mọi thứ từ lần xuất hiện đầu tiên của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
94 cho đến cuối chuỗi. For the given input strings, remove everything from the first occurrence of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
94 till end of the string.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

e] Đối với các chuỗi đã cho, xây dựng một RE để có được đầu ra như được hiển thị. For the given strings, construct a RE to get output as shown.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

f] sửa RE đã cho để có được đầu ra dự kiến. Correct the given RE to get the expected output.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

g] Đối với các bộ định lượng tham lam đã cho, hình thức tương đương sử dụng đại diện

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
95 là gì? For the given greedy quantifiers, what would be the equivalent form using
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
95 representation?

  • >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and five oranges'
    96 giống như
  • >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and five oranges'
    97 giống như
  • >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and five oranges'
    98 giống như


>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
99 giống như
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
00 - đúng hay sai?
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
99 is same as
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
00 — True or False?

i] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, loại bỏ mọi thứ từ lần xuất hiện đầu tiên của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
01 [không phân biệt trường hợp] cho đến khi kết thúc chuỗi, được cung cấp
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
01 không ở cuối chuỗi.
For the given input strings, remove everything from the first occurrence of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
01 [irrespective of case] till end of the string, provided
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
01 isn't at the end of the string.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

j] Đối với danh sách đầu vào

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, lọc tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 và chứa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 theo bất kỳ thứ tự nào.
For the input list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, filter all elements starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 and containing
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 in any order.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

k] Đối với danh sách đầu vào

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, xóa tất cả các yếu tố có ít hơn
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
08 ký tự.
For the input list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, remove all elements having less than
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
08 characters.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

l] Đối với danh sách đầu vào

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, lọc tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 và có tối đa các ký tự
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
For the input list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, filter all elements starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 and having a maximum of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
08 characters.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

m] Bạn có thể giải quyết lý do tại sao mã này dẫn đến đầu ra được hiển thị không? Mục đích là để loại bỏ tất cả các mẫu

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
13 nhưng không phải là các mẫu
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
14. Kết quả dự kiến ​​là
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
Can you reason out why this code results in the output shown? The aim was to remove all
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
13 patterns but not the
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
14 ones. The expected result was
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

n] Sử dụng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
93 để có được đầu ra như được hiển thị bên dưới cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho. Use
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
93 to get the output as shown below for given input strings.

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

Làm việc với các phần phù hợp

a] Đối với các chuỗi đã cho, trích xuất phần phù hợp từ đầu tiên

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
17 đến lần cuối
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
For the given strings, extract the matching portion from first
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
17 to last
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

b] Tìm chỉ số bắt đầu xuất hiện đầu tiên của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
17 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
20 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
21 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
22 cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho.
Find the starting index of first occurrence of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
17 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
20 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
21 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
22 for the given input strings.

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

c] Tìm chỉ số bắt đầu xảy ra lần cuối của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
17 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
20 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
21 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
22 cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho.
Find the starting index of last occurrence of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
17 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
20 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
21 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
22 for the given input strings.

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

d] Chuỗi đầu vào đã cho chứa chính xác

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 một lần. Trích xuất tất cả các ký tự sau
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 làm đầu ra.
The given input string contains
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 exactly once. Extract all characters after the
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 as output.

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

e] Các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho chứa một số văn bản theo sau là

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 theo sau là một số. Thay thế số đó bằng giá trị
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
30 của nó bằng cách sử dụng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
The given input strings contains some text followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 followed by a number. Replace that number with its
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
30 value using
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

f] Thay thế tất cả các lần xuất hiện của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
32 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
34 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
35 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
36 với
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
37 cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho.
Replace all occurrences of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
32 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
34 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
35 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
36 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
37 for the given input strings.

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

g] Trích xuất tất cả các từ giữa

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
39 từ chuỗi đầu vào đã cho dưới dạng danh sách. Giả sử rằng đầu vào sẽ không chứa bất kỳ dấu ngoặc đơn bị hỏng.
Extract all words between
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
39 from the given input string as a list. Assume that the input will not contain any broken parentheses.

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

h] Trích xuất tất cả các lần xuất hiện của

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
40 cho đến lần xuất hiện tiếp theo của
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
41, với điều kiện có ít nhất một ký tự ở giữa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
40 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
Extract all occurrences of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
40 up to next occurrence of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
41, provided there is at least one character in between
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
40 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

i] Sử dụng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
44 để có được đầu ra như được hiển thị bên dưới cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho. Lưu ý các ký tự được sử dụng trong chuỗi đầu vào một cách cẩn thận. Use
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
44 to get the output as shown below for the given input strings. Note the characters used in the input strings carefully.

