the covenant là gì - Nghĩa của từ the covenant

the covenant có nghĩa là

The Covenant are a group of aliens that play the roles of antagonist all through Halo: Combat Evolved. However, in Halo two, the smash hit sequal, You'll play the role of the Arbiter, an Elite. However, the only enemies you could kill as the Elite were heritic Covenant and the Flood. The roles of the covenant stand in hierarchy order
Prophets, graceful creatures that consider themselves the greatest of all Covenant. Brutes, As of Halo 2, brutes are the prophet's trusted guards. Elites, the commanders of all other covenant, Elites have four mandibles each lined with a row of teeth. Hunters, the living tanks of the covenant, having a fuel rod cannon on the right arm. Drones, the flying army man, their environment is preferably space, they hate atmospheric flight. Jackals, the bird like creatures hiding behind an energy field, and grunts, as they are: grunts. thier main purpose is to serve the higher classes. unmentioned races are Engineers, and Sharaquoi, these beasts are mentioned in Conversations of the universe, located in the Halo 2 collector's addition.


The Covenant are the enemies in Halo

the covenant có nghĩa là

A group of witches, usually 13.


That house with all the lesbians has about 13 people living there, it must be a coven

the covenant có nghĩa là

A group of witches or vampires


Vampire Armand was the leader of "les innocents" cemetary coven.

the covenant có nghĩa là

Correction. The convenant consist of Grunts, Elites, Brutes, Jackals, Hunters, Drones, Engineers and Prophets. However, in the covenant langauge Grunt= Unggoy, Jackal= Kig-yar Hunter= Lekgolo Elite= Sangheili Brute= Jiralhanae Drone= Yanme`e Phrophet= Prophet Engineer=Engineer


The Master-Cheif destroyed an entire covenant armada.

the covenant có nghĩa là

the Covenant is a basically a group of Aliens bonded together under 1 religion. Like the previous person mentioned, it consists of the Grunts, the Jackals, The Elites, the Hunters, The Brutes, the Drones, the engineers, and the Prophets. The Covenant have gathered most of their ranks through force, either the race joined them, or the plasma bombarded the hell out of the planet.


Cortana-"covenant dropship in bound"

the covenant có nghĩa là

One of the most rockin' EBM bands out there. Different band from The Kovenant.


Bruderschaft featured Ronan Harris of VNV Nation, Joakim Montelius of Covenant, and DJ Rexx Arkana, among others.

the covenant có nghĩa là

The first race of hostiles you will encounter in Halo. Consists of grunts, elites, hunters and jackals.


Killing a group of 2 or more jackals in close combat on legendary and without a plasma weapon is a bitch.

the covenant có nghĩa là

A collection of alien races consisting of Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, Elites, Brutes, Drones and Prophets. Humanity was not consumed by the Covenant and is therefore an enemy of the Covenant. Humanity's saviour, an augmented human [Spartan] named 'Master Chief' is the Human's last hope against those Covie Bastards.


Grunts are very funny.

the covenant có nghĩa là

The coven is a secret society of satanist , anarchistic , pagans , stoners and jugglo haters . The name coven comes from the song supercoven by Electric wizard . Most members are fans of the band and other stoner/doom metal bands and also have a high interest in the occult and other dark topics . The Coven is one of the only groups of people to openly be against jugglos , coven members are known to be part of the jugglo holocaust . most members where a blacken suns around there neck and own and use switch blade type knifes of any type most members are very secretive about being a part of it and little is still known about the group /society


Coven member 1 [hey i'm bored want to go smoke and worship Satan as we listen to House on the borderland by Electric Wizard Coven member 2 [why not its not like we just did that an hour ago....dear satan i love being part of The Coven ]

the covenant có nghĩa là

Covenant is the best person imaginable. He will first become your friend and then your best friend and then you will fall in love with him. You get so close to being together and then you will push him away because you don't want to ruin the incredible friendship you share, but then one day it will hit you that you're actually in love with him and you cant survive another day in your life without him. Once going out with a Covenant you will never have an unhappy day if it's spent with or talking to him. He will treat you like a princess and will make you feel so comfortable and amazing that you become dependant on him and you miss him every second you're not with him. You will make plans for the future and spend days laughing hysterically together, being completely in love with each other. He will phone you up if you're feeling sad and just one hug from a Covenant can make any sadness float away in seconds. A Covenant has an amazing tummy, amazing. if you're lucky enough to sleep over with him look out for the morning where you will see the best combination of bed hair and morning voice imaginable. You will trust him with your life because you know that nothing you tell him will go anywhere else if you don't want it to. Your relationship with him won't be perfect, but Never pass up the opportunity to be with him, unless you want to miss out on the best relationship you could ever imagine in your whole life. If you get a Covenant, keep hold of him, tightly. You won't regret it


If I get hold of a Covenant, I will never let him go
Covenant is the perfect friend, best friend, boyfriend and husband for me

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