What enables a Cloud service to adapt quickly to changing requirements AZ 900

What enables a Cloud service to adapt quickly to changing requirements AZ 900
Microsoft Azure mcq questions and answers pdf

Microsoft Azure cloud services mcq questions and answers. MS Azure multiple choice questions for ms azure fundamentals certification course. Here is the study material to crack microsoft azure az-900. We have added the exam questions for ms azure certification test. You can take this as a ms azure az-900 sample test as this multiple choice questions are extracted from the question papers itself. These can also help you to complete Coursera Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services fundaments course. We are also planning to add Microsoft Azure mcq questions and answers pdf for download for practice.

MS Azure fundamentals questions

Q.1. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services using a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Which of the following statements are true of the pay-as-you-go pricing model? Select all options that apply.
A : You rent physical hardware such as compute power and storage and maintain them within your own datacenter.
B : You can immediately stop paying for resources that are no longer needed.
C : You must pay a fixed fee in advance for all Cloud services.
D : You rent compute power and storage from someone else’s datacenter.

You can immediately stop paying for resources that are no longer needed. You rent compute power and storage from someone else’s datacenter.

Q.2. Cloud Computing provides several benefits over a physical environment. Which of the following are benefits of cloud computing? Select all options that apply.
A : Full control
B : High availability
C : Elasticity
D : Agility

High availability, Elasticity, Agility

Q.3. Which of the following options is not defined as a type of cloud deployment model?
A : Hybrid cloud
B : Private cloud
C : Public cloud
D : Distributed cloud

Distributed cloud

Q.4. True or False?
The Azure Portal updates continuously and requires no downtime for maintenance activities.

A : True
B : False


Q.5. True or False?
Serverless computing enables developers to build applications faster by eliminating the need for them to manage infrastructure.

A : True
B : False


Google Cloud Platform mcq with answers

Q.6. True or False?
The Azure Marketplace is a service on Azure specific to Microsoft Products.

A : True
B : False


Q.7. Azure provides four main types of storage services. One of these services Azure Blob storage provides for which of the following.
A : File shares that you can access and manage like a file server.
B : A NoSQL store that hosts unstructured data independent of any schema
C : Storage service for very large objects such as video files or bitmaps.
D : A data store for queuing and reliably delivering messages between applications.

Storage service for very large objects such as video files or bitmaps.

Q.8. Which tool can you use to assist in creating custom Dashboards that will help in graphically organizing your resources in Azure?
A : Azure Portal
B : Azure Marketplace

Azure Portal

Q.9. True or False?
To create and use Azure services, you need an Azure subscription.

A : True
B : False


AZ 900 exam questions and answers

Q.1. Cloud computing provides computing services over the internet using a pay-as-you-go pricing model. With this model you typically only pay for the cloud services you use. Which of the following are benefits of the pay-as-you-go pricing model? Select all that apply.
A : Lower operating costs.
B : You can run your infrastructure more efficiently.
C : You can scale as your business needs to change.

Lower operating costs. You can run your infrastructure more efficiently. You can scale as your business needs to change.

Q.1. In your opinion which of the following statements is true?
A : You need to create an Azure account, and a subscription will be created for you. Once you’ve created an Azure account, you are free to create additional subscriptions.
B : You need to create an Azure subscription and an account will be created for you. Once you’ve created an Azure subscription you are free to create additional Accounts.

You need to create an Azure account, and a subscription will be created for you. Once you’ve created an Azure account, you are free to create additional subscriptions.

Q.2. Microsoft offers an Azure Free Account to allow customers to test out various features of their cloud services. To sign up for a free account you are required to provide which of the following?
A : A valid credit card
B : GitHub or Microsoft account username
C : A non-refundable deposit
D : Phone number

A valid credit card, GitHub or Microsoft account username, Phone number

Q.3. Cloud computing provides computing services over the internet using a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Typically, you only pay for the cloud services you use. This pricing model can benefit a company in which of the following ways? Select all the options that apply.
A : Operate a more efficient infrastructure
B : Lower their operating costs
C : Provides a guaranteed annual fixed cost
D : Dynamically scale as your business requirement change

Operate a more efficient infrastructure, Lower their operating costs, Dynamically scale as your business requirement change

Microsoft Azure fundamentals az-900 questions

Q.1. A cloud environment has several advantages over a physical environment and these benefits become available to companies once they have migrated to the cloud. One of these benefits is referred to as agility. What does agility provide?
A : You can deploy your applications with the confidence that comes from knowing that your data is safe in the event of a disaster.
B : Your cloud-based applications can provide continuous user experience with no apparent downtime even when things go wrong.
C : Cloud-based resources can be deployed and configured quickly as your requirements change.
D : Applications and data can be deployed to regional datacenters around the globe.