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

j] Đây là một phần mở rộng cho câu hỏi trước đó. This is an extension to previous question.

  • Đối với
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
    45, hãy tìm tổng số nguyên của mỗi phần tử tuple. Ví dụ: tổng của
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
    46 và
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and five oranges'
    26 là
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
  • Đối với
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
    49, hãy tìm tổng số điểm nổi của mỗi phần tử tuple. Ví dụ: tổng của
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
    50 và
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
    51 là
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

k] Sử dụng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
93 để có được đầu ra như hình dưới đây. Use
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
93 to get the output as shown below.

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

l] Đối với danh sách các chuỗi đã cho, hãy thay đổi các phần tử thành một phần tử gốc và số lần

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 xảy ra trong phần tử đó. For the given list of strings, change the elements into a tuple of original element and number of times
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 occurs in that element.

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

m] Chuỗi đầu vào đã cho có các trường được phân tách bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27. Mỗi trường chứa bốn bảng chữ cái chữ hoa theo tùy chọn theo hai chữ số. Bỏ qua trường cuối cùng, trống. Xem docs.python: match.groups và sử dụng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
56 để lấy đầu ra như hình dưới đây. Nếu các chữ số tùy chọn không có, hãy hiển thị
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
57 thay vì
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
The given input string has fields separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27. Each field contains four uppercase alphabets followed optionally by two digits. Ignore the last field, which is empty. See docs.python: Match.groups and use
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
56 to get the output as shown below. If the optional digits aren't present, show
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
57 instead of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

Lưu ý rằng điều này khác với

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
44 sẽ chỉ cung cấp chuỗi trống thay vì
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
58 khi một nhóm bắt không tham gia.

n] Chuyển đổi các chuỗi được phân tách bằng dấu phẩy thành các đối tượng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
61 tương ứng như hình dưới đây. Convert the comma separated strings to corresponding
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
61 objects as shown below.

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

Lớp nhân vật

a] Đối với danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71, lọc tất cả các yếu tố bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 và kết thúc bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
65 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
For the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
71, filter all elements starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
54 and ending with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
65 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

b] Thay thế tất cả các từ

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
65 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
68 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
44 bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
Replace all whole words
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
65 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
68 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
44 with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

c] Đối với danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, lọc tất cả các yếu tố chứa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
94 theo sau là
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
74 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
38. Lưu ý rằng lệnh được đề cập nên được tuân theo.
For the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, filter all elements containing
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
94 followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
74 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
38. Note that the order mentioned should be followed.

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

d] Đối với danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, lọc tất cả các yếu tố chứa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
94 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
74 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
38 theo bất kỳ thứ tự nào.
For the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, filter all elements containing
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
94 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
74 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
38 in any order.

>>> ip = b'tiger imp goat'

>>> bool[re.search[]]     ##### add your solution here

e] Trích xuất tất cả các chuỗi ký tự Hex, với tiền tố tùy chọn

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
81. Kết hợp trường hợp ký tự một cách vô cảm và các chuỗi không nên được bao quanh bởi các ký tự từ khác. Extract all hex character sequences, with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
81 optional prefix. Match the characters case insensitively, and the sequences shouldn't be surrounded by other word characters.

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

f] Xóa từ

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 đến lần xuất hiện tiếp theo của
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
39 trừ khi chúng chứa các ký tự dấu ngoặc đơn ở giữa.
Delete from
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 to the next occurrence of
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
39 unless they contain parentheses characters in between.

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

g] Đối với danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, lọc tất cả các yếu tố không bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
86 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
For the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, filter all elements not starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
86 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

h] Đối với danh sách

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, lọc tất cả các yếu tố không chứa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
87 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
36 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
91 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
For the list
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
69, filter all elements not containing
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
87 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
36 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
91 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

i] Các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho chứa các trường được phân tách bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
93 và các trường cũng có thể trống. Thay thế ba trường cuối cùng bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
The given input strings contain fields separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
93 and fields can be empty too. Replace last three fields with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

j] Chia các chuỗi đã cho dựa trên chuỗi các ký tự chữ số hoặc khoảng trắng liên tiếp. Split the given strings based on consecutive sequence of digit or whitespace characters.

