Python run shell command and get json output

Summary: I would like to parse the JSON output of tshark as it is outputted.

As of now I was parsing normal output, line by line, and each line had the complete information. It was therefore a matter of

p = subprocess.Popen["/usr/bin/tshark", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True]
     for line in p.stdout:
         event = decode_event[line]

tshark can also output pretty-printed JSON via the -T json switch [I just give the first packet, the output is a list]:

    "_index": "packets-2018-03-08",
    "_type": "pcap_file",
    "_score": null,
    "_source": {
      "layers": {
        "frame": {
          "frame.interface_id": "0",
          "frame.encap_type": "1",
          "frame.time": "Mar  8, 2018 16:17:20.478658037 CET",
          "frame.offset_shift": "0.000000000",
          "frame.time_epoch": "1520522240.478658037",
          "frame.time_delta": "0.000113952",
          "frame.time_delta_displayed": "0.000113952",
          "frame.time_relative": "3.351515496",
          "frame.number": "11133",
          "frame.len": "60",
          "frame.cap_len": "60",
          "frame.marked": "0",
          "frame.ignored": "0",
          "frame.protocols": "eth:ethertype:ip:tcp"
        "eth": {
          "eth.dst": "00:50:56:bb:40:70",
          "eth.dst_tree": {
            "eth.dst_resolved": "Vmware_bb:40:70",
            "eth.addr": "00:50:56:bb:40:70",
            "eth.addr_resolved": "Vmware_bb:40:70",
            "eth.lg": "0",
            "eth.ig": "0"
          "eth.src": "64:a0:e7:42:af:41",
          "eth.src_tree": {
            "eth.src_resolved": "Cisco_42:af:41",
            "eth.addr": "64:a0:e7:42:af:41",
            "eth.addr_resolved": "Cisco_42:af:41",
            "eth.lg": "0",
            "eth.ig": "0"
          "eth.type": "0x00000800",
          "eth.padding": "00:00:00:00:00:00"
        "ip": {
          "ip.version": "4",
          "ip.hdr_len": "20",
          "ip.dsfield": "0x00000000",
          "ip.dsfield_tree": {
            "ip.dsfield.dscp": "0",
            "ip.dsfield.ecn": "0"
          "ip.len": "40",
          "": "0x00005a57",
          "ip.flags": "0x00000002",
          "ip.flags_tree": {
            "ip.flags.rb": "0",
            "ip.flags.df": "1",
            "": "0"
          "ip.frag_offset": "0",
          "ip.ttl": "125",
          "ip.proto": "6",
          "ip.checksum": "0x0000dd25",
          "ip.checksum.status": "2",
          "ip.src": "",
          "ip.addr": "",
          "ip.src_host": "",
          "": "",
          "ip.dst": "",
          "ip.addr": "",
          "ip.dst_host": "",
          "": "",
          "Source GeoIP: Unknown": "",
          "Destination GeoIP: Unknown": ""
        "tcp": {
          "tcp.srcport": "31316",
          "tcp.dstport": "22",
          "tcp.port": "31316",
          "tcp.port": "22",
          "": "0",
          "tcp.len": "0",
          "tcp.seq": "3025",
          "tcp.ack": "774293",
          "tcp.hdr_len": "20",
          "tcp.flags": "0x00000010",
          "tcp.flags_tree": {
            "tcp.flags.res": "0",
            "tcp.flags.ns": "0",
            "tcp.flags.cwr": "0",
            "tcp.flags.ecn": "0",
            "tcp.flags.urg": "0",
            "tcp.flags.ack": "1",
            "tcp.flags.push": "0",
            "tcp.flags.reset": "0",
            "tcp.flags.syn": "0",
            "tcp.flags.fin": "0",
            "tcp.flags.str": "\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7A\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7\u00c2\u00b7"
          "tcp.window_size_value": "2047",
          "tcp.window_size": "2047",
          "tcp.window_size_scalefactor": "-1",
          "tcp.checksum": "0x000073f4",
          "tcp.checksum.status": "2",
          "tcp.urgent_pointer": "0",
          "tcp.analysis": {
            "tcp.analysis.acks_frame": "11126",
            "tcp.analysis.ack_rtt": "0.000426928"

What would be the correct approach to parse such a stream?

When searching for stream parsing, I found a few libraries [notably NAYA], but they require a file like object.

It would seem that StringIO[] would be appropriate but I do not know how to connect it with stdout?

Per @omu_negru request, specifically in case of NAYA, directly attaching stdout as in

import naya
import subprocess

def handle_message[event]:

cmd = "/usr/bin/tshark -i eth0 -T json"
proc = subprocess.Popen[cmd, bufsize=0, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True]
messages = naya.stream_array[proc.stdout]
for message in messages:

raises an exception

Traceback [most recent call last]:
  File "/root/dev/", line 12, in 
    for message in messages:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/naya/", line 544, in stream_array
    token_type, token = next[token_stream]
ValueError: too many values to unpack [expected 2]

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