Addicted to you là gì

I. Phân biệt adj Thêm -ing và -ed tiếng anh

II. Phân biệt addictive & addicted

1. addictive (adj) mang nghĩa cái gì đó gây nghiện


  • addictive có nghiã là cái gì đó chủ động gây nghiện 

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Tobacco is highly addictive
    • IELTS TUTOR giải thích: tức là thuốc lá dễ gây nghiện cho người hút nó 
  • He's got an addictive personality.
  • The problem with video games is that they're addictive. 
  • These nuts are addictive - I can't stop eating them.
  • addictive substances
  • IELTS TUTOR giải thích:
    • Dùng "addictive" làm Adjective để bổ nghĩa cho "substances"

2. addicted (adj) tính từ chủ động, thường là addicted to sth: nghiện cái gì đó

  • "addicted" là dùng cho NGƯỜI BỊ NGHIỆN nhé, tức là như IELTS TUTOR đã hướng dẫn ở trên, addicted tức là ai đó bị cái gì đó gây tác động và làm cho bị nghiện 

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • he is addicted to drugs
  • The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques. 
  • A lot of people nowadays have become addicted to the internet.
    • IELTS TUTOR giải thích: ở đây có nghĩa là nhiều người bị nghiện internet 
  • She started taking antidepressants and before long she was addicted. 
  • He's addicted to coffee and cannot do anything in the morning until he's had some. 
  • As soon as she joined the gym, Pam was addicted!

III. Paraphrase cụm addicted to

- to live and breathe something
Example: I live and breathe K-pop. My brother lives and breathes football.

- to be obsessed with someone
Example: "I'm obsessed with you. Utterly, willingly and wonderfully so." - Michael Faudet















- Mày là một con Pikachu biết nói, mất trí và nghiện caffeine. - Gì cơ?

Addicted to you là gì

Ai đã đến đây thì chắc chắn muốn trở lại! Photo by Sebastian Pena Lambarri on Unsplash

"Addict someone to something" nghĩa là khiến ai đó nghiện cái gì.

Ví dụ

"It's not just enough that you used the product. I need to actually addict you to the product because that's the only way I can securely hold on to your attention," Harris said. "But then the second step is once that cable is really deep in the back with addiction, it can be sold to advertisers."

“These products are highly concentrated nicotine products. They don’t wean you from nicotine. They addict you to nicotine and they serve as the gateway to traditional tobacco products,” said Knox.

Every day, there is a real “battle royale” raging. Its objective is not only your attention, but control over your mind. Satan exists, and he wants to control your attention and your time. He wants you to break the laws that lead to success, balance and happiness. He wants to addict you to electronic technology and other pursuits (theo đuổi) that waste your time and distract you from what really matters in life—developing your relationship with God and His Family.

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