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

k] Xóa tất cả các lần xuất hiện của chuỗi

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
13 trong đó
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
96 là một hoặc nhiều ký tự
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
41 và không thể trống.
Delete all occurrences of the sequence
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
13 where
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
96 is one or more non
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
41 characters and cannot be empty.

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book


>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
98 giống như
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
99. Đúng hay sai? Các dòng đầu vào mẫu được hiển thị dưới đây có thể giúp hiểu được sự khác biệt, nếu có.
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
98 is same as
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
99. True or False? Sample input lines shown below might help to understand the differences, if any.

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

m] Đối với danh sách đã cho, lọc tất cả các yếu tố chứa bất kỳ chuỗi số nào lớn hơn

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
00. For the given list, filter all elements containing any number sequence greater than
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

n] Đếm độ sâu tối đa của niềng răng lồng cho các chuỗi đã cho. Niềng răng không cân bằng hoặc đặt hàng sai nên trả lại

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
01. Lưu ý rằng điều này sẽ yêu cầu kết hợp các biểu thức thông thường và mã python. Count the maximum depth of nested braces for the given strings. Unbalanced or wrongly ordered braces should return
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
01. Note that this will require a mix of regular expressions and Python code.

>>> para = '''good start
... Start working on that
... project you always wanted
... stars are shining brightly
... hi there
... start and try to
... finish the book
... bye'''

>>> pat = re.compile[]      ##### add your solution here
>>> for line in para.split['\n']:
...     if not pat.search[line]:
...         print[line]
project you always wanted
stars are shining brightly
hi there
finish the book

o] Theo mặc định, phương thức

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
02 sẽ phân chia trên khoảng trắng và loại bỏ các chuỗi trống khỏi kết quả. Bạn sẽ sử dụng chức năng mô -đun
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
03 nào để sao chép chức năng này?
By default,
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
02 method will split on whitespace and remove empty strings from the result. Which
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
03 module function would you use to replicate this functionality?

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

p] Chuyển đổi chuỗi đầu vào đã cho thành hai danh sách khác nhau như được hiển thị bên dưới. Convert the given input string to two different lists as shown below.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

q] Lọc tất cả các yếu tố có ký tự không phải là màu trắng đầu tiên không phải là ký tự

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
04. Bất kỳ yếu tố nào được tạo thành từ các ký tự khoảng trắng cũng nên được bỏ qua. Filter all elements whose first non-whitespace character is not a
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
04 character. Any element made up of only whitespace characters should be ignored as well.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

Nhóm và backreferences

a] Thay thế ký tự không gian xảy ra sau khi kết thúc từ với

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
35 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
06 bằng ký tự dòng mới.
Replace the space character that occurs after a word ending with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
35 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
06 with a newline character.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

b] Thêm

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
07 xung quanh các từ bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 và chứa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 và
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 theo bất kỳ thứ tự nào.
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
07 around words starting with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
04 and containing
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 and
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
06 in any order.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

c] Thay thế tất cả các từ toàn bộ bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 bắt đầu và kết thúc bằng cùng một ký tự từ. Từ ký tự đơn nên được thay thế bằng
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32, vì nó thỏa mãn điều kiện đã nêu.
Replace all whole words with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 that start and end with the same word character. Single character word should get replaced with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 too, as it satisfies the stated condition.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

d] Chuyển đổi các tiêu đề đánh dấu đã cho thành thẻ neo tương ứng. Hãy xem xét đầu vào để bắt đầu với một hoặc nhiều ký tự

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
04 theo sau là các ký tự không gian và từ. Thuộc tính
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
14 được xây dựng bằng cách chuyển đổi tiêu đề thành chữ thường và thay thế các khoảng trắng bằng dấu gạch nối. Bạn có thể làm điều đó mà không cần sử dụng một nhóm bắt giữ?
Convert the given markdown headers to corresponding anchor tag. Consider the input to start with one or more
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
04 characters followed by space and word characters. The
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
14 attribute is constructed by converting the header to lowercase and replacing spaces with hyphens. Can you do it without using a capture group?