Cloud-based resources can be deployed and configured quickly as your requirements change.

Q.2. One of the advantages of cloud computing is scalability. Applications can be scaled vertically and horizontally. Do you think that the following statement is true or false?
Horizontal scalability is when computing capacity can be increased by adding additional RAM or CPUs to a virtual machine.

A : True
B : False


Q.3. Cloud service providers operate on a consumption-based model. Which of the following are characteristics of a consumption-based model? Select all that apply.
A : Consumers must pay the costs up front.
B : There is no need for companies to purchase and manage costly infrastructure that they may or may not use to its full capacity.
C : Resources will be charged even when they are not in use.
D : You only pay for additional resources when they are needed.

There is no need for companies to purchase and manage costly infrastructure that they may or may not use to its full capacity., You only pay for additional resources when they are needed.

Cloud Computing mcq with answers

Q.4. In cloud computing, there are two different types of expenses that should be considered, capital expenditure (CapEx) and operational expenditure (OpEx). Which of these provides for the upfront spending of money on physical infrastructure, and then deducting that upfront expense overtime?
A : Operational expenditure (OpEx)
B : Capital expenditure (CapEx)

Capital expenditure (CapEx)

Q.5. Cloud service models define the different levels of shared responsibility between a cloud provider and cloud tenant. In which cloud service model is the cloud provider responsible for managing the virtual machines and networking resources that the cloud tenant deploys their applications into?
A : IaaS
B : Paas
C : SaaS


Q.6. Cloud service models define the different levels of shared responsibility that a cloud provider and cloud tenant are responsible for. In which model does the cloud provider keep the hardware up to date but operating system maintenance and network configuration are left to the cloud tenant?
A : SaaS
B : PaaS
C : IaaS


azure certification az-900 questions

Q.1. True or False?
An Azure account can only have a single subscription.

A : False
B : True


Q.2. Which of the following is not a feature of Management groups?
A : A management group tree can support up to six levels of depth.
B : Each management group and subscription can have multiple parents.
C : 10,000 management groups can be supported in a single directory.
D : Each management group can have many children.

Each management group and subscription can have multiple parents.

Q.3. True or False?
If you delete a resource group, all resources contained within that group are also deleted.

A : False
B : True


Q.4. In Azure the ability to deploy, manage, and monitor all the resources for your solution as a group, rather than handling these resources individually is a feature of which of the following?
A : Resource Groups
B : Resource Manager

Resource Manager

Q.5. What are different geographical locations around the globe containing Azure datacenters are referred to as?
A : Zones
B : Regions
C : Availability Zones


Q.6. True or False?
All Azure Regions support Availability Zones.

A : False
B : True


microsoft azure cloud services interview questions

Q.1. A cloud environment has several advantages over a physical environment and these benefits become available to companies once they have migrated to the cloud. One of these benefits is referred to as High Availability. What does High Availability provide?
A : Cloud-based resources can be deployed and configured quickly as your requirements change.
B : Your cloud-based applications can provide continuous user experience with no apparent downtime even when things go wrong.
C : You can deploy your applications with the confidence that comes from knowing that your data is safe in the event of a disaster.
D : Applications and data can be deployed to regional datacenters around the globe.

Your cloud-based applications can provide continuous user experience with no apparent downtime even when things go wrong.

Q.2. In Cloud computing, there are two different types of expenses that should be considered, Capital Expenditure (CapEx) and Operational Expenditure (OpEx). Which of these provides for the no upfront spending of money and a pay-as-you-go service?
A : Operational Expenditure (OpEx)
B : Capital Expenditure (CapEx)

Operational Expenditure (OpEx)

Q.3. The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the most flexible category of cloud services. It aims to give you complete control over the hardware that runs your application. Instead of buying hardware, with IaaS, you rent it. Which of the following are features of IaaS?
Select all options that apply.

A : No CapEx
B : Management
C : Platform limitations
D : Flexibility

No CapEx, Management, Flexibility

Q.4. Which of the following are features of Management groups? Select all options that apply.
A : Each management group and subscription can have multiple parents.
B : 10,000 management groups can be supported in a single directory.
C : A management group tree can support up to six levels of depth.
D : Each management group can have many children.

10,000 management groups can be supported in a single directory., A management group tree can support up to six levels of depth. , Each management group can have many children.

Q.5. Azure provides a feature that allows an organization to deploy, manage, and monitor all their resources as a group, rather than individually managing them. What is this feature referred to as?
A : Resource Manager
B : Resource Groups

Resource Manager

Q.6. Is the following statement true or false?
An Azure account can have multiple subscriptions.

