Boasting là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "boasting", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ boasting, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ boasting trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. But is their boasting true?

2. • refrain from boasting about personal accomplishments?

3. All such boasting is wicked.

4. We do not offer it with boasting.

5. He was always boasting about his amorous adventures .

6. • What is involved in boasting in our Christian identity?

7. Parents enjoy boasting about their children's achievements.

8. He's always boasting about his sexual prowess.

9. Some believe that boasting is necessary to achievement.

10. This system of institutionalised boasting has two weaknesses.

11. With all his boasting, he is a coward.

12. He's boasting about how much money he has made.

13. He's always boasting about his children's success at school.

14. Getting us all into this with their swaggering and boasting.

15. 9 The captain is always boasting of his military valor.

16. Getting us all into this by swaggering and boasting.

17. One given to loud,( ) empty boasting; a bragger.

18. She's always boasting about how clever her children are.

19. He's always boasting. He's such a big-head!

20. 16 But now you take pride in your arrogant boasting.

21. What is involved in boasting in our Christian identity?

22. He's always boasting about how clever his children are.

23. Nor was the pledge mere idle words nor fatuous boasting.

24. Do not detract from your abilities and accomplishments by boasting.

25. The old salt was boasting about his adventures to little Tom.

26. Darlington has been boasting about its forthcoming attraction at the Cornmill.

27. She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.

28. An Army brat was boasting about his father to a Navy brat.

29. (Isaiah 13:6) Yes, Babylon’s boasting will be replaced by grief-filled howling.

30. Boasting about size may be poor form and the sign of an arriviste.

31. Talking about acting is like boasting about pictures you're going to paint.

32. Bad habits like empty talk, boasting and lying must be stamped out.

33. Writer Jody Gaylin comments: “Unfortunately, unabashed boasting . . . is the latest fashion.

34. That's the way I felt once about their swaggering and boasting.

35. 6 We should get rid of proneness to boasting and exaggeration.

36. I'm not boasting but I think I did very well in the interview.

37. 19 They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers are full of boasting.

38. Nowadays, there are still some leaders take delight in boasting of their previous contributions.

39. Hank was boasting that he could drink a case of beer by himself.

40. He remembered telling Michael, the albino boy, about her, boasting about her beauty.

41. Endione claimed to be a businessman, boasting dual nationality of Guinean and Nigeria.

42. (Above) This inscription contains the boasting of Nebuchadnezzar regarding his construction projects

43. They may even take delight in flouting public decency, boasting about their immoral escapades.

44. The supermarket may hand out pretty green-and-white leaflets boasting its environmental concerns.

45. The Canny Man's A free house boasting no change in the last 110 years.

46. (Psalm 37:11) All reasons for boasting about one’s supposed superiority will be gone.

47. It comes as a surprise to find him boasting of his prowess as a rioter.

48. Such boasting can tear others down, causing them to feel inferior in comparison.

49. Honesty and frankness do more for the public's confidence ... than extravagant boasting or supercilious gasconade.

50. He was boasting about family values and saying that soccer moms should vote for him.

Thứ Năm, 03 11 2011 11:41

(Ngày đăng: 07-03-2022 15:53:34)

Boasting là gì
Boasting là gì
Boasting là gì
Boasting là gì

Boast and brag là hai động từ đều hàm nghĩa khoe khoang quá đáng, khoác lác, nổ. Tuy nhiên, hai từ này được sử dụng ở các trường hợp khác nhau.

Boast and brag: Cả hai đều hàm nghĩa: khoe khoang quá đáng, khoác lác, nổ.

Boast thường ngụ ý tới một khả năng đặc biệt, một sự sở hữu đặc biệt...với thái độ hãnh diện và hơi tự hào, thỏa mãn quá đáng.

Boasting là gì
 E.g. He boasts of his family's wealth.

(Anh ta khoe khoang về sự giàu có của gia đình).

E.g. Parents enjoy boasting about their children's achievements.

(Cha mẹ thích khoe khoang về thành tích của con cái họ).

Khi ngụ ý về sự sở hữu, nghĩa của boast nhẹ hơn, thiên về lòng tự hào, kiêu hãnh.

E.g. The town boasts a new college.

(Thành phố tự hào với trường đại học mới).

Brag là từ thông dụng hơn với nghĩa: khoác lác, kiêu hãnh quá mức, thường biểu hiện qua giọng điệu phô trương, cường điệu để làm cho người khác chú ý nhưng thực chất thì chẳng đáng tin cậy.

E.g. Stop bragging.

(Thôi, đừng có nổ nữa).

E.g. The bragged that team had never been beaten.

(Đội khoác lác rằng đội của họ chưa bao giờ bị đánh bại).

Tư liệu tham khảo: Lê Đình Bì, Dictionary of English Usage. Bài viết phân biệt boast and brag được biên soạn bởi giáo viên trung tâm tiếng Anh SGV.


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