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

e] Chuyển đổi các neo đánh dấu đã cho thành các siêu liên kết tương ứng. Convert the given markdown anchors to corresponding hyperlinks.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

f] Đếm số lượng toàn bộ từ có ít nhất hai lần xuất hiện của bảng chữ cái lặp lại liên tiếp. Ví dụ: các từ như

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
15 và
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
16 nên được tính nhưng không phải là các từ như
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
17 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
18 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
Count the number of whole words that have at least two occurrences of consecutive repeated alphabets. For example, words like
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
15 and
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
16 should be counted but not words like
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
17 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
18 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

g] Đối với chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, thay thế tất cả các lần xuất hiện của chuỗi chữ số chỉ bằng chuỗi không lặp lại duy nhất. Ví dụ:

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
20 nên được thay đổi thành
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
21 và
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
22 nên được thay đổi thành
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
23. Nếu không có lặp lại [ví dụ
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
50] hoặc nếu lặp lại kết thúc sớm [ví dụ
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
25], thì không nên thay đổi.
For the given input string, replace all occurrences of digit sequences with only the unique non-repeating sequence. For example,
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
20 should be changed to
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
21 and
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
22 should be changed to
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
23. If there no repeats [for example
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
50] or if the repeats end prematurely [for example
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
25], it should not be changed.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

h] Thay thế các chuỗi được tạo thành từ các từ được phân tách bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 bằng từ đầu tiên của chuỗi. Các chuỗi như vậy sẽ kết thúc khi
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 không được theo sau bởi một ký tự từ.
Replace sequences made up of words separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 by the first word of the sequence. Such sequences will end when
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 is not followed by a word character.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

i] Thay thế các chuỗi được tạo thành từ các từ được phân tách bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 bằng từ cuối cùng của chuỗi. Các chuỗi như vậy sẽ kết thúc khi
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 không được theo sau bởi một ký tự từ.
Replace sequences made up of words separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 by the last word of the sequence. Such sequences will end when
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 is not followed by a word character.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

j] Chia chuỗi đầu vào đã cho trên một hoặc nhiều chuỗi lặp lại của

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
34. Split the given input string on one or more repeated sequence of
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

k] Đối với chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, hãy tìm tất cả các lần xuất hiện của chuỗi chữ số với ít nhất một chuỗi lặp lại. Ví dụ,

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
20 và
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
22. Nếu các lần lặp lại kết thúc sớm, ví dụ
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
25, nó không nên khớp với nhau.
For the given input string, find all occurrences of digit sequences with at least one repeating sequence. For example,
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
20 and
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
22. If the repeats end prematurely, for example
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
25, it should not be matched.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

l] Chuyển đổi các chuỗi được phân tách bằng dấu phẩy thành các đối tượng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
61 tương ứng như hình dưới đây. Các khóa là
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
40 và
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
41 cho ba trường trong chuỗi đầu vào.
Convert the comma separated strings to corresponding
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
61 objects as shown below. The keys are
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
40 and
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
41 for the three fields in the input strings.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

m] Bao quanh tất cả các từ với

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
42. Ngoài ra, nếu toàn bộ từ là
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
43 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
44, hãy xóa chúng. Bạn có thể làm điều đó với sự thay thế duy nhất?
Surround all whole words with
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
42. Additionally, if the whole word is
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
43 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
44, delete them. Can you do it with single substitution?

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

n] Lọc tất cả các phần tử chứa một chuỗi các bảng chữ cái viết thường theo sau là

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 theo sau là các chữ số. Chúng có thể được bao quanh tùy ý bởi
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
46 và
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
47. Bất kỳ kết hợp một phần không nên là một phần của đầu ra.
Filter all elements that contains a sequence of lowercase alphabets followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 followed by digits. They can be optionally surrounded by
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
46 and
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
47. Any partial match shouldn't be part of the output.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

o] Chuỗi đầu vào đã cho có các chuỗi được tạo thành từ các từ được phân tách bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 và các chuỗi đó sẽ kết thúc khi
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 không được theo sau bởi một ký tự từ. Đối với tất cả các chuỗi như vậy, chỉ hiển thị từ cuối cùng theo sau là
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 theo sau là từ đầu tiên.
The given input string has sequences made up of words separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 and such sequences will end when
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 is not followed by a word character. For all such sequences, display only the last word followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 followed by first word.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']


Vui lòng sử dụng Lookaround để giải các bài tập sau ngay cả khi bạn có thể làm điều đó mà không cần tìm kiếm. Trừ khi bạn không thể sử dụng Lookaround cho các trường hợp như Lookbehind có độ dài thay đổi.

a] Thay thế tất cả các từ toàn bộ bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 trừ khi nó được đi trước bởi ký tự
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
Replace all whole words with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 unless it is preceded by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 character.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

b] Thay thế tất cả các từ toàn bộ bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 trừ khi nó được theo sau bởi ký tự
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
Replace all whole words with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 unless it is followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
39 character.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] and re.search[]]
['new', 'dinner']

c] Thay thế tất cả các từ toàn bộ bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 trừ khi nó đi trước
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 hoặc theo sau là
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
39 ký tự.
Replace all whole words with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
32 unless it is preceded by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 or followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
39 characters.

