Is a body temperature of 93 too low?

Hypothermia is when a person has an abnormally low body temperature. It is a medical emergency that can occur due to cold temperatures that cause the body to lose heat. Hypothermia can develop rapidly and can cause severe complications.The human body requires a body temperature within a certain range to protect its function and maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the stable and healthy regulation of the body’s processes.

Hypothermia occurs when the body’s temperature drops too low, due to cold stress and an inability to make enough heat. This affects the function and health of the body and its structures.

For example, hypothermia can lead to increases in metabolism, breathing, and heart activity, according to a 2022 overview of the condition. Eventually, it may lead to complete impairment of function.

However, prompt and effective treatment of hypothermia can improve the outlook.

This article will explain hypothermia and low body temperature, including its symptoms and causes. It will also discuss the first aid, prevention, and treatment of hypothermia, as well as answer some frequently asked questions.

At what temperature is hypothermia likely?

Is a body temperature of 93 too low?

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According to researchers of the 2022 overview, hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature below 95°F (or 35°C). Hypothermia can occur at any body temperature below this.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that while hypothermia is particularly likely at very cold temperatures, it can also occur at cool temperatures above 40°F if a person becomes chilled due to additional factors. These factors can include exposure to water, such as from rain or sweat, or submersion in water.

Researchers suggest that the lower the temperature, the more severe the hypothermia and its symptoms can be.

Learn more about typical body temperature ranges and variations.

What are the signs of hypothermia and a low temperature?

Alongside a low body temperature and a feeling of being cold, hypothermia can cause the following symptoms:

  • shivering
  • exhaustion, extreme tiredness, and drowsiness
  • decrease in consciousness
  • confusion and disorientation
  • memory loss
  • low or irregular pulse
  • fumbling hands or lack of coordination
  • slurred speech
  • glassy stare
  • flushed or discolored skin
  • skin that feels cold to the touch

Hypothermia can also cause a condition called frostbite. Frostbite, or cold burns, occurs when exposure to temperatures below 0°F causes tissue damage. Symptoms of frostbite include:

  • skin sensations, such as tingling or pins and needles
  • blistering of the skin
  • skin discoloration, such as redness, blueness, paleness, or blotchiness
  • swelling
  • itching
  • skin that feels hard and cold to the touch
  • pain

Frostbite is a medical emergency.

Learn more about frostbite, including its symptoms, risks, and treatment.

Call 911 for symptoms of hypothermia

Hypothermia is a medical emergency and can have severe complications that are life threatening. First aid for hypothermia includes gradually warming the body, removing the person from exposure to the cold, and changing wet clothing for dry.

You've probably had it drilled into your head that your body temperature "should" be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and that a high or low body temperature signals something is wrong. But that's not quite true.


In general, normal body temperature differs among individuals and ranges from about 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 to 37.2 degrees Celsius) when taken with an oral thermometer, per the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Your normal body temperature varies depending on factors like your age, gender, race and time of day, among others.

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What Does Having Low Body Temperature Mean?

Here's the good news: A slightly lower-than-normal temperature is usually nothing to worry about.


In fact, research suggests that average human body temperature may be decreasing slightly, and that 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit (36.4 degrees Celsius) may be a "new normal" temperature, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

This may be due to the fact that we now spend much of our time in temperature-controlled settings, or perhaps because of a population-wide drop in metabolic rate or inflammation, per Stanford Medicine.


But a consistently or very low body temperature — less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) — often signals accidental hypothermia or an underlying medical issue. That's because having a low body temperature that's less than 95 degrees Fahrenheit doesn't provide enough heat for your heart, nervous system and other organs to function, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Hypothermia is medical emergency, so if your temperature less is than 95 degrees Fahrenheit, you should seek care immediately, per the Cleveland Clinic.

What Causes Low Body Temperature?

In general, low body temperature occurs when the body loses heat faster than it's able to produce it, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Low body temperature can occur as a result of both external causes (like medication side effects, age or cold weather) and internal causes within the body, such as hormone and nervous system disorders.


Here are several of the other possible causes of low body temperature, along with when to see your doctor.

1. Exposure to Cold

Your body temperature reflects the balance between the heat your body generates versus how much it loses. Prolonged exposure to a cold environment can potentially lead to hypothermia because of excessive heat loss, according to the Mayo Clinic. Infants and seniors are particularly susceptible to this condition, as their bodies don't regulate body temperature as well as those in other age groups.



