Lỗi application cannot be started contact the application vendor năm 2024

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Checking with Microsoft Windows Click Once Installer information, the error message you are receiving tells us the following:

"These are generic error messages that occur when the application cannot be started, and no other specific reason can be found. Frequently this means that the application is somehow corrupted during download, or that the ClickOnce store is corrupted."

So it would seem that some of the files did not download correctly or that your ClickOnce user store may be corrupted.

Go to your Control Panel and Uninstall FanTestic. If you get a message box asking if you want to roll back to a previous state or to Uninstall, choose the Uninstall option. Then restart your computer. If there are any FanTestic shortcuts left on your desktop, you will need to delete them.

Install the latest version from the website:


Restart your computer.

If after the install you get the same problem, then you need to clear your ClickOnce User store. You do that by doing the following:

"delete the contents of the following folder:


Deleting these files will clear the information for all installed ClickOnce applications. They will re-install the next time their shortcut or URLs are used. "

If you cannot see the folder called AppData, you need to change two settings on your File Explorer 1] to allow you to see Hidden Files and Folders, and 2] to Show restricted System Files and Folders. You do this in the Organize dropdown, in the Folder and Search Options dialog.

Then you will need to Install FanTestic again from the website. If you have other ClickOnce installed programs, be sure to re- install them as well before you disconnect from the Internet. [all Retrotec programs are ClickOnce installed]

The two most common reasons for this error message are that the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is not installed, or there is a version of the Operations Dashboard already installed on the computer.

Solution or Workaround

Warning: The instructions below include changes to antivirus protection. Disabling antivirus software may leave the computer vulnerable to viruses and other security threats. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional if necessary before following these instructions. Esri cannot guarantee computer security while following these instructions. Therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.

There are three procedures to this solution:

  • Verify and install the correct version of the Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • Verify that the antivirus software is not interfering with the installation of Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. Disable the antivirus software for the duration of the installation process.
  • Verify that no previous versions of Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS are installed on the system.

The system requirements for the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS specify that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 must be installed. If it is not installed, the error message is generated.

  1. Verify that .NET 4.5 is installed by opening the list of installed programs from the Control Panel.
  2. If needed, download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Note: An enhancement request for this application has been made for the error message to indicate if the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is not installed.

If the Operations Dashboard is already installed or a previous version of the Operations Dashboard is detected on the computer, the error message is generated.

  1. Open the installed programs list in the Control Panel and uninstall any previous versions of the Operations Dashboard listed.
  2. Reinstall the software when complete.

If this issue is machine-specific, examine the .txt file generated when clicking on Details. If the following error is in the .txt file:

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