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

d] Trích xuất tất cả các từ không kết thúc bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
Extract all whole words that do not end with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
30 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

e] Trích xuất tất cả các từ không bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
35 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
63 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
Extract all whole words that do not start with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
35 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
63 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

f] Trích xuất tất cả các từ chỉ khi chúng được theo sau bởi

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
93 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
Extract all whole words only if they are followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
93 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

g] Trích xuất tất cả các từ chỉ khi chúng đi trước

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
68 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
69 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
Extract all whole words only if they are preceded by
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
68 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
69 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

h] Chỉ trích xuất tất cả các từ chỉ khi chúng được đi trước

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
68 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 và theo sau là
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
Extract all whole words only if they are preceded by
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
68 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 and followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

i] Trích xuất tất cả các từ chỉ khi chúng được đi trước

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
68 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 và không theo sau
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
Extract all whole words only if they are preceded by
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
68 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
38 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
29 and not followed by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

j] Loại bỏ các không gian trắng dẫn đầu và dấu vết từ tất cả các trường riêng lẻ trong đó

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
93 là bộ phân cách trường. Remove leading and trailing whitespaces from all the individual fields where
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
93 is the field separator.

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

k] Lọc tất cả các yếu tố đáp ứng tất cả các quy tắc sau: Filter all elements that satisfy all of these rules:

  • Nên có ít nhất hai bảng chữ cái
  • Nên có ít nhất 3 chữ số
  • Nên có ít nhất một ký tự đặc biệt trong số
    >>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']
    >>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
    ['goal', 'sit']
    83 hoặc
    >>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'They ate five apples and five oranges'
    97 hoặc
    >>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']
    >>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
    ['goal', 'sit']
    04 hoặc
    >>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']
    >>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
    ['goal', 'sit']
  • không nên kết thúc bằng một ký tự khoảng trắng

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

l] Đối với chuỗi đã cho, bao quanh tất cả các từ với

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
87 ngoại trừ toàn bộ từ
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
32 và
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
34 và
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
For the given string, surround all whole words with
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
87 except for whole words
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
32 and
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
34 and
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

>>> ip = 'start address: 0xA0, func1 address: 0xC0'

##### add your solution here
'start address: 0x7F, func1 address: 0x1F'

m] Trích xuất phần nguyên của số điểm nổi cho chuỗi đã cho. Một số kết thúc bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 và không nên xem xét các chữ số nào nữa. Extract integer portion of floating-point numbers for the given string. A number ending with
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 and no further digits should not be considered.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

n] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, trích xuất tất cả các chuỗi ký tự chồng chéo. For the given input strings, extract all overlapping two character sequences.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

o] Các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho chứa các trường được phân tách bằng ký tự

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27. Xóa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 và trường cuối cùng nếu có ký tự chữ số ở bất cứ đâu trước trường cuối cùng.
The given input strings contain fields separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 character. Delete
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 and the last field if there is a digit character anywhere before the last field.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

p] Trích xuất tất cả các từ toàn bộ trừ khi chúng được đi trước bởi

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
95 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
96 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
Extract all whole words unless they are preceded by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
95 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
96 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

q] Các chuỗi khớp nếu nó chứa

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
98 theo sau là
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
99 nhưng không phải nếu có khoảng trắng hoặc chuỗi
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
00 giữa chúng.
Match strings if it contains
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
98 followed by
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
99 but not if there is whitespace or the string
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
00 between them.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

r] Bạn có thể lý luận tại sao đầu ra hiển thị là khác nhau đối với hai biểu thức thông thường này không? Can you reason out why the output shown is different for these two regular expressions?

