Python list comprehension list of tuples

Python Create a List of Tuples

In this article, we will discuss multiple ways by which we can create a list of tuples in Python.

Method 1: Using list[] and tuple[] methods

we can create a list of tuples using list and tuples directly.

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[[tuple1],[tuple2],[tuple3],..,[tuple n]]

Example: Python code to create list of tuples using list and tuple


# create tuples with college id and
# name and store in a list
data = [[1, 'sravan'], [2, 'ojaswi'], [3, 'bobby'],
[4, 'rohith'], [5, 'gnanesh']]
# display data


[[1, sravan], [2, ojaswi], [3, bobby], [4, rohith], [5, gnanesh]]

Method 2: Using zip[] function

Using the zip[] function we can create a list of tuples from n lists.



Here, lists are the data [separate lists which are elements like tuples in the list

Example: Python program to create two lists with college id and name and create a list of tuples using zip[] function


# create two lists with college id and name
roll_no = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
name = ['sravan', 'ojaswi', 'bobby', 'rohith', 'gnanesh']
# zip the two lists using zip[] function
data = list[zip[roll_no, name]]
# display data


[[1, sravan], [2, ojaswi], [3, bobby], [4, rohith], [5, gnanesh]]

Method 3: Using zip[] and iter[] method

Here we are going to form a list of tuples using iter[] function along with zip[] function.


[x for x in zip[*[iter[list]]]]

where x is the iterator to iterate in the list, zip is used to zip the list and iter[] is used to iterate through the entire list

Example: Python code to create a list of tuples by forming a list of tuples


# create a list with name
name = ['sravan', 'ojaswi', 'bobby', 'rohith', 'gnanesh']
# zip the two lists using iter[] function
data = [x for x in zip[*[iter[name]]]]
# display data


[[sravan,], [ojaswi,], [bobby,], [rohith,], [gnanesh,]]

Method 4: using map[] function

Here we are passing the data in list and then using the map[] function we can create a list of tuples


list[map[tuple, list_data]]

Here, list_data is the input list to create a list of tuples, list is a predefined function and tuple is a predefined function

Example: Python code to create a list of tuples from the list using map[] function


# create a list with name
name = [['sravan'], ['ojaswi'], ['bobby'],
['rohith'], ['gnanesh']]
# create list of tuple using above
# list using map function
data = list[map[tuple, name]]
# display data


[[sravan,], [ojaswi,], [bobby,], [rohith,], [gnanesh,]]

Method 5: Using list comprehension and tuple[] method

Here we are using comprehension and tuple to create a list of tuples.


[tuple[x] for x in list_data]

where tuple[x] is an iterator to convert iterative objects to tuple and list_data is the input data

Example: Python code to create a list of tuples using list comprehension and tuple[] method


# create a list with name
name = [['sravan'], ['ojaswi'], ['bobby'],
['rohith'], ['gnanesh']]
# create list of tuple using above list
# using list comprehension and tuple[]
# method
data = [tuple[x] for x in name]
# display data


[[sravan,], [ojaswi,], [bobby,], [rohith,], [gnanesh,]]

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