A : True
B : False


ms azure interview questions

Q.1. Which of the following cloud database solutions provides the capabilities of schema-less data, and lets you build highly responsive and always-on applications to support constantly changing data?
A : Azure Database for MySQL
B : Cosmos DB
C : Azure SQL Database
D : Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Cosmos DB

Q.2. True or False?
One major benefit of using Azure Cosmos DB is the flexibility it allows developers to use the APIs they are most familiar with.

A : True
B : False


Q.3. True or False?
Azure Cosmos DB only supports proprietary APIs.

A : True
B : False


Q.4. True or False?
Migration of on-premises SQL databases to Azure SQL Databases is not supported. The databases must be recreated from scratch.

A : True
B : False


Q.5. Azure Database for MySQL is a relational database service in the Microsoft cloud, which is based on the MySQL Community Edition database engine. One feature of the Azure database for MySQL is support for Automatic backups and point-in-time-restore for up to how many days?
A : 15
B : 25
C : 35
D : 45


Q.6. Microsoft Azure supports a broad range of technologies and services to provide big data and analytic solutions. Some of the most common big data and analytic service types in Azure are Azure Synapse Analytics, HDInsight, Databricks, and Data Lake Analytics. Which of the following provides a fully managed, open-source analytics service for enterprises that makes it easier and more cost-effective to process massive amounts of data while running popular open-source frameworks?
A : Azure HDInsight
B : Azure Data Lake Analytics
C : Azure Synapse Analytics
D : Azure Databricks

Azure HDInsight

microsoft azure multiple choice questions and answers

Q.1. Azure supports a wide range of computing solutions for development and testing, running applications, and extending your data center. When you require lightweight, virtualized application environments that can be quickly created, scaled out, and stopped dynamically, which of the following solutions is most suitable?
A : Containers and Kubernetes
B : App Services
C : Virtual machine scale sets
D : Virtual machines

Containers and Kubernetes

Q.2. Azure supports a wide range of computing solutions for development and testing, running applications, and extending your data center. When the demand for services targeting big compute, big data, and containerized workloads increases, one feature of Azure Compute Services is the ability to quickly deploy identical VMs. What is this feature known as?
A : Virtual machine scale sets
B : Containers and Kubernetes
C : Virtual machines
D : Functions

Q.3. Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) let you create and use virtual machines in the cloud. They provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in the form of a virtualized servers and can be used in many ways. Just like a physical computer, you can customize all the software running on the VM. Who is responsible for maintaining, configuring, and updating Azure Virtual Machines (VMs)?
A : The Cloud provider
B : The Cloud Tenant

The Cloud Tenant

Q.4. What can you use to enable large-scale parallel and high-performance computing (HPC) jobs with the ability to scale to tens, hundreds, or thousands of VMs?
A : Containers
B : Virtual Machine Scale Sets
C : Azure Virtual Machines
D : Azure Batch

Azure Batch

Q.5. The task of automating, managing, and interacting with a large number of containers is known as orchestration. Which of the following services allows you to manage and interact with a large number of containers?
A : Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
B : Azure Container Instances (ACI)

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Q.6. Which cloud service model allows you to run Azure Container Instances (ACI)?
A : SaaS
B : IaaS
C : PaaS


Microsoft Azure cloud interview questions

Q.1. True or False?
Azure storage is used by both Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) virtual machines, and Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud services.

A : True
B : False


Apache Spark mcq questions and answers

Q.2. Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft’s object storage solution for the cloud. Is the following statement on Azure Blob storage true or false? Azure Blob Storage is ideal for streaming video and audio.
A : True
B : False


Q.3. True or False?
Azure Files are accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.

A : True
B : False


Q.4. True or False?
Azure files can be accessed from anywhere in the world using a URL that points to the file.

A : True
B : False


Q.5. True or False?
Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens allow access to a private asset for a specific amount of time.

A : True
B : False


Q.6. Azure storage offers different access tiers for blob and file storage. This allows you to store object data in the most cost-effective manner. What do you think is the most cost-effective tier to optimize storage for data that is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days?
A : Hot storage tier
B : Cool storage tier
C : Archive storage tier

Cool storage tier

Q.1. Azure virtual networks enable you to link resources together in your on-premises environment and within your Azure subscription. In effect, you can create a network that spans both your local and cloud environments. There are three mechanisms for you to achieve this connectivity. Which of the following is not a valid mechanism?
A : Site-to-site Virtual Private Networks
B : Point-to-site Virtual Private Networks
C : Azure ExpressRoute
D : Service endpoints

Service endpoints

Q.2. True or false?
A VM in Azure can connect out to the Internet by default.

