Ridgid nghĩa là gì

Từ: rigid


  • tính từ


  • [nghĩa bóng] cứng rắn, cứng nhắc

    rigid principles

    nguyên tắc cứng rắn

    rigid discipline

    kỷ luật cứng nhắc

    Từ gần giống

    frigid semi-rigid frigidaire frigidity rigidity

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rigid", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rigid, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rigid trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Accommodation Equipment Includes: Semi-Rigid and Rigid Structures

2. You're rigid, John.

3. His abdomen's rigid.

4. I was bored rigid .

5. " If you're sitting in a hard chair on a rigid surface, you'll be more rigid.

6. Rigid dual-servo nano stage

7. This rigid approach stifles creativity.

8. Rigid, semi-rigid and flexible containers, including multi-tiered tubs are accommodated by the system.

9. Semi rigid precast wall system

10. She was rigid with fear.

11. He was rigid and unbending.

12. Rigid, semi-rigid and flexible containers all made wholly or principally of aluminium and aluminium alloys

13. Multistory frames with semi - rigid connections of different initial stiffness are constructed together with rigid frame.

14. Hu, our horses'hoofs are rigid.

15. Special welding machine is rigid or semi - rigid automation welding equipment, unlike flexible automation welding robot.

16. Three-dimensional rigid ball driving system

17. It's very flat, kind of rigid.

18. His face looked rigid with distress.

19. Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma.Sentencedict.com

20. The ligands contain rigid ring structures.

21. Rigid structure and manufacturing method therefor

22. It is too rigid and bureaucratic.

23. She stood with her backbone rigid.

24. Baseline: Rigid and limited information systems.

25. How does hamstring rigid contusion do?

26. The saber is heavy and rigid.

27. An entirely rigid system is impractical.

28. We operate within fairly rigid parameters.

29. He went absolutely rigid with shock.

30. Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma.

31. [Semi-rigid hoses for fixed systems]

32. The sabre is heavy and rigid.

33. Her face was rigid with terror.

34. An underwater acoustic sensor [10] is designed for attachment to a rigid or semi-rigid mounting structure [24].

35. The prospect of failure scares me rigid.

36. The line is too rigid, too divisive.

37. And your posture, too rigid, no swagger.

38. She feigned sleep, lying rigid in bed.

39. Advantages: high hardness, rigid and impact resistance.

40. The rules need not be unreasonably rigid.

41. Because triangles are the only rigid structures.

42. How did the monasteries promote rigid authoritarianism?

43. 13 He is a rigid football coach.

44. Rigid polyurethane foams with high acoustic absorption

45. Energy absorbing, water blown, rigid polyurethane foam

46. Semi-rigid bone attachment robotic surgery system

47. He is rigid about points of procedure.

48. Overall the fashion was more rigid and restrained.

49. A rigid routine can be stultifying and boring.

50. Misconceptions can penalise too rigid definition of hinterlands.

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