2000 tcp open cisco-sccp là port dùng việc gì năm 2024

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After i did my initial install i did a portscan on the XF firewall.

The ports 2000 and 5060 tcp are open on the WAN interface and i don't want this.

i already unloaded all the system modules in CLI (except DNS) but they are still open.

Does anybody know how to close these ports.

gr. Sjoerd

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  • 2000 tcp open cisco-sccp là port dùng việc gì năm 2024
    Hi, Checked 2 appliances, cannot confirm this. Could you please do a Policy Check Test to confirm, there is no rule? Cheers __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2000 tcp open cisco-sccp là port dùng việc gì năm 2024

I'm sorry i made mistake in the test setup.

the ports came back as open because the sip helper function on de passing router were enabled.

after testing it in an switch setup only the right ports were open in the scan, ports 2000 and are 5060 are closed.


That's all I know about it. It was found via an Internet search on keywords picked from this thread. Just hoping that lead sheds some light on it or at least leads to something else on their website that explains why you're seeing what you've found..

PS What I did see but don't know if I'm understanding correctly is that CSSP / IP Phone reference on that Cisco page. A different quick search without clicking on any pages shows multiple references to VOIP and VOIP capable computers. Mentioning that in case that tickles any memory of using that feature with something. :)

Cindy :)

-- Cindy-Sue Causey Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Gábor Hársfalvi


Apr 4, 2016, 5:00:04 AM4/4/16


"Is it from /etc/services ?" -> Yes its in there - but there aren't more information about the program which use it :(

And I don't know how I close this port.

Erwan David


Apr 4, 2016, 5:10:04 AM4/4/16


Le 03/04/2016 21:04, Gábor Hársfalvi a écrit : \> How could I know what program uses the port 2000? \>

you can use netstat or lsof -i:2000

But the fact the port is mentionned in /etc/services does not mean at all it is used.

Gábor Hársfalvi


Apr 4, 2016, 5:10:04 AM4/4/16


How could I know what program uses the port 2000?

Martin Smith


Apr 4, 2016, 5:30:04 AM4/4/16


indeed, /etc/services lists just about everything that can run tcp or udp and the appropriate port(s), but just because it is there does not mean it is running...

-- Martin



Apr 5, 2016, 4:50:05 AM4/5/16


Lisi Reisz


Apr 5, 2016, 10:00:07 AM4/5/16


Gábor Hársfalvi


Apr 5, 2016, 2:40:05 PM4/5/16


Thanks for the answer.

grep 2000 /etc/services

cisco-sccp 2000/tcp # Cisco SCCP

cisco-sccp 2000/udp

I see that...

And I don't use any program with cisco phone - but I think I have the program installed because of something else.

So how could I get rid of that?

How could I remove program which use that port and close port too?


[email protected]


Apr 5, 2016, 5:00:04 PM4/5/16



On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 06:36:14AM +0200, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote: \> Thanks for the answer. \> \> grep 2000 /etc/services \> cisco-sccp 2000/tcp # Cisco SCCP \> cisco-sccp 2000/udp \> I see that... \> \> And I don't use any program with cisco phone - but I think I have the \> program installed because of something else. \> \> So how could I get rid of that? \> \> How could I remove program which use that port and close port too?

How do you know the port is open?

regards - t ---BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

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Andy Smith


Apr 5, 2016, 5:10:04 PM4/5/16


Hi Gábor,

On Sun, Apr 03, 2016 at 09:04:44PM +0200, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote: \> How could I know what program uses the port 2000?

You keep asking "how can I get rid of it?" and "how can I close it?" and "why is it in Debian?" but you haven't yet shown us why you think you have something related to cisco-sccp running on your computer.

You say you did the netstat and/or lsof command suggested earlier. Its lack of output suggests you have nothing listening on port 2000 TCP and so are not running cisco-ssp software. There's a few reasons why that could give a false positive, but before we go there we need to know what prompted you to ask these questions.

So, please be clear: what are you seeing that makes you think you actually have something related to cisco-ssp running on your computer?

Cheers, Andy

-- http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

[email protected]


Apr 5, 2016, 5:10:05 PM4/5/16


On Tuesday, 5 April 2016 05:40:05 UTC+1, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote: \> Thanks for the answer. \> \> \> \> grep 2000 /etc/services \> cisco-sccp 2000/tcp # Cisco SCCP \> cisco-sccp 2000/udp \> \> I see that... \>

Just because you have a line in /etc/services, it does not mean you have a program installed.

See http://www.penguintutor.com/linux/network-services-ports

Verde Denim


Apr 5, 2016, 10:20:05 PM4/5/16


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Just to name-drop a reply –

“The Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) is a proprietary network terminal control protocol originally developed by Selsius Systems, which was acquired by