Serious hypothermia is more likely to occur in extreme conditions like if your car breaks down in a blizzard, rather than if you spend a few hours bundled up at a football game on a cold day.

Still, if you plan to spend time outside in cool or cold weather, dress in warm clothing and avoid drinking alcohol, as it dilates your superficial blood vessels and increases loss of body heat, per the Mayo Clinic.


And here's how to treat low body temperature if it's already occurred:

  • Get out of the cold
  • Remove any wet clothing
  • Bundle up in blankets
  • Sip warm beverages
  • Avoid applying direct heat, like hot water

High Blood Pressure and Low Body Temperature

In general, blood pressure is higher when you're in cold temperatures and lower in warm temperatures. That's because cold prompts your blood vessels to narrow, so more pressure is needed to keep your blood pumping, according to the Mayo Clinic.

2. Hormonal Conditions

Hormones regulate many bodily functions, including body temperature maintenance, according to Rush. But per the Cleveland Clinic, if you have any of the following hormonal disorders, it can mess with your temperature and make you feel too cold:


  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hashimoto's disease
  • Endocrine disorders

That's because reduced production of hormones can potentially lead to a lower-than-normal body temperature or intolerance to cold. In fact, a low body temperature sometimes serves as an important clue to a hormonal problem.

3. Nervous System Disorders

An area of your brain called the hypothalamus serves as the primary site of body temperature regulation, according to Rush. It sends messages to the rest of your body that result in either overall heat conservation or loss.


Nervous system disorders can disrupt this temperature regulation or your response to external sources of cold, leading to a low body temperature, according to an April 2016 review in ​Autonomic Neuroscience​. Examples of these conditions include:


  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis

4. Infection or Illness

Most people think a fever and infection go hand in hand — and they often do.

But you can also have a low body temperature when sick. For instance, a serious infection like pneumonia sometimes triggers a low body temperature, especially among older adults and people with weakened immune systems, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Hypothermia associated with a serious infection often indicates a complication called sepsis, which refers to an out-of-control inflammatory response to the infection leading to malfunction of body organs or systems, per the NLM.

Having a low body temperature but feeling hot may also be a sign of this condition if accompanied by other sepsis symptoms (like rapid breathing, fast pulse and disorientation), as sepsis can cause fever and sweating.


Seek medical treatment immediately if you have signs of sepsis, as developing a low body temperature when you have sepsis typically signals a potentially life-threatening situation, according to an October 2016 study in ​Critical Care.​

5. Other Causes

A slight decrease or subnormal temperature is a potential side effect of certain medications, including some types of drugs used to treat depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, according to the ​Autonomic Neuroscience​ review.

Additional possible, uncommon causes of low body temperature include:

  • Anorexia nervosa, per the ​Autonomic Neuroscience​ review
  • Chronic vitamin B1 deficiency, also known as Wernicke encephalopathy, per the NLM
  • Certain skin conditions, such as erythrodermic psoriasis, per the National Psoriasis Foundation

When to See a Doctor

Is a body temperature of 93 too low?

If you consistently have a low body temperature without any environmental explanation, you may want to see your doctor.

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While it's important to monitor your vital signs and make sure they're within normal limits, you don't need to run to the doctor every time your body temperature raises or lowers a degree or two. As mentioned earlier, a temperature as low as 97 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius) can be perfectly normal if you otherwise feel well.

But you should see your doctor if your body temperature is regularly less than 97 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if you experience other signs or symptoms, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Per the Mayo Clinic, call 911 for emergency medical care if any warning signs or symptoms indicating possible hypothermia occur, including:

What does a temperature of 93 mean?

Mild hypothermia occurs when the core body temperature is between 98.6° and 96°F. The core temperature for moderate hypothermia is 95° to 93°F. If your core temperature reaches 92° or below, you are in a life-threatening situation. This condition will affect your heart rate, blood flow, and ability to think clearly.

Are you sick if your temperature is 93?

A low body temperature can be normal for some people, but it can also be a sign of a health condition that could be serious. If your body temperature drops below 95 degrees F, it can indicate hypothermia. Often caused by exposure to the cold, hypothermia is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

What is an unsafe low body temperature?

Hypothermia is dangerously low body temperature, below 95°F (35°C).

What infection causes a low body temperature?

Sepsis. A drop in body temperature could be the symptom of sepsis. This occurs when your body starts fighting itself instead of an infection. It can damage to your tissues, shutdown your organs, and even lead to death.