Plants vs zombies garden warfare 2 top 5 foot soldiers năm 2024

Ah, GW2. The shooter title that this whole wiki has been waiting for. And out of the characters they're using, there are certainly some outstanding ones, and some that fall short on the game. So without further adeu, here we go. [yes I know that was short but whatever]


Best: Agent Pea. For a tradeoff of 25 health you now have the highest damage per second in the game. Yes, the highest. Given that the player has decent accuracy, spam the right trigger and your target is dead in less than a second. That and the ridiculous reload and the Chili Bean Bomb earns the plant this title.

Worst: Commando Pea. While he has good damage up close, his long and mid range game is pathetic. And the damage may not be enough sometimes for the extreme accuracy required to play him.


I don't use a lot of Sunflowers so here you go


Best: Hot Rod Chomper. Now that his starting health is buffed which remedy him a little bit, his speed is surprisingly outstanding for a Chomper.

Worst: Chomp Thing. The faster regeneration [which doesn't seem any faster] is totally, totally not worth it for 50 health less than the ordinary Chomper. Also, the spray attack sucks.


Best: Zen Cactus. Talk about overpoweredness. This thing can two-shot any zombie that's not an All-Star or a Super Brainz with her final two bullets. She is also capable of taking down the two mentioned zombies in four shots. And to top it off, she has splash damage! This makes Zen Cactus amazing in Garden Ops, as well as being the bane of any sneaky vanquish streaker zombie.

Worst: Petrified Cactus. Logically, she has the slowest rate of fire out of any Cactus. Even Camo isn't that bad. What do you get in exchange? 40 damage! I'm sorry, chihuahua lovers, I just don't find this great.


Best: Frozen Citron. Infamous for cluttering the beta, this bounty hunter is a direct upgrade from the original. The overheat is worth for the significantly increased damage and freezing capability. Want insta-instaneous destruction of a Mech? E.M.Peach it. Then shoot at it continuously, put up your shield in the process to ensure no health is lost. By the time the stun wears off, the freeze takes effect. The mech should die a few moments later. With all that power, Frozen Citron also has the speed thanks to his Citron Ball ability.

Worst: Electro Citron. While not being actually bad, the other Citrons are better than this one. I have nothing else to say about that.


Best: Fire/Party Rose. While the original Rose is OP as is, Party Rose is just straight up broken. It's a direct upgrade with no downside at all. Seriously, Party Time! give her the fastest movement speed in the game assuming you've also obtained the speed upgrade, and she does 15 damage per thistle. FIFTEEN! You're basically screwed as a zombie if you encounter her in a 1v1. [also to make it worse, that damage turns into 17 with the damage upgrade.] Fire Rose. where to start. WHY IS THE FULLY CHARGED SHOT F***ING HOMING LOL I DON'T GET IT. Imagine a homing fiery big ball of death flying straight at your face with little to no possible method of escaping it. Gets worse to deal with when she has the damage upgrade.

Worst: Frost Rose. The weapon doesn't do a lot of damage and the freezing doesn't really help that much. 50 damage is not what you'd want for a fully charged shot that takes away 6 ammo. The good thing is that it can still insta-kill Imps though.

Kernel Corn[]

Best: Party Corn. While already having the fire rate of a Sky Trooper as the normal Kernel Corn, the Party Time! just enhances this further. It also helps him as an assaulter due to the increased mobility, and helps his horrible normal movement speed.

Worst: Kernel Corn. Again, not bad, but the others are just better.

Foot Soldier[]

Best: Super Commando. I have no words. Basically unlimited ammo with no cooldown, and that's that.

Worst: Tank Commander. Mainly a support class. Decent but the slow projectile speed makes him horrible in 1v1s.


Best: AC Perry/Roadie Z. I was blown away when I tested AC Perry. He has a rather accurate projectile, and it freezes in only four shots for its speed! How awesome is that? Roadie Z is basically a Chemist with 150 health. And as we know, Chemist is broken. So that's that.

Worst: Landscaper. No splash damage whatsoever, and the firing rate and damage isn't enough to make up for that tremendous loss.


Best: Computer Scientist. Finally, something more broken than Chemist. Crunch Mode is just crazily overpowered. 54 damage for a fast firing rate, and an increased speed, and the ability to self heal. The only way to stop this guy is when you happen to spot him halfway across the map and snipe him.

Worst: Dr. Toxic. Bad damage.


Best: Tennis Star/Cricket Star. Tennis Star is extremely mobile, and you barely has reduced speed when zooming. Cricket Star has broken damage and is pretty accurate, and also fun to use. Both are also armed with Imp Punts, a very good ability to aid your retreat, and Sprint Tackle, an ability to plow through a whole group of plants to escape.

Worst: Hockey Star. Dude overheats too fast. You're very likely to get murdered if you don't have godlike accuracy.

Imp and Z-Mech[]

Best: Party Imp. Again, a party variant. Party Time! is more broken than Impkata before it was nerfed, I tell you.

Honorable mention: S.H.R.Imp. He's just here because of the Mech.

Worst: Pylon Imp. While I like his Imp form, the Mech is atrocious. The improved-but-still-slow speed isn't very worth it for 50 less health, espeially when you die instantly to Korn's Shuck Shot.

Super Brainz[]

Best: Electro Brainz. Electro Brainz has a very good punch combo and a broken long range weapon. You'd kill everything surrounding your target before you'd actually kill the target itself.

Worst: Cozmic Brainz/Super Brainz. Cozmic has a good long range weapon, but his punch is mediocre at best. Super Brainz is meh, the laser isn't very reliable.

Captain Deadbeard[]

Best: Captain Sharkbite. In the beta I was like, "Oh no..." [because of an accident that his weapon was Captain Cannon's], but he managed to regain my trust with his new and improved version. His long range weapon is very damaging, and he has splash damage on that. His shotgun's firing rate is just insane to the point of being comparable to Zoologist's.

Worst: Captain Cannon. Similar to Petrified Cactus. Also the projectile speed is pretty bad for a sniper. I can never land a clean shot with him.

What is the best foot soldier in gw2?

Foot Soldier Best: Super Commando.

What is the highest rank in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2?

Player Rank Each time you level up a character, you'll also increase in rank, too. You can achieve a maximum Rank of 100 while playing, but much like your characters, when you reach that level, you'll reset back to Level 1 and earn a brand new rank plate.

What happens when you get top zombie in Garden Warfare 2?

Top Zombie - Super Duper Brainz will reward you with the Super Brainz Badge and a chest full of coins and a customization item. He will also give you another orb to open another portal.

What is the best scientist in Pvz gw2?

The only overpowered Scientists are the Marine Biologist, Paleontologist, and Zoologist. Marine Biologist deals much more damage than any other Scientist, Paleontologist, being fire variant and having splash damage, and Zoologist, for being pretty much a direct upgrade from the Chemist.

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