Laptop not working properly

Regardless of how gentle you try to be with your laptop, it is bound to have some issues eventually. Many people think that laptop problems can only be treated through expensive repairs. That is not true! Many common laptop issues can be solved easily.

Here we have given some simple solutions to five common laptop issues.

1. Overheating

Overheating can rob your laptop performance and often causes system crashes and freezing. Every computer generates lots of heat, but laptops especially tend to overheat due to their small size and lack of ventilation. Also, excessive dust can clog air vents and deprive your system of cold air to cool off.

You can solve the overheating issuesimply by cleaning out the air vents with a smooth cloth or a keyboard cleaner. To prevent further dust clogging, you can place a piece of filtered cloth over the inhalation vent. Dont place it on the exhaust vent, as that is from where the hot air flows out quickly.

If this does not work, update your systems BIOS; it controls the laptops hardware. Most laptop manufacturers offer an installation file for updating BIOS files automatically, for heat management. Always remember that your laptop should be connected to the power supply while updating the BIOS.

2. Battery Dying Quickly

After some time and regular use, the lithium-ion batteries can lose the ability to hold a charge. Some batteries will only last for a fraction of the rated runtime. In this case, battery replacement is essential. However, the majority of brands charge a lot for new batteries, so you need to get in touch with seasoned computer repair experts as theyll provide you with new batteries much cheaper.

Check out our computer repair servicesin Muskogee for getting a quick repair/replacement for your laptop batteries!

3. Bad Keyboard

Keyboards tend to get bad due to prolonged use or if you spill any hot drink or water. The keys can also become dislodged or worn out.

To take care of this, many laptop makers provide online guides for replacing keyboards on their customer support pages. You can simply search for keyboard replacement online and get several guides for a keyboard replacement.

For instance, Toshibas Ask Iris document database delivers hardware-replacement guides for making your job relatively easy.

4. System Crash

Most people panic when their computers do not boot up. However, many times the problem and its solution are very simple.

You can determine the problem by removing your hard drive using the instructions from the manufacturer and keep the drive into a USB enclosure- these are external housings for internal hardware. Thereafter, connect the enclosures USB cable to an open USB port on a working PC. If the file system is working regularly, then the hard drive can show up as an external drive and allow you to transfer data to and from the drive.

5.Viruses or Malware

Nothing can cripple the performance of your laptop more than viruses or malware. The best way to prevent viruses from entering your laptop is to have an antivirus software installed. In case you do not want to spend money on antivirus software, you can use some free tools like Ad-Aware and Spybot: Search and Destroy as a defense from the viruses and malware.

These are a few easy steps whichwere sure will help you in fixing the common laptop issues! You can either do all this by yourself, or let the professionals do the job and fix your laptop for you- explore whatSPARK Services has to offer!