A : True
B : False


Q.3. Azure virtual networks enable you to filter traffic between subnets. Which of the following are valid filtering approaches? Select all options that apply.
A : Border Gateway Protocol
B : Network security groups
C : Network virtual appliances

Network security groups, Network virtual appliances

Q.4. When you create an Azure virtual network, you configure a number of settings such as multiple subnets, distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection, and service endpoints. Which of the following fields must be completed as part of the setup?
Select all options that apply.

A : Subscription
B : Resource Group
C : Name
D : DDoS Protection

Subscription, Resource Group

Q.5. Policy-based VPN gateways specify statically the IP address of packets that should be encrypted through each tunnel. This type of device evaluates every data packet against those sets of IP addresses to choose the tunnel where that packet is going to be sent through. Which of the following are key features of policy-based VPN gateways in Azure?
Select all options that apply.

A : Dynamic routing protocols.
B : Compatibility with legacy on-premises VPN devices.
C : Support for IKEv2.
D : Use of static routing.

Compatibility with legacy on-premises VPN devices., Use of static routing.

Q.6. Which of the following are supported ExpressRoute models that you can use to connect your on-premises network to the Microsoft cloud? Select all options that apply.
A : Point-to-point Ethernet connection
B : Any-to-any connection
C : Site-to-site connection
D : Cloud Exchange colocation

Point-to-point Ethernet connection, Any-to-any connection, Cloud Exchange colocation

Q.1. Which of the following cloud database solutions provides developers with the ability to use multiple APIs that they may already be familiar with?
A : Cosmos DB
B : Azure Database for PostgreSQL
C : Azure SQL Database
D : Azure Database for MySQL

Cosmos DB

Q.2. Hyperscale (Citus) is a feature of which Cloud based Database solution?
A : Cosmos DB
B : Azure SQL Database
C : Azure Database for PostgreSQL
D : Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Q.3. Azure Database for PostgreSQL is a relational database service in Microsoft cloud. The server software is based on the community version of the open-source PostgreSQL database engine. One feature of the Azure database for PostgreSQL is support for Automatic backups and point-in-time-restore for up to how many days?
A : 15
B : 25
C : 35
D : 45


Q.4. Azure Database for MySQL is a relational database service in the Microsoft cloud which is based on the MySQL Community Edition database engine. What level of SLA do you think is implemented?
A : 90.00%
B : 99.00%
C : 99.90%
D : 99.99%


Q.5. Azure supports a wide range of computing solutions for development and testing, running applications, and extending your data center. When you want to quickly build, deploy, and scale enterprise-grade web, mobile, and API apps running on any platform which of the following solutions is most suitable?
A : Containers and Kubernetes
B : App Services
C : Virtual machine scale sets
D : Virtual machines

App Services

Q.6. With App Services, you can quickly build, deploy, and scale enterprise-grade web, mobile, and API apps running on any platform. Who is responsible for managing the underlying platform?
A : The Cloud Tenant
B : The Cloud provider

The Cloud provider

Q.1. True or false?
Archive storage tier stores data online.

A : True
B : False


Q.2. Azure storage offers different access tiers for blob and file storage. This allows you to store object data in the most cost-effective manner. What do you think is the most cost-effective tier to optimize storage for data that is frequently accessed, such as images from your website, and stored for at least 30 days?
A : Hot storage tier
B : Archive storage tier
C : Cool storage tier

Hot storage tier

Q.3. True or false?
Network security groups contain security rules that enable you to filter the type of network traffic that can flow in and out of virtual network subnets and network interfaces.

A : True
B : False


Q.4. A VPN gateway is a type of Virtual Network Gateway. To connect on-premises data centers to Azure virtual networks you need to configure…
A : point-to-site connection.
B : network-to-network connection
C : site-to-site connection.

site-to-site connection.

Q.5. True or False?
All Azure subscriptions connect from on-premises to Azure using Azure Express Route.

A : True
B : False


Q.6. Which of the following resources are required before you can deploy a VPN gateway between Azure and on-premises resources?
Select all options that apply.

A : Public IP address.
B : Virtual network gateway
C : Virtual network.
D : Point-to-site connection

Public IP address., Virtual network gateway, Virtual network.

Which type of cloud service should you use for each app AZ 900?

Correct Answer B. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

What are the two benefits of cloud computing AZ 900?

What are the benefits of cloud computing?.
Cost-effective. Cloud computing provides a pay-as-you-go or consumption-based pricing model. You only pay for the resources that you use..
Scalable. You can increase or decrease the resources and services being used based on the demand or workload..

Which term represents the ability to increase the computing capacity of a virtual machine AZ 900?

Scaling up, or vertical scaling, is the concept of adding more resources to an instance that already has resources allocated. This could simply mean adding additional CPU or memory resources to a VM.

Which resources can be provisioned dynamically to meet changing demands?

Elastic resources are based on the current needs and resources are added or removed dynamically to meet those needs, from the most advantageous geographic location.