Fixer is disable for this workspace or phpcbf was not found for this workspace

Just happened upon this myself, tried running "PHPCBF Fix this file"

command fixer.fix not found

I've PHPCS installed globally

❯ which phpcbf
~/Code/tmp/wordpress-develop master*
❯ which phpcs

When I try and define phpsab.executablePath in settings.json VS Code shows "Unknown Configuration Setting`

"phpsab.executablePath": "/Users/netweb/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcbf",

It has no issue with the "phpsab.debug": true, setting, ahh, that setting is no longer, there are two new settings, phpsab.executablePathCBF & phpsab.executablePathCS

Ok, the above was using multiple git repos in a workspace

Using a single repo, worked fine, well PHPCBF worked as expected, unexpected was NOT seeing the PHPCS issues in the "Problems" tab in VS Code, I found this extension by way of this comment and had hoped I'd get multi-repo workspace support using this extension, alas a few more tweaks and fixes sound like they are required to get all the multi-repos in a workspace sorted...

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2019 Samuel Hilson. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ "use strict"; import * as spawn from "cross-spawn"; import { Configuration } from "./configuration"; import { Settings } from "./interfaces/settings"; import { StandardsPathResolver } from "./resolvers/standards-path-resolver"; import { ConsoleError } from "./interfaces/console-error"; import { window, TextDocument, Range, Position, TextEdit, ProviderResult, Disposable, workspace, ConfigurationChangeEvent, } from "vscode"; import { SpawnSyncOptions } from "child_process"; import { Logger } from "./logger"; export class Fixer { public config!: Settings; constructor( subscriptions: Disposable[], config: Settings, private logger: Logger ) { this.config = config; workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration( this.loadSettings, this, subscriptions ); } /** * Load Configuration from editor */ public async loadSettings(event: ConfigurationChangeEvent) { if ( !event.affectsConfiguration("phpsab") && !event.affectsConfiguration("editor.formatOnSaveTimeout") ) { return; } let configuration = new Configuration(this.logger); let config = await configuration.load(); this.config = config; } /** * Build the arguments needed to execute fixer * @param fileName * @param standard */ private getArgs( document: TextDocument, standard: string, additionalArguments: string[] ) { // Process linting paths. let filePath = document.fileName; let args = []; args.push("-q"); if (standard !== "") { args.push("--standard=" + standard); } args.push(`--stdin-path=${filePath}`); args = args.concat(additionalArguments); args.push("-"); return args; } /** * run the fixer process * @param document */ private async format(document: TextDocument, fullDocument: boolean) { const workspaceFolder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(document.uri); if (!workspaceFolder) { return ""; } const resourceConf = this.config.resources[workspaceFolder.index]; if (document.languageId !== "php") { return ""; } if (resourceConf.fixerEnable === false) { window.showInformationMessage( "Fixer is disable for this workspace or PHPCBF was not found for this workspace." ); return ""; } this.logger.time("Fixer"); const additionalArguments = resourceConf.fixerArguments.filter( (arg) => { if ( arg.indexOf("--standard") === -1 && arg.indexOf("--stdin-path") === -1 && arg !== "-q" && arg !== "-" ) { return true; } return false; } ); // setup and spawn fixer process const standard = await new StandardsPathResolver( document, resourceConf, this.logger ).resolve(); const lintArgs = this.getArgs(document, standard, additionalArguments); let fileText = document.getText(); const options: SpawnSyncOptions = { cwd: resourceConf.workspaceRoot !== null ? resourceConf.workspaceRoot : undefined, env: process.env, encoding: "utf8", input: fileText, }; this.logger.logInfo( "FIXER COMMAND: " + resourceConf.executablePathCBF + " " + lintArgs.join(" ") ); const fixer = spawn.sync( resourceConf.executablePathCBF, lintArgs, options ); const stdout = fixer.stdout.toString().trim(); let fixed = stdout + "\n"; let errors: { [key: number]: string } = { 3: "FIXER: A general script execution error occurred.", 16: "FIXER: Configuration error of the application.", 32: "FIXER: Configuration error of a Fixer.", 64: "FIXER: Exception raised within the application.", 255: "FIXER: A Fatal execution error occurred.", }; let error: string = ""; let result: string = ""; let message: string = "No fixable errors were found."; /** * fixer exit codes: * Exit code 0 is used to indicate that no fixable errors were found, so nothing was fixed * Exit code 1 is used to indicate that all fixable errors were fixed correctly * Exit code 2 is used to indicate that FIXER failed to fix some of the fixable errors it found * Exit code 3 is used for general script execution errors */ switch (fixer.status) { case null: { // deal with some special case errors error = "A General Execution error occurred."; if (fixer.error === undefined) { break; } const execError: ConsoleError = fixer.error; if (execError.code === "ETIMEDOUT") { error = "FIXER: Formatting the document timed out."; } if (execError.code === "ENOENT") { error = "FIXER: " + execError.message + ". executablePath not found."; } break; } case 0: { if (this.config.debug) { window.showInformationMessage(message); } break; } case 1: { if (fixed.length > 0 && fixed !== fileText) { result = fixed; message = "All fixable errors were fixed correctly."; } if (this.config.debug) { window.showInformationMessage(message); } break; } case 2: { if (fixed.length > 0 && fixed !== fileText) { result = fixed; message = "FIXER failed to fix some of the fixable errors."; } if (this.config.debug) { window.showInformationMessage(message); } break; } default: error = errors[fixer.status]; this.logger.logError(fixed); } this.logger.timeEnd("Fixer"); if (error !== "") { return Promise.reject(error); } return result; } /** * Get the document range * @param document TextDocument * @returns Range */ private documentFullRange = (document: TextDocument) => new Range( new Position(0, 0), document.lineAt(document.lineCount - 1).range.end ); /** * * @param range Range * @param document TextDocument * @returns boolean */ private isFullDocumentRange = (range: Range, document: TextDocument) => range.isEqual(this.documentFullRange(document)); /** * Setup wrapper to format for extension * @param document */ public registerDocumentProvider( document: TextDocument, range: Range ): ProviderResult<TextEdit[]> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fullRange = this.documentFullRange(document); const isFullDocument = this.isFullDocumentRange(range, document); this.format(document, isFullDocument) .then((text) => { if (text.length > 0) { resolve([new TextEdit(fullRange, text)]); } throw new Error("PHPCBF returned an empty document"); }) .catch((err) => { window.showErrorMessage(err); reject(); }); }); } }