Unit chrome-remote desktop service has a bad unit file setting

Setting up Chrome Remote Desktop on Ubuntu¶


I have been informed of two other solutions. Most recently, this comment appears to describe a better process more directly supported by Google. In the past I was also pointed to this askubuntu question which appears to have a better [shorter, headless] solution than what I describe here. I have not personally tested either of these, but I recommend starting there.

This was written in September of 2015. Not sure whether it still applies.

The upstream documentation is a little bit scattered, not always entirely complete, and the Ubuntu package provided needs some poking to work. Hence this summary.

The two main sources of information I found are:

  • An old product forum post: //productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/8PMxG69VJ6o

  • This documentation [under “Enable remote access to your computer”]: //support.google.com/chrome/answer/1649523?hl=en

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