shit where là gì - Nghĩa của từ shit where

shit where có nghĩa là

This phrase means "do not have romantic relationships with any co-workers." Basically, you don't want to make yourself uncomfortable [by potentially having a romantic relationship get ugly, or "shitting"] at the place where you work ["where you eat"].

Ví dụ

Dude #1: "damn a really hot blonde just started working at my company. i'm gonna ask her out"
Dude #2: "dude, haven't you heard the saying: Don't shit where you eat?"

shit where có nghĩa là

This expression refers to doing anything that would jeopardize something important or essential to you. A common example of shitting where one eats is engaging in a romantic affair with a co-worker, but lying to your roommate or stealing from friends also fits this expression.

Ví dụ

Dude #1: "damn a really hot blonde just started working at my company. i'm gonna ask her out"
Dude #2: "dude, haven't you heard the saying: Don't shit where you eat?" This expression refers to doing anything that would jeopardize something important or essential to you. A common example of shitting where one eats is engaging in a romantic affair with a co-worker, but lying to your roommate or stealing from friends also fits this expression.

shit where có nghĩa là

Local Bike Shop Mechanic #1: "Can you believe that guy? I've hooked him up dozens of times, but after the tantrum he just threw, I'll never take a dime off a part for him lần nữa."

Ví dụ

Dude #1: "damn a really hot blonde just started working at my company. i'm gonna ask her out"

shit where có nghĩa là

Dude #2: "dude, haven't you heard the saying: Don't shit where you eat?"

Ví dụ

Dude #1: "damn a really hot blonde just started working at my company. i'm gonna ask her out"
Dude #2: "dude, haven't you heard the saying: Don't shit where you eat?" This expression refers to doing anything that would jeopardize something important or essential to you. A common example of shitting where one eats is engaging in a romantic affair with a co-worker, but lying to your roommate or stealing from friends also fits this expression.

shit where có nghĩa là

Local Bike Shop Mechanic #1: "Can you believe that guy? I've hooked him up dozens of times, but after the tantrum he just threw, I'll never take a dime off a part for him lần nữa." LBS Mechanic #2: "Seriously. Hasn't he ever heard? Don't shit where you eat."

Ví dụ

Do not cause trouble in a place where you must be on a regular basis. Often used with workplace romances but can also apply to relationships with students at your school or starting shit in general.

shit where có nghĩa là

Kyle tried to ask Jennifer out. I told him don't shit where you eat.

Ví dụ

Don't behave in a way, or make choices, that will ruin something you depend on.

shit where có nghĩa là

Captalist: Let's just dispose of this toxic waste in the nearby river where people fish.

Ví dụ

My friend was acting ungrateful to his roommate and I said don't shit where you sleep dude

shit where có nghĩa là

Sane person: Say what ? That's suicide. Don't shit where you eat, my friend.

Ví dụ

This term is used to explain the reasons NOT to date a co-worker.

shit where có nghĩa là

The translation is essentially saying that you are not willing to mess up [shit] where you are making a living for your bread and butter [eats].

Ví dụ

Even though I would love to go out with you, Simone, I don't shit where I eat.

shit where có nghĩa là

When you stop talking, dating or fucking someone that works where you shop. This causes the store to be off limits because you were such a loveable asshole. Re-entering the shat in shopping atmosphere can be sexually or physically dangerous when risking stop and chats and so forth.

Ví dụ

I Shawn Dolina have three stores left that are safe to use do to "shitting where you shop". Since I feel no guilt I won't learn my lesson till I starve to death.

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