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'


a] Hủy bỏ từ lần xuất hiện đầu tiên của

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
01 đến lần xuất hiện cuối cùng của
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
02 cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho. Kết hợp các điểm đánh dấu này một cách vô cảm.
Remove from first occurrence of
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
01 to last occurrence of
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
02 for the given input strings. Match these markers case insensitively.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

b] Xóa từ

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
34 nếu nó ở đầu một dòng cho đến lần xuất hiện tiếp theo của
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
04 ở cuối dòng. Kết hợp các điểm đánh dấu này một cách vô cảm.
Delete from
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
34 if it is at the beginning of a line up to the next occurrence of the
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
04 at the end of a line. Match these markers case insensitively.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

c] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, khớp với tất cả ba mẫu sau: For the given input strings, match all of these three patterns:

  • >>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'This X should not be XD'
    05 Trường hợp nhạy cảm
  • >>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'This X should not be XD'
    06 và
    >>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'This X should not be XD'
    07 Trường hợp vô cảm

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

d] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, khớp nếu chuỗi bắt đầu bằng

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
08 và cũng chứa một dòng bắt đầu bằng
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
For the given input strings, match if the string begins with
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
08 and also contains a line that starts with
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

e] Khám phá những gì cờ

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
10 làm. Dưới đây là một số mẫu ví dụ để kiểm tra. Explore what the
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
10 flag does. Here's some example patterns to check out.

  • >>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'This X should not be XD'
  • >>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'This X should not be XD'
  • >>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'
    >>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
    'This X should not be XD'


a] Đầu ra

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
14 hoặc
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
15 tùy thuộc vào chuỗi đầu vào được tạo thành từ các ký tự ASCII hay không. Hãy xem xét đầu vào là các chuỗi không trống và bất kỳ ký tự nào không phải là một phần của bộ ASCII 7 bit sẽ cung cấp
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
15. Bạn có cần biểu hiện thường xuyên cho việc này không?
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
14 or
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
15 depending on input string made up of ASCII characters or not. Consider the input to be non-empty strings and any character that isn't part of 7-bit ASCII set should give
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
15. Do you need regular expressions for this?

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

b] Bộ định lượng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 có được kích hoạt bằng cờ
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
18 Các ký tự không phải là ASCII không?
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 quantifier with
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
18 flag enabled match non-ASCII characters?

c] Khám phá các chủ đề hỏi đáp sau. Explore the following Q&A threads.

  • StackoverFlow: Xóa số được cấp nguồn khỏi chuỗi
  • Stackoverflow: Biểu thức chính quy cho các ký tự Pháp

Mô -đun Regex

a] Lọc tất cả các yếu tố có ký tự không phải là màu trắng đầu tiên không phải là ký tự

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
04. Bất kỳ yếu tố nào được tạo thành từ các ký tự khoảng trắng cũng nên được bỏ qua. Filter all elements whose first non-whitespace character is not a
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
04 character. Any element made up of only whitespace characters should be ignored as well.

>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

##### add your solution here
>>> [w for w in items if re.search[] or re.search[]]
['goal', 'new', 'eat']

b] Thay thế các chuỗi được tạo thành từ các từ được phân tách bằng

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 bằng từ đầu tiên của chuỗi và dấu phân cách. Các chuỗi như vậy sẽ kết thúc khi
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 không được theo sau bởi một ký tự từ.
Replace sequences made up of words separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 by the first word of the sequence and the separator. Such sequences will end when
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'
86 is not followed by a word character.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

c] Danh sách các chuỗi đã cho có các trường được phân tách bằng ký tự

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27. Xóa
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 và trường cuối cùng nếu có ký tự chữ số ở bất cứ đâu trước trường cuối cùng.
The given list of strings has fields separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 character. Delete
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 and the last field if there is a digit character anywhere before the last field.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

d] Trích xuất tất cả các từ toàn bộ trừ khi chúng đi trước

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
95 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
96 hoặc
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
Extract all whole words unless they are preceded by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
95 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
96 or
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

e] Chuỗi đầu vào đã cho có các trường được phân tách bằng ký tự

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27. Trích xuất tất cả các trường nếu trường trước chứa ký tự chữ số. The given input string has fields separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 character. Extract all fields if the previous field contains a digit character.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

f] Chuỗi đầu vào đã cho có các trường được phân tách bằng ký tự

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27. Xóa tất cả các trường, bao gồm cả dấu phân cách, trừ khi trường chứa ký tự chữ số. Ngừng xóa một khi một trường có ký tự chữ số được tìm thấy. The given input string has fields separated by
>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]       ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and 5 oranges'
27 character. Delete all fields, including the separator, unless the field contains a digit character. Stop deleting once a field with digit character is found.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

g] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, trích xuất

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
32 theo sau là bất kỳ số dấu ngoặc đơn lồng nhau nào. Giả sử rằng sẽ chỉ có một mẫu như vậy trên mỗi chuỗi đầu vào. For the given input strings, extract
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
32 followed by any number of nested parentheses. Assume that there will be only one such pattern per input string.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

h] Đọc về cờ

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
33 từ //pypi.org/project/regex/. Là đoạn mã sau đây hiển thị đầu ra chính xác? Read about
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
33 flag from //pypi.org/project/regex/. Is the following code snippet showing the correct output?

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

i] Trích xuất tất cả các từ toàn bộ cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho. Tuy nhiên, dựa trên đầu vào của người dùng

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
34, không khớp với các từ nếu chúng chứa bất kỳ ký tự nào có trong biến
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
Extract all whole words for the given input strings. However, based on user input
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
34, do not match words if they contain any character present in the
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
34 variable.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

j] Chỉ giữ lại các ký tự dấu câu cho các chuỗi đã cho [được tạo từ CodePoints]. Sử dụng định nghĩa bộ ký tự Unicode để dấu câu để giải bài tập này. Retain only punctuation characters for the given strings [generated from codepoints]. Use Unicode character set definition for punctuation for solving this exercise.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

k] Đối với tệp đánh dấu đã cho, thay thế tất cả các lần xuất hiện của chuỗi

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
36 [không phân biệt trường hợp] bằng chuỗi
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
37. Tuy nhiên, bất kỳ trận đấu nào trong các khối mã bắt đầu với toàn bộ dòng
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
38 và kết thúc bằng toàn bộ dòng
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
39 không nên được thay thế. Hãy xem xét tệp đầu vào là đủ nhỏ để phù hợp với các yêu cầu bộ nhớ.
For the given markdown file, replace all occurrences of the string
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
36 [irrespective of case] with the string
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
37. However, any match within code blocks that start with whole line
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
38 and end with whole line
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
39 shouldn't be replaced. Consider the input file to be small enough to fit memory requirements.

Tham khảo GitHub: Thư mục bài tập cho các tệp

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
40 và
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
41 cần thiết để giải bài tập này.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

l] Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, xây dựng một từ được tạo thành từ các ký tự cuối cùng của tất cả các từ trong đầu vào. Sử dụng ký tự cuối cùng của từ cuối cùng là ký tự đầu tiên, ký tự cuối cùng của cuối cùng nhưng một từ là ký tự thứ hai, v.v. For the given input strings, construct a word that is made up of last characters of all the words in the input. Use last character of last word as first character, last character of last but one word as second character and so on.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

m] sao chép chức năng

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
42 với các biểu thức thông thường. Chia thành ba phần dựa trên trận đấu cuối cùng của các chuỗi chữ số, đó là
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
43 và
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
44 cho các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho.
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
42 functionality with regular expressions. Split into three parts based on last match of sequences of digits, which is
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
43 and
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
44 for the given input strings.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

n] Đọc về khớp mờ trên //pypi.org/project/regex/. Đối với các chuỗi đầu vào đã cho, hãy trả về

>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
14 nếu chúng giống hệt như
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
34 hoặc có chính xác một chênh lệch ký tự. Bỏ qua trường hợp khi so sánh sự khác biệt. Ví dụ,
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
47 nên cho
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
49 sẽ là
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
15 mặc dù các ký tự giống nhau vì phải duy trì vị trí.
Read about fuzzy matching on //pypi.org/project/regex/. For the given input strings, return
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
14 if they are exactly same as
>>> items = ['goal', 'new', 'user', 'sit', 'eat', 'dinner']

>>> [w for w in items if not re.search[]]        ##### add your solution here
['goal', 'sit']
34 or there is exactly one character difference. Ignore case when comparing differences. For example,
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
47 should give
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
49 will be
>>> ip = 'This note should not be NoTeD'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'This X should not be XD'
15 even though the characters are same because position should be maintained.

>>> ip = 'They ate 5 apples and 5 oranges'

>>> re.sub[]        ##### add your solution here
'They ate five apples and five oranges'

Bài Viết Liên Quan

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