Hướng dẫn double in python

No need to use str.replace or string.replace here, just convert that string to a raw string:

Nội dung chính

  • Example-1: Division using single slash [/] and double slash [//] operator
  • Example-2: Replace the path defined by the double slash [//] operator
  • Conclusion:
  • How do you do a double backslash in Python?
  • How do you print a backslash in Python?
  • What does the double slash do in Python?
  • How do you change a double backslash to a single backslash in Python?

Nội dung chính

  • Example-1: Division using single slash [/] and double slash [//] operator
  • Example-2: Replace the path defined by the double slash [//] operator
  • Conclusion:
  • About the author
  • How do you do a double backslash in Python?
  • How do you print a backslash in Python?
  • What does the double slash do in Python?
  • How do you change a double backslash to a single backslash in Python?
>>> strs = r"C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\20130216"
       notice the 'r'

Below is the repr version of the above string, that's why you're seeing \\ here. But, in fact the actual string contains just '\' not \\.

>>> strs

>>> s = r"f\o"
>>> s            #repr representation
>>> len[s]   #length is 3, as there's only one `'\'`

But when you're going to print this string you'll not get '\\' in the output.

>>> print strs

If you want the string to show '\\' during print then use str.replace:

>>> new_strs = strs.replace['\\','\\\\']
>>> print new_strs

repr version will now show \\\\:

>>> new_strs

The double slash [//] operator is used in python for different purposes. One use of this operator is to get the division result. The division result of two numbers can be an integer or a floating-point number. In python version 3+, both the single slash [/] operator and the double slash [//] operator are used to get the division result containing the floating-point value. One difference is that the single slash operator returns proper output for the floating-point result, but the double slash operator can’t return the fractional part of the floating-point result. Another use of the double slash [//] operator is to internally define the window path value. Two uses of the double slash [//] operator have been shown in this tutorial.

Example-1: Division using single slash [/] and double slash [//] operator

Create a python file with the following script to check the difference between the output of the single slash and double slash operator for the division operation. In the script, 5 is defined as the divider value, and 2 is defined as the divisor value. The division result and the type of the result of 5/2, 5//2, 5//2.0, and 5.0//2 will be printed after executing the script.

# Define the divider value

num1 = 5

# Define the divisor value

num2 = 2

# Divide using single slash

result = num1 / num2

print["The division result of %d/%d = %0.2f" % [num1, num2, result]]

print["The type of the result", type[result]]

# Divide using double slash

result = num1 // num2

print["The division result of %d//%d = %0.2f" % [num1, num2, result]]

print["The type of the result", type[result]]

# Divide using double slash and float divisor value

result = num1 // float[num2]

print["The division result of %d//%0.2f = %0.2f" % [num1, num2, result]]

print["The type of the result", type[result]]

# Divide using double slash and float divider value

result = float[num1] // num2

print["The division result of %0.2f//%d = %0.2f" % [num1, num2, result]]

print["The type of the result", type[result]]


The following output will appear after executing the script. The result of 5/2 is appropriate, and the return type is float. The result of 5//2 is not appropriate, and the return type is an integer. The fractional part has been omitted from the output. The result of 5//2.00 is not appropriate, and the return type is float. The fractional part has been omitted from this output also. The result of 5.00//2 is not appropriate, and the return type is float. The fractional part has been omitted from this output also.

Example-2: Replace the path defined by the double slash [//] operator

The backward slash [\] is used to define the path in windows, and slash [/] is used to define the path in Linux operating system. When any windows path is defined in a python variable, then the backward slash [\] is stored by the double slash [\\]. So, the double slash [\\] requires to convert into forward-slash [/] to define the path in Linux format. Create a python file with the following script that assigns a windows path into a variable and replaces the double slash of the path with the forward-slash [/]. The original and updated paths will be printed after executing the script.

# Define a path

pathVal = r"C:\Windows\System\Speech"

# Print the path value

print["The original path value:\n", pathVal]

# Replace the path by forward slash[/]

updated_path = pathVal.replace["\\", "/"]

# Print the updated path

print["The updated path value:\n", updated_path]


The following output will appear after executing the script. The output shows that the windows path has been converted into the Linux path format.


The use of the double slash [//] operator in Python 3+ has been shown in this tutorial by using simple examples to understand the purposes of using this operator.

I am a trainer of web programming courses. I like to write article or tutorial on various IT topics. I have a YouTube channel where many types of tutorials based on Ubuntu, Windows, Word, Excel, WordPress, Magento, Laravel etc. are published: Tutorials4u Help.

How do you do a double backslash in Python?

In Python, you use the double slash // operator to perform floor division. This // operator divides the first number by the second number and rounds the result down to the nearest integer [or whole number].

How do you print a backslash in Python?

For completeness: A backslash can also be escaped as a hex sequence: "\x5c" ; or a short Unicode sequence: "\u005c" ; or a long Unicode sequence: "\U0000005c" . All of these will produce a string with a single backslash, which Python will happily report back to you in its canonical representation - '\\' .

What does the double slash do in Python?

Python has two division operators, a single slash character for classic division and a double-slash for “floor” division [rounds down to nearest whole number]. Classic division means that if the operands are both integers, it will perform floor division, while for floating point numbers, it represents true division.

How do you change a double backslash to a single backslash in Python?

4 Answers.

This works with the print, but not without it. print s.replace['\\\\', '\\'] => some \ doubles . ... .

string.replace[] returns the object, you would have to to s = s.replace[] – Inbar Rose. ... .

Sorry, this doesn't work. ... .

@mill Wouldn't you still need the backslash to be escaped in the actual string/